中国房地产市场经过十多年的发展,取得的成绩令人瞩目,房地产业已成为 国民经济的重要支柱和增长点,在一片繁荣的背后也带来不容回避的种种问题。 2011年,在被称为史上最严厉的调控政策下,全国房地产市场已经逐渐趋于平 稳,国家统计局2012年1月17日发布的最新数据显示,2011年,无论是房地 产投资还是销售增幅同比均有较大回落,2011年12月份的国房景气指数更是创 下了近28个月以来的新低,相关人士普遍认为,2012年,在国际大环境和国内 经济不确定性增加以及中央坚持房地产调控不放松的形势下,房地产市场将继续 深度调整,房地产企业必将面临更大的挑战。 现阶段房地产大环境的变化使得企业的投资风险进一步加大,从不断流拍的 几起地宗可以明显感到幵发商对房地产市场的预期愈加谨慎。因此,一份科学、 务实、可操作的商业计划书就显得尤其重要。 为此,本文立足目前中国房地产发展的大环境,结合甘肃新厦安馨家园双限 房项目商业策划这一课题,对房地产开发策划过程中的重点内容和操作流程进行 了阐述。本文从房地产市场的内涵和特征、双限房的基本概念、甘肃新厦安馨家 园双限房项目概况、项目的市场环境分析、项目整体目标定位、项目的进度管理、 风险管理、结论,分八个章节进行了详细地阐述分析,并通过对兰州市欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状 分析、国家房地产政策分析、市场环境的SWOT分析和项目投资分析研究构建了 甘肃新厦安馨家园双限房项目策划书的基本框架。同时,对项目的营销定位、目 标市场的特征分析、项目方案设计定位、项目的财务成本分析进行了重点阐述, 力求使商业策划书对新厦公司房地产开发真正起到指导作用,并达到开发的效 果。本文力求通过对兰州市房地产开发市场的调查和研究,对现阶段兰州房地产 市场实际情况和营销状况的分析,从客户需求、市场定位、小区规划、户型设计、 物业管理、市场推广等诸多方面,全方位分类进行了详细地商业策划,改变了以 往只注重市场推广而忽略客户需求和投资成本管理的营销方法,旨在通过新厦房 地产公司对商业策划书的实际操作,使理论与实践相互结合印证并对新厦房地产 公司的房地产幵发起到一定的指导作用,以使新厦房地产公司取得良好的社会美 誉和经济效益。 最后通过对国家和兰州市房地产政策的分析,对兰州房地产市场的调查和研 究,结合风险管理分析得出结论:总体而言,本项目的商业策划书是具有很强的 实际操作性和执行性,必将会成功指导本项目的成功幵发,从而达到幵发商开发 该项目的目的。 关键词:房地产项目,双限房,市场环境,方案,营销,进度,风险 EMAB学位报告 作者:束水龙 It肃新厦安猓家闶双限房项tl商业计划书 Abstract The development of real estate market in China has achieved spectacular achievements in the past two decades, and the real estate becomes a significant growth point in national economic development, but it has also brought many problems which can't be avoided. After the strategies of regulation and control published in 2011, which was most severe in history, the real estate became in a state of depression. In 17th Jan of 2011, the Statistics Department released latest data showed that prices of both investment and selling had a great rise and fall, then in December, through these 28 months, the prosperity index of real estate market created a new all-time low. What's more, the insiders and experts all broadly accept that the adjustments for the real estate will be continued and real estate will also have a great challenge in 2012, obviously, with the uncertainty increasing in foreign and domestic economics,and it was under the state that the Central Department's persistent adjustment for real estate. At present, with the great change of real estate, the investment risk of enterprise becoming more indetermination, because it was cleared from more recent lands' auctions, we felt what the developer's overview for market was, and they became more earful on investment at now. Therefore, a Business Plan which is scientific, pragmatic and maneuverable is important for researching the real estate. According the above, this paper is based on the huge environment of Chinese real estate's recent development, connected with the topic of the business plan related to double limit room of Anxin estate housing built by Xinxia company in Gansu province. Furthermore, the paper also analyzed the important content and operational program which are during in the progress of real estate market development and marketing strategy. The paper was introduced by eight chapters to analyzed, they are connotations and characteristics of real estate market, the conceptual framework of double limited room, the description of AnXin estate housing, the analyze between market environment of this project, the overall goal location of project, schedule management on the project, the risk management and inclusion, and the basic framework of this commercial plan was according by the analyses of present statue in Lanzhou, National Real Estate Policy,SWOT and investments. Meanwhile, it focused on location of marketing and designing of program, even analyzed the characteristic of goal market and financial costs of project, this commercial plan strived to guide the develop and success of Xinxia Real Estate Development Company. Then the paper introduced the change that we should pay attention on the customs' needs, not only just focused on the market expansion, and it also illustrated some II EMAB学位报告 作者:束水龙 甘肃新厦安馨家园双限房项目商业计划书 management of invest costs, which were according by the investigation of market for real estate development in Lanzhou, and the analysis of real estate market's present selling status, tiie paper was studied that we should be considered firom the customer needs, maricet positioning, planning, design, property management, marketing and other aspects. In a word, after act and operated this business plan, Xinxia real estate company would be connected the theory and practice perfectly, and it would make the company obtain the good social reputation and economic benefits, therefore, these facts will confirmed that the plan has a guiding role for the company. At last, we concluded that there were very strong practical operation and implementation where from this project business plan, which the plan would be guiding the development of project successfully, in order to achieve the purpose of the project developed by those developers. All of these were according to the analyses of the state and Lanzhou Real Estate Policy, the investigation and research on Lanzhou real estate market, and connected with the analysis of the risk management. Key words: Red estate project, double limit house,market environment, plan, sale, plan, risk. in EMAB学位报告 作者:束水龙 甘肃新厦安馨家园双限房项目商业计划书 目录 Bif m 1 一、房地产市场的内涵和特征 3 (一〉房地产市场的基本概念 : : 3 (二〉房地产市场的现状及发展 4 二、双限房的基本概念 6 (-)双限房的基本定义 6 (二) “双限房”政策对房地产市场的影响 6 三、项目概况 8 (一)项目研究的背景 8 (二)项目的总体构思 9 四、安馨家园项目的市场环境分析 11 (一)兰州市房地产项目现状分析 11 (二)国家房地产政策分析 12 (三〉安馨家园项目STOT分析 16 (四)项目的投资分析 19 五、安馨家园项目整体目标定位 21 (一〉新形势下项目市场营销定位 21 (二)目标市场的特征分析及定位 25 (三)安馨家园项目方案设计定位 27 (四)项目的财务成本分析 33 六、安馨家园项目的进度管理 35 (一)项目进度计划 35 (二)项目进度管理体系 38 七、安馨家园项目的风险管理 39 (一)项目风险分析 39 (二)项目风险防范 41 八、结论 44 IV EMAB学位报告 作者:束水龙 甘肃新厦安罄家园双限房项目商业计划书