本文通过市场调研,理解了电子产品批发商的需求与互联网金融 P2P 的法规政策, 通过爱投仓行,在这两方面做一个很好的融合。 调研的结果与结论,首先是资金需求:电子产品具有客单价高,产品流动性快等特 点。所以批发商需要大量的资金来进货,进货量直接跟进货成本挂钩,进的越多成本越 低,同时可以获取高额的厂家返点。进货需要租用库房,并雇佣物流人员通过物流公司 发货,在库房跟物流两端付出较高的成本。 其次是中关村的库房成本,中关村的库房成本很高,每平米每天的库房成本在 2 元 到 3 元。因为货物流通快速,使得企业自己租用的库房使用率偏低,造成一定程度上的 浪费。爱投仓行自建或租用中央库房用来囤积批发商的货物,通过中央库房,企业的库 房成本至少节约 50%以上。再者是中关村的物流及成本,中关村企业利润率比较低,货 物流通都是通过所谓的“专线”物流,简单讲就是小规模的物流公司,点对点的专线货 车。虽然节省了成本,但风险很高,如丢货、损坏等等。公司已于多家核心物流企业达 成协议,通过规模效应帮助企业节省成本。 最后,本文的商业模式顺利实现落地。北京爱投网络科技有限公司公司成立于 2014 年 10 月,注册地点为北京海淀区中关村 SOHO,注册资金 2 亿元。客户通过库房物流管 理系统,实现了实时查看库存,在线下单发货等功能,公司自建中关村区域最后一公里 物流派送队伍,大大提高了其管理效率。当企业在运营过程中出现资金短缺的问题时, 可以通过仓单质押,经过专业团队对货物进行准确价值评估,并签订仓单质押合同,批 发商获得贷款额度,在贷款额度范围内借款,贷款期限灵活。线下资金规模已达每年 2 亿多元。合作商户数十家,仓库、物流的运作流程已顺利搭建,赢得了合作商户的一致 认可。我们的将仓行定义为通过仓储、物流服务提供的供应链金融服务的新欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。成为 服务于全国电子产品、家用电器、办公用品、服装箱包、家具家装、食品饮料、汽车等 各类型消费品批发市场的综合性互联网金融平台。在五年内,打造覆盖全国一二线城市 的仓储网络,网络投资人 20 万人,实现月均债权余额 100 亿元,年收入 20 亿元。 关键词:爱投仓行,电子产品,商业计划书II Ai Tou Cang Hang business plan Abstract Market research has been carried out to gain a deep understanding of the needs of electronic product wholesalers and the relevant regulations and policies on P2P Internet finance, so as to allow the good integration of these two dimensions through Atcanghang. This paper has obtained certain results and conclusions with regard to the financing demand, warehousing cost and logistics cost after the market research. Firstly, the financing demands. Electronic products are characterized by high retail price and strong product liquidity. Therefore, wholesalers are in need of substantive money to replenish stock, the quantity of which directly determines the purchasing cost. The greater the quantity is, the lower the cost will be; moreover, the wholesaler can also receive high rebates from manufacturers. The wholesaler also needs to lease a warehouse to keep the stock and hire logistics workers to ship the goods through logistics companies, thus incurring high warehousing and logistics costs. Secondly, the warehousing cost at Zhongguancun. The warehousing cost at Zhongguancun is particularly high, reaching RMB 2-3/㎡/day. Given the fast circulation of goods, the wholesalers cannot make full use of their warehouses. Atcanghang will build or lease a centralized warehouse to keep the goods of wholesalers, thus saving the warehousing cost by more than 50%. Thirdly, the logistics cost at Zhongguancun. The goods circulation at Zhongguancun is done by the so-called dedicated logistics, namely a small-sized logistics company operating point-to-point dedicated trucks. Although this model saves costs, it's accompanied by extremely high risks, such as lost or damaged goods. Atcanghang has concluded agreements with a good many leading logistics companies to help save the logistics cost through scale effect. Atcanghang business model as described herein has been put into operation smoothly. Beijing Aitou Network Technology Co., Ltd was established in October 2014, with registered office being Zhongguancun SOHO, Haidian District, Beijing and registered capital reaching RMB 200 million. Through the warehouse & logistics management system of Aitou, clients are able to check the stock in a real-time manner and deliver goods by placing online orders. By building the last-kilometer delivery team covering the whole Zhongguancun, Atcanghang has significantly improved the management efficiency. When clients encounter capital shortage during the operations, they can pledge the warehouse receipt (with a professional team to assess the precise worth of goods) and sign the pledge contract to obtain a credit line,III within which the clients can borrow money at flexible length of maturity. The offline fund has reached RMB 200 million per year. We are now cooperating with dozens of merchants and the corresponding warehousing and logistics operating procedures have been running smoothly and gained unanimous recognition from merchants. Our vision is to create a new industry (Canghang) providing supply chain financial services through the provision of warehousing and logistics services, and become a comprehensive Internet-based financing platform serving nationwide wholesale markets of electronic products, household appliances, office supplies, garments/cases/bags, furniture/home decorations, food & beverage, automobile and other consumer goods. It has planned to build a warehousing network covering tier-1 and tier-2 cities and recruit 200,000 online investors within five years, with average monthly balance of creditor' rights reaching RMB 10 billion and yearly income hitting RMB 2 billion. Keywords: Atcanghang, electronic products, Business PlanIV 目录 中文摘要.................................................................I Abstract ................................................................II 第一章 绪论..............................................................1 1.1 选题背景 ...................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 P2B 概念.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1.2 P2B 网贷的合法性.............................................................................................. 2 1.2 研究意义和目的 .......................................................................................................... 5 1.2.1 P2B 借贷与普惠金融.......................................................................................... 5 1.2.2 P2B 借贷与平民理财.......................................................................................... 6 1.2.3 P2B 借贷与金融创新.......................................................................................... 7 1.2.4 P2B 借贷与多层次资本市场建设...................................................................... 7 1.2.5 P2B 借贷与利率市场化...................................................................................... 7 1.3 本文研究方法 .............................................................................................................. 8 1.3.1 市场调研 ............................................................................................................ 8 1.3.2 定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法 ................................................................ 8 1.3.3 文献分析法 ........................................................................................................ 8 第二章 公司简介..........................................................9 2.1 公司简介 ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 组织架构 ...................................................................................................................... 9 第三章 市场调研及竞争分析 ...............................................11 3.1 中关村电子市场企业现状描述 ................................................................................ 11 3.1.1 资金 .................................................................................................................. 11 3.1.2 库房 ...................................