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除湿 溶液


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- I - 摘要 为解决溶液除湿技术的空气带液问题,提出一种将送风与溶液喷淋分开的溶 液除湿器间歇运行方法。分析溶液除湿器间歇运行防带液机理,实验测试溶液除 湿器间歇运行的除湿性能,建立溶液除湿器间歇运行的传热传质过程数值模型, 模拟分析溶液除湿器间歇运行系统设计参数和运行参数对除湿性能的影响,并对 不同送风制度的运行效果进行仿真。具体展开以下研究: 首先,从液体夹带现象的形成机理和主要影响因素着手,分析溶液除湿器间 歇运行方法的防带液机理,并基于间歇式运行的特点设计两种间歇式溶液除湿系 统。分析表明:溶液除湿器间歇运行方法能够杜绝液沫的生成,防止液体夹带现 象。 其次,实验分析溶液温度、空气流量、溶液浓度、溶液种类等因素对除湿性 能的影响。结果表明:随着溶液温度和空气流量的减小,除湿率、总除湿量和有 效除湿时间均呈现逐渐增长趋势;溶液温度应控制在 13 ~16 ℃之间。随着溶液 浓度的增加,除湿率、总除湿量和有效除湿时间均呈现逐渐上升趋势;溴化锂溶 液的浓度应控制在 37%~45%之间。 而后,基于溶液除湿器间歇式运行特点建立一维非稳态数值模型,模拟分析 填料持液量、填料高度、传质系数、空气入口参数等因素对除湿性能的影响。结 果表明:随着填料持液量和填料高度的增加,除湿速率、除湿效率、除湿量、有 效除湿时间等参数呈增大趋势;填料静持液量应控制在4.575 ~6.100 kg/kg之间; 填料高度应控制在 0.45 ~0.75 m 之间;传质系数对其除湿性能影响较小。溶液除 湿器间歇运行方法更适合处理低温高湿状态(20 ℃、RH95%)的空气。 最后,为保障间歇式除湿器能持续、稳定的送风,提出溶液除湿间歇运行组 合送风制度,仿真分析不同送风制度对单体除湿器和组合送风系统除湿性能的影 响。结果表明:并联交错送风制度的单体喷淋周期为 86 s,送风周期为 172 s; 其组合送风系统的出口空气含湿量在 6.65 ~8.34 g/kg 之间波动,是最优的送风制 度方案。 关键词:溶液除湿;间歇运行;液体夹带;除湿性能;可行性Abstract - I - Abstract In order to solve the problem of liquid entrainment in liquid desiccant technology,a method of intermittent operation of liquid desiccant dehumidifier which separates air supply from solution spray is presented in this paper. The mechanism of intermittent operation of dehumidifier is analyzed; and the desiccant performance of liquid desiccant dehumidifier in intermittent operation is tested; and the numerical model of heat and mass transfer process for intermittent operation of liquid desiccant dehumidifier is established; and the influence of design parameters and operation parameters on desiccant performance of liquid desiccant dehumidifier intermittent operation system is analyzed; and the simulation results of different air supply systems are also given. The following studies are carried out in this paper: Firstly, the mechanism of liquid entrainment and its main influencing factors are studied to analyze the liquid entrainment mechanism of intermittent liquid desiccant, and two kinds of intermittent liquid desiccant systems are designed on the characteristics of intermittent operation method. The analysis shows that the intermittent operation method of liquid desiccant dehumidifier can prevent liquid foam generated and eradicate liquid entrainment. Secondly, the effects of solution temperature, air flow rate, concentration and type of solution on the dehumidification performance are analyzed. The results shows that with the decrease of solution temperature and air flow rate, and the dehumidification rate, the total dehumidification amount and effective dehumidification time all showed a gradually increasing trend. The temperature of solution should be controlled between 13 ℃ and 16 ℃. With the increase of solution concentration, the dehumidification rate, total dehumidification amount and effective dehumidification time all showed a gradually increasing trend. The concentration of lithium bromide solution should be controlled between 37% and 45%. Then, based on the characteristics of intermittent operation mode of liquid desiccant dehumidifier, and a one-dimensional unsteady numerical model of intermittent dehumidifier is established, and the effects of static desiccant solution quality, packing height, mass transfer coefficient and air inlet parameters onAbstract - II - dehumidification performance are analyzed. The results shows that with the increase of liquid holding capacity and packing height, dehumidification rate, dehumidification efficiency, dehumidification amount and effective dehumidification time all showed increasing trend. The static desiccant solution quality should be controlled between 4.575 kg/kg and 6.100 kg/kg, and the packing height should be controlled between 0.45 m and 0.75 m. The mass transfer coefficient has little effect on its dehumidification performance. Liquid desiccant dehumidifier intermittent operation method is more suitable for the high wet state of low temperature (20 ℃, RH95%) of air treatment. Finally, the combined air supply system of intermittent liquid desiccant is proposed to ensure the continuous and stable air supply of the intermittent dehumidifier, and the effects of different air supply systems on the single dehumidifier and combined dehumidification system are analyzed. The results shows that parallel staggered air supply system is the best air supply system, and the spray cycle of single dehumidifier is 86 s , the air supply cycle is 172 s. The outlet air moisture content of the combined air supply system is between 6.65 g/kg and 8.34 g/kg. Keywords: Liquid desiccant; Intermittent operation; Liquid entrainment; Dehumidification performance; Feasibility目 录 - i - 目 录 摘要·················································································································I ABSTRACT ·········································································································I 目 录·················································································································I 第一章. 绪论 ·······································································································1 1.1. 研究背景 ···································································································1 1.1.1. 建筑能耗现状 ·······················································································1 1.1.2. 除湿需求现状 ·······················································································2 1.1.3. 除湿技术现状 ·······················································································2 1.2. 文献研究综述 ·····························································································3 1.2.1. 热湿交换特性研究 ·················································································3 1.2.2. 除湿器芯体研究 ····················································································5 1.2.3. 对空气品质作用研究···············································································7 1.2.4. 文献研究总结 ·········································································

版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135
