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民以食为天,菜篮子是很重要的民生项目。作为一个特大消费型城市,北京市的城 市配送是满足生产和生活上物资需求的重要经济活动,因此提高城市配送的效率意义重 大。正品万家公司通过致力于打造农副产品从源产地到百姓餐桌的一站式大流通平台, 做到源产地(生产)—公司(提供仓储物流、代经销对接通道服务)—居民(消费)的 直接无缝对接,实现中间环节的最小通道化,在确保农副产品质量的同时,提升物流周 转效率,让农产品从基地直通市民手中的菜篮子,打通农产品销售“最后一公里”。按 照 15 分钟覆盖半径及人口密度布局社区网点,并以布点为依托对每个小区业主开展短 途配送服务。 食品安全与百姓的健康息息相关。正品万家通过与中国农垦、中国绿色食品协会等 单位的分工合作,强强联合,将农垦基地、绿色食品协会会员单位生产、检测认定的优 质农副产品通过电力机车直达北京各铁路货运场,再通过新能源物流车配送至各社区, 减少中间环节,真正做到从生产到物流配送乃至最终消费环节的全程绿色环保,打造农 副产品流通新模式,为和谐宜居之都建设添砖加瓦。 为确保产品保质保量送达,形成完整的农副产品物流运输配送网络体系。采用“互 联网+社区”的 O2O 模式,开发手机端社区直通车网上订购平台,将传统农业与电子商 务相结合,利用社区直通车实体配送优势实现线上线下同步营销,开启消费者线上选购、 交易,线下直通车送货上门的全新运营模式,满足消费者足不出户就能买到优质商品、 享受便捷服务的需求。 生鲜电商平台通过菜篮子社区直通车和社区便利店做到线上线下打通,亦可大幅提 升配送效率和客户体验。配送员能在社区附近门店或直通车就近提货和配送,提升了用 户体验;通过“前置仓+分布式库存”的方式使得配送效率大大提高,成本也大幅降低。 “双电物流菜篮子电商平台”兼具解决居家养老、菜篮子、空气治理、缓解交通压 力、纾解低端人口的功能。只要统筹规划好,通过市场化机制、O2O 的信息化手段做好 工程配套所需的上游生鲜农副产品的源头供应、仓储物流配送中心建设和终端菜篮子电 动物流配送车的规范运营等问题,就可做到可溯源、无污染、规模化、高效率的统购、 统配、统销,真正服务于社会民生,大大提升首都百姓生活幸福指数。 关键词,新能源物流车,城市物流配送,菜篮子,互联网+,社区 O2OII A business plan about double electric logistics vegetable basket project E-commerce platform Abstract Hunger breeds discontentment, Vegetable basket is a very importment Livelihood project.beijing as a mega consumption city, Urban distribution is an important economic activity to meet the needs of production and daily necessities, It is of great significance to improve the efficiency of urban distribution as much as possible. Zhengpinwanjia are committed to creating a one-stop large circulation platform bringing about The realization of agricultural and sideline products from the source area to the people's table. Achieve source (production) - the company (providing warehousing logistics, Distribution Agency docking channel service) - residents (consumption) of the direct seamless docking. Minimum access to intermediate links. While ensuring the quality of agricultural and sideline products, improve logistics turnover efficiency, Make agricultural products directly from the base to the public’s basket. pen up the last mile of agricultural product sales .According to 15 minutes radius and population density layout of community outlets, and to point based, for each district owners to carry out short distance distribution services. Food safety is closely related to the health of the people, Zhengpinwanjia through the division of labor with China Agricultural Reclamation and China Green Food Association, megamerger, The farm produce base and the high quality agricultural and sideline products produced by the member of the green farming association and the member of the Green Food Association will be delivered to the railway freight yard in Beijing by electric locomotive, The new energy vehicle logistics distribution to the community, to reduce intermediate links, truly green process from production to distribution and final consumption, create a new model of agricultural products circulation, for building harmonious livable all building blocks. To ensure product quality and quantity delivery, the formation of complete agricultural and sideline products logistics, transportation and distribution network system. The Internet plus community O2O model, the development of mobile phone terminal community train online ordering platform, the traditional agriculture and e-commerce combined with the community through the advantage of physical distribution to synchronize online and offline marketing, open the consumer online purchase, the transaction, a new mode of operation ofIII the line train door-to-door, meet consumers' homes you can buy high-quality goods, enjoy the convenience of the service demand. Fresh electronic business platform through the community food basket direct train and community convenience stores, so that online and offline to get through, and significantly improve the delivery efficiency and customer experience. Delivery staff through nearby communities near the store or through the car pick up and delivery, to enhance the user experience. Through the pre warehouse + distributed inventory model, the delivery efficiency has been greatly improved, and the cost has been greatly reduced. Double power logistics food basket electronic business platform both solve home care, food basket, air governance, ease traffic pressure, relieve the low-end population function. As long as the overall planning, through the market mechanism, O2O information technology project matching the required upstream of the fresh agricultural supply source, warehousing logistics distribution center construction and terminal basket electric logistic vehicles and regulate the operation and other issues, to achieve traceability, no pollution, high efficiency, scale, purchase and allocation and sale of real service to the community people's livelihood, greatly enhance the capital people happiness index. Key words: new energy logistics vehicle, Urban logistics distribution, Vegetable basket ,Internet +, Community O2OIV 目录 中文摘要 ................................................................ I Abstract ............................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 .......................................................... 1 1.1.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景..................................................... 1 1.1.2 应用背景..................................................... 2 1.1.3 市场背景..................................................... 2 1.1.4 政策背景..................................................... 3 1.2 研究意义 .......................................................... 3 1.2.1 对解决民生所需和落实农业供给侧改革的示范作用................. 4 1.2.2 对生鲜电商发展的指导意义..................................... 4 1.2.3 绿色物流、共同配送理论的示范样板............................. 5 1.3 研究内容及方法 .................................................... 5 1.3.1 研究内容..................................................... 5 1.3.2 研究方法..................................................... 6 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 ............................................... 8 2.1 相关概念 .......................................................... 8 2.2 理论基础 .......................................................... 8 2.2.1 绿色物流(Environmental logistics)理论...................... 8 2.2.2 共同配送(Common delivery)理论............................... 11 第三章 项目概要 ........................................................ 13 3.1 项目概要 ......................................................... 13 3.1.1 实践基础.................................................... 13 3.1.2 地域优势.................................................... 13 3.1.3 项目实现流程................................................ 14 3.1.4 项目的核心价值.............................................. 15 3.1.5 项目优势分析................................................ 15 3.1.6 项目价值评估................................................ 17 3.1.7 项目前景展望................................................ 17 3.2 服务平台设计 ..............................

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