II M. Eng. Dissertation of Chongqing University Research on the Feasibility of Liangping to Changshou Expressway Project M.D. Candidate:Liu Guizhong Supervisor: Prof. Tangju Pluralistic Supervisor:Prof. Renchao Major: Industrial Engineering College of Electric Engineering Chongqing University April, 2005重庆大学硕士学位报告 中文摘要 I 摘要 高速公路是投资大、贷款比例高、工期长、投资回收期长、对社会和环境影 响很大的基本建设项目。开展高速公路建设项目的可行性研究,对保证高速公路 的顺利建成、运营和投资回收,以及实现促进经济发展的目的都有十分重要的价 值。本文以国道主干线公路上海至成都的部分路段,即梁平至长寿高速公路建设 项目为研究对象,从技术、经济、环保、社会等不同的方面对其进行可行性研究。 本文首先分析和介绍了国内外高速公路建设及其项目管理的现状,以及高速 公路项目管理和可行性研究的相关理论。目前,我国高速公路项目可行性研究存 在的不足主要表现在:建设规模和技术等级的确定不准确,方案论证及比选不深 入和不严密,经济分析与评价欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司不足,评估的可信度不高,可行性研究的工作 方法不当等。 然后,对高速公路项目进行了简单的介绍,分析了该项目建设的重要意义。 接着,对梁平至长寿高速公路项目的建设进行了可行性研究分析。从运输量和交 通量来看,梁平至长寿高速公路项目影响范围较广,运输量和交通量未来的增长 较快,项目影响地区的社会经济和交通运输关系密切。梁平至长寿高速公路沿线 的自然条件、筑路材料和社会环境等基本上符合高速公路建设的需求。由于渝巫 路(省道重庆至巫山公路)以北方案不能充分发挥本项目的干线公路网的作用, 因此本项目的两个大方案,即北线方案和南线方案,均在渝巫路以南。 通过综合比较,北线各项指标均优于南线,故本文推荐北线方案。本文以南 线方案为比较方案,对推荐方案(北线)做经济评价。经济评价结果表明,本文 推荐方案的国民经济效益显著,各项评价指标良好,并具有一定的抗风险能力; 从财务分析看,推荐方案各项评价指标较好,具有较强的抗风险能力,同时有较 好的偿还贷款能力。本项目按国外贷款方式进行估算,资金从日本政府贷款、交 通部补助、重庆市自筹三个渠道解决。 梁平至长寿高速公路的建设对社会和自然环境有一定负面影响,但通过在高 速公路设计、施工、公路运行、照明等方面采取相应的环保措施,可以尽量缓解 对环境的影响。 关键词:可行性研究,高速公路,项目管理重庆大学硕士学位报告 中文摘要 II重庆大学硕士学位报告 英文摘要 III ABSTRACT The expressway project is this kind of infrastructure one that it has the heavy investment,the high proportion loan,the long project time,the long payback period of investment , and the tremendous influence on the society and environment. The feasibility research of the expressway construction project has the important value to guarantee the building up smoothly,the operation and the investment payment of the expressway,and to realize the economy development purpose. The research object of this paper is the expressway construction project of the expressway from Changshou to Liangping in Sichuan. The expressway belongs to the national highway from Shanghai to Chengdu. This paper carries on the feasibility research from different respects,such as technology,economy,environmental protection,society,etc. This paper analyses and introduces the current situation of the domestic and international construction and project management of the expressway at first, and the relevant theories of the expressway project management and feasibility research. At present, the deficiency existing in the expressway project feasibility research of our country shows mainly: the inaccurate sureness of the construction scale and industrial grade, the scheme not proved and selected deeply and tightly, the insufficient economic analysis and appraised materials, the incredibility assessment, the improper work method of the feasibility research, etc.. Then, it introduces the expressway project from Changshou to Liangping simply, and analyses the important meaning of this project construction. The paper makes research on the construction feasibility of the expressway project from Changshou to Liangping. According to the traffic volume, the expressway project has the relatively wide coverage influenced, the growth of traffic volume in the future is very fast, it is in close relation with the transportation and the social economy in the area influenced. The natural conditions, materials and social environment accord with the demand for the expressway construction basically. Because the northern scheme (the provincial highway from Chongqing to Wushan) can't fully play the role of the arterial network of highways of this project with o two big schemes of this project, namely the scheme of north line and south line scheme, are planned to the south of Yuwu road. Through comparing synthetically, every index of the north line scheme is superior to the south line scheme, so this paper recommends the north line scheme. The paper重庆大学硕士学位报告 英文摘要 IV regards the south line scheme as the comparative scheme, does the economic evaluation of the recommended scheme (the north line). The economic evaluation result indicates, the national economic benefits of the recommended scheme are remarkable, every evaluation index is good, and the scheme has certain ability to resist risk. From financial affairs analyse watch, the recommend scheme has the better evaluation index, the stronger ability to resist risk, and the better credit repayment ability at the same time. The project is estimated by way according to the foreign loan. The capital come from the loan of Japanese government, the subsidize of Ministry of Communications, the supply of Chongqing. The expressway construction from Changshou to Liangping has sure to be negative influence on the society and natural environment, but can try one's best to alleviate the impact on environment through taking the corresponding environmental practice in such aspects as the expressway design, construct, the expressway operation, illumination. Keyword: Feasibility research, Expressway, Project management重庆大学硕士学位报告 目 录 V 目 录 中文摘要.....................................................................................................................................I 英文摘要...................................................................................................................................II 1 绪 论.................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 高速公路建设的意义 .......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 国内外高速公路建设现状 .................................................................................................. 3 1.3 本文研究的主要内容 .......................................................................................................... 4 2 高速公路建设项目可行性研究基本理论分析 .............................................. 6 2.1 高速公路项目特征 .............................................................................................................. 6 2.2 高速公路项目管理 .............................................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 项目和项目管理 .......................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 高速公路项目管理主要内容....................................................................................... 7 2.3 高速公路建设项目可行性研究 .......................................................................................... 8 2.3.1 高速公路建设项目可行性研究的影响因素............................................................. 10 2.3.2 规范高速公路项目可行性研究工作......................................................................... 10 2.4 本章小节 ............................................................................................................................ 11 3 梁平至长寿高速公路项目简介 ............................................................................ 12 3.1 项目背景介绍 ................................................................................................................