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酿造酱油是我国传统的调味品之一,酱油色素原材料取自发酵酱油,来源丰 富,具有褐色外观和浓郁的酱香味,加之酱油色素自身的抗氧化作用,可以说是 非常有潜力的天然黑色素和抗氧化剂资源,在食品、医药、保健等领域具有较好 的开发应用前景,无论是作为功能性食品还是作为新型食品防腐剂和抗氧化剂都 可以说是具有巨大的开发潜力。本文以厦门夏商淘化大同调味品有限公司提供的 发酵酱油为原料,无水乙醇和丙酮沉淀酱油色素沉淀法提取酱油色素,用 Sephadex G-50 凝胶层析对其进行纯化,并用冷冻干燥法得到固体的酱油色素。 通过对酱油色素氨基酸组成、紫外和红外光谱特征、酱油色素的溶解性、稳定性 及对[DPPH·]自由基和[·OH]自由基的清除能力、氧化还原能力等理化性质进行 研究。并基于笔者对酱油色素各项研究的基础上,通过对酱油色素生产的车间生 产布局、造价分析等方面进行研究,阐明酱油色素的产业化生产和推广的可行性。 在实验室过程中采用了类黑精提取与精制工艺,并通过乙醇与丙酮轮沉淀法 获取酱油色素沉淀。随后对影响酱油色素提取的若干因素进行了分析,最终确定 酱油色素提取工艺。随后进行了色素纯化、酱油色素成分分析、酱油色素光谱性 质、色素稳定性、安全性以及功能性分析等实验研究。实验结果表明,采用无水 乙醇作为酱油色素提取剂具有良好效果。通过酱油提取的酱油色素含有超过 17 种氨基酸,以及多种矿物质及糖类,营养价值极高。本研究还表明,酱油色素对 光照以及温度具有一定的敏感性,适于存放在阴凉通风处,因此本研究可以为今 后酱油色素投产以及存放管理提供了可参考性意见。在酱油色素安全性实验分析 中也发现酱油色素并未出现有毒报告,铅以及砷元素含量均在安全范围之内。 酱油色素源自发酵酱油,是一种非常具有开发潜力的天然黑色素。同时加之 酱油色素本身具有优秀的抗氧化性能,因此也可以作为一种抗氧化剂材料加以开 发。基于上述两种主要功能,酱油色素可以在食品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司以及医疗保健欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司获得良 好的开发应用前景。因此笔者在文章第三章进行了酱油色素生产及推广的可行性 研究。可行性研究报告结果表明,开发酱油色素具有良好的经济效益与社会效益, 为我国食用色素开发提供了极有价值的参考。 关键词 酱油色素,理化性质,产业化II STUDY ON THE EXTRACTION AND REFINING OF FERMENTED SOY PIGMENT AND ITS INDUSTRALIZATION FEASIBILITY Abstract Fermented soy sauce is one of the conventional flavoring condiments in China. Melanin for soy sauce has good development prospects. In this paper, melanin for soy sauce was extracted from the fermented soy sauce provided by Xiamen SeaShine Taohua Datong Flavoring Condiment Co., Ltd by using the method of precipitating soy sauce melanin with anhydrous alcohol and acetone. The obtained product was purified using Sephadex G-50 gel chromatography and solid soy sauce melanin was obtained by using freeze drying. Studies were carried out on amino acid compositions of the soy sauce melanin, ultraviolet and infrared spectrum characteristics, solubility and stability of soy sauce melanin as well as removal capabilities on[DPPH·] radicals and [·OH] radicals and oxidization & reduction capabilities. On the basis of past researches, the feasibility for industrialization and promotion of the soy sauce melanin was explained through researches on factory arrangement and cost analysis of production of soy sauce melanin. In the middle of this study, we adopt the techniques of black crystal extraction and process of refining, and through ethanol and acetone precipitation method to get the precipitation of soy sauce melanin. And then, several factors of affecting sauce melanin extraction were analyzed, ultimately we determined sauce melanin extraction process. In my research, I also did some critical experiments, such as purification of the melanin, analysis of melanin composition of soy sauce, spectral properties of melanins, melanin stability, experiments of safety and functional analysis. Experimental results show that the ethanol as extracting agent of soy sauce melanin shows that it achieves high performance. The soy sauce melanin containing more than 17 amino acids, having a variety of minerals and carbohydrates, so it with high nutritional value. The study also showed that soy melanin is sensitive to light and temperature, suitable for storing in a cool and well-ventilated place. So this study can provides a reference of going into commission in the future as well as storing management of the sauce melanin. And the most exciting thing is that the sauce melanin is not toxic to humans, and lead and arsenic content are in a safe range.III Melanin derived from fermented soy sauce, its raw materials readily available and rich. It is a very potential for development of natural melanin. Meanwhile soy melanin itself has excellent resistance to oxidation, so it can also be used as an anti- oxidant material. Based on above two main advantages, soy melanin would get a good development prospect potentiality in the food industry and the health care industry. Therefore, the author finally performed the feasibility study of sauce melanin production and marketing. Feasibility study results show that the development of soy sauce melanin with good economic benefit and social efficiency, and my research provides an extremely valuable reference for the development of China's food coloring. Keywords:soy sauce melanin; physicochemical property ; industrializationIV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ........................................................1 1.1 酱油发展历程及现状 ..........................................1 1.1.1 国内酱油酿造技术的现状 .................................1 1.1.2 国外酱油发展现状及趋势 .................................2 1.1.3 酱油色素的发展前景 .....................................3 1.2 酱油色素的生成机理及成分构成 ................................3 1.2.1 酱油色素的生成机理 .....................................3 1.2.2 酱油色素的成分构成 .....................................4 1.2.3 类黑精的性质 ...........................................4 1.3 酱油色素、类黑精的生理功能与安全性分析 ......................5 1.3.1 酱油色素、类黑精生理功能与比较 .........................5 1.3.2 类黑精、酱油色素安全性分析 .............................7 第二章 酱油色素的性质研究 ..........................................8 2.1 实验材料与方法 ..............................................8 2.1.1 实验材料与试剂 .........................................8 2.1.2 主要仪器设备 ...........................................8 2.1.3 实验方法 ...............................................9 2.2 结果与分析 .................................................12 2.2.1 酱油色素提取的影响因素分析 ............................12 2.2.2 酱油色素的成分分析 ....................................15 2.2.3 酱油色素的性质研究 ....................................17 2.2.4 酱油色素的功能性和卫生指标 ............................26 2.2.5 红外光谱和结构推测 ....................................28V 2.3 本章小结 ..............................................30 第三章 产业化生产和推广可行性 .....................................32 3.1 市场分析 ...................................................32 3.2 生产工艺规划 ...............................................33 3.2.1 加工车间规划 ..........................................33 3.2.2 生产工艺流程 ..........................................34 3.3 检测设备设施规划 ...........................................35 3.3.1 检验项目和检验报告表的设计 ............................35 3.3.2 检验室的设计 ..........................................36 3.4 人力资源管理方案 ...........................................37 3.5 财务数据的预测分析 .........................................37 3.5.1 固定资产投资预算 ......................................37 3.5.2 生产规模和总产量预算 ..................................38 3.5.3 总产值预算 ............................................38 3.5.4 经济效益初步分析 ......................................38 第四章 报告总结及研究展望 .........................................40 致 谢 .........................................................41

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