某制药企业的信息化建设迫在眉睫,对外要面对全球范围内的信息化大潮、日新月 异的现代生物工程技术、日益激烈的制药市场的竞争。对内要面对初期的信息化管理系 统的遗留弊端,各部门各自为政,信息无法及时有效的共享,导致“信息孤岛”的存在; 未从根本上解决生产、管理等环节的落后性,导致该企业资源浪费,市场竞争力无法提 升。ERP 在 1990 年被 Gartner Group 提出,它可以提供系统化的管理思想,在充分利用 计算机技术的基础上,有利于促进企业管理模式的更新升级,有利于推动企业各部门工 作效率的提升,有利于推动企业营收效益的取得,有利于推动企业优秀复合型人才的培 养,不仅能完成企业各部门资源利用效率的提升,更能全方位地提升企业核心竞争力。 本文在 ERP 基本理论的基础上,引入 ERP 需求分析和 ERP 系统实施应用,使某制药企 业应用了符合自身特点 ERP 系统,通过对 ERP 系统应用研究,总结出在我国其它制药 企业实施引用 ERP 系统的建议。 本文的研究方法分为三种方法。第一,文献分析法,回顾整理了 ERP 以及信息化 管理的中外文文献,将现有 ERP 系统在我国制药企业中的应用价值及取得的经验进行 比较分析,研究分析这些经验在该制药企业实施应用的借鉴意义;第二,调查研究法, 对某制药企业进行需求调研,了解该企业目前的信息化建设现状以及制药企业生产、销 售等环节的流程,以此为基础,设计出符合该企业特点的 ERP 系统相关功能模块及数 据库表;第三,实证分析法,该制药企业实施应用 ERP 系统后,通过企业在生产、经 营等环节的改变,来实证分析 ERP 系统是否取得较好的成果。 论文通过对该制药企业 ERP 系统应用进行分析,得出在信息化建设的大形势下我 国其它制药企业 ERP 应用实施的宝贵经验,具备可贵的推广价值:第一,推动制药企 业信息化建设,提高企业现代化管理水平,适应“走在前列”的目标定位;第二,提升 员工的 ERP 信息化能力,促使制药企业内决策科学化、数据化、规范化;第三,生产 符合市场需要的药品,及时应对市场需求,使企业在优势产品上的市场占有率稳步增长, 从而提升企业市场形象,不愧我国制药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司优势产品领军者的身份。 目前,某制药企业 ERP 项目一、二期已经顺利完成,ERP 系统的正常运行为某制 药企业成功实现了五大突破:第一,员工素质大幅度提升,具体体现在他们的责任心、 市场竞争意识、信息化能力不断提升;第二,企业各部门之间的信息充分共享,消除了山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 III “信息孤岛”;第三,企业的财务费用业务、物料采购业务、库存业务、生产业务、销 售业务流程更加规范化;第四,企业的库存费用降低、损耗降低、生产合格率上升,经 济利益随之提升;第五,收获良好的社会效益。该研究成果不但可以直接作用于制药企 业,同时也可以作为进一步提升制造业改造升级的重要手段。 关键词:制药企业,ERP,需求分析,系统实施山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 IV Application Research of ERP System in a Pharmaceutical Enterprise Lan Pengcheng (Business Management) Directed by Jiang Zhenjian ABSTRACT The informatization construction of a pharmaceutical enterprise is extremely urgent. Facing the informatization tide in the global scope, the ever-changing modern bioengineering technology and the increasingly fierce competition in the pharmaceutical market. Internally, it is necessary to face the drawbacks left by the initial information management system. Each department operates independently, and information cannot be Shared timely and effectively, resulting in the existence of information island. Failure to fundamentally solve the lag in production, management and other links leads to the waste of resources of the enterprise and the inability to improve its market competitiveness. ERP by Gartner Group in 1990, it can provide a systematic management thinking, on the basis of making full use of computer technology, to promote enterprise management mode of updates, will be conducive to the promotion enterprise's each department work efficiency, revenue will be conducive to the enterprises obtain better economic benefits, will be conducive to human training more talents, not only can finish the business departments to promote the efficiency of resource utilization, more can promote enterprise's core competence in all aspects. Based on the basic theory of ERP, this paper introduces the ERP design and ERP implementation. It is a large pharmaceutical enterprise that has applied the ERP system in line with its own characteristics. By studying the ERP system for medical use, this paper summarizes the Suggestions for Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises to implement the ERP system. The research methods in this paper are divided into three methods. First, literature analysis, reviewed and sorted out the literature of ERP and information management in Chinese and foreign languages, compared and analyzed the application value of the existing ERP system in Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises and the experience gained, and studied and analyzed the reference significance of these experiences in the implementation and application of the pharmaceutical enterprises. Secondly, the research method is to conduct demand research on a pharmaceutical enterprise to understand the current situation of山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 V informatization construction of the enterprise and the process of production and sales of the pharmaceutical enterprise. On this basis, relevant functional modules and database tables of ERP system are designed to meet the characteristics of the enterprise. Third, empirical analysis. After the implementation and application of the ERP system in the pharmaceutical enterprise, empirical analysis is made on whether the ERP system achieves good results through the changes in the production and operation of the enterprise. Paper through the analysis of the pharmaceutical enterprise ERP system application, it is concluded that in the great situation of informationization construction of our country and the experience of other pharmaceutical enterprise ERP project implementation, have valuable promotion value: first, push the pharmaceutical enterprise information construction, improve the level of modern enterprise management, to adapt to walk in the forefront of target; Second, improve the ERP information ability of employees, and promote the scientific, data-based and standardized decision-making in pharmaceutical enterprises; Third, the production of drugs in line with the needs of the market, timely respond to market demand, so that the enterprise in the market share of competitive products steadily increase, so as to improve the enterprise's market image, worthy of the status of China's pharmaceutical industry as the leader of competitive products Nowadays, the first and second phases of ERP project of a large pharmaceutical company have been successfully completed, and the normal operation of ERP system has achieved five breakthroughs. Second, information sharing among various departments of the enterprise eliminates the information island; Third, the enterprise's financial expense business, material procurement business, inventory business, production business, sales business process more standardized; Fourth, enterprises' inventory costs are reduced, loss is reduced, production qualification rate is increased, and economic benefits are increased accordingly; Fifth, we will reap good social benefits. The results of this study can not only be directly used in large pharmaceutical enterprises, but also be used as an important means to further upgrade the manufacturing industry. Key Words: The pharmaceutical enterprise, ERP, demand analysis, system implementation山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 VI 目录 摘要.........................................................................................................................II ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................IV 第 1 章 绪论.......................................................................................................- 1 - 1.1 研究背景与研究意义.................................................................................................. - 1 - 1.1.1 研究背景...............................................................................................................- 1 - 1.1.2 研究意义...............................................................................................................- 1 - 1.2 研究思路与创新点.....................