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武邮报刊配送中心是湖北省邮政书报刊发行有限公司下属的二级经营单位,主 要面向武汉市内 1200 余家社会报刊零售终端进行报刊要数征订、分发配送、收款结 算等工作。由于报刊零售欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场化程度较高,配送中心现行的传统邮政企业内部 薪酬体系模式已越来越难以适应企业和市场发展的需要,员工流失率不断加大,工 作效率不断降低。如何针对现行薪酬体系进行改进,使之与企业发展战略、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司运 营特点和当地市场实际情况相结合,成为配送中心当前亟需解决的现实问题。 本报告以武邮报刊配送中心薪酬体系改进为研究对象,首先从企业内外部环境 分析入手,通过对报刊配送市场和竞争对手的研究以及对武邮报刊配送中心组织架 构、人员结构、薪酬水平和薪酬结构等方面的剖析,找出现行薪酬体系存在的主要 问题;其次,在对问题及其原因进行分析的基础上,运用相关薪酬管理理论知识和 方法,结合武邮报刊配送中心管理人员、支撑人员及配送人员的不同特点,设计出 基于宽带薪酬模式和绩效模式相结合的改进方案;最后,在薪酬体系改进方案的推 行过程中,经过对实施重点和难点的分析,采取了分步实施、逐步推进的方法,并 对实施效果进行了跟踪和评估,提出改善建议。期望本文研究结论能为中国邮政企 业对于报刊配送业务的薪酬体系管理提供有实际意义的借鉴与启示。 关键词,薪酬体系 报刊配送 配送中心 改进方案 II Abstract Newspaper Distribution Center of Wuhan Post (NDCWP) is a secondary unit of Hubei postal Service & Newspaper Published Company. The business scope of NDCWP, which mainly face to more than 1200 social newspapers retail terminal in the city of Wuhan, contain the number of subscriptions, distribution and sending, collect and settlement, and so on. However, the existed traditional payment system mode of postal enterprises which adopted by NDCWP, has become more and more difficult to satisfy the needs of the enterprises and market development due to the higher degree of market-oriented newspapers retail industry. It caused continuously increase of staff turnover rates, and efficiency decreased continuously. As a result, how to improve it according to the current payment system mode that can satisfy the need of enterprise development strategies, operational characteristics of the industry, and the actual situation of local market, become the practical problems of NDCWP need to be solved urgently. The improvement of payment system mode of NDCWP is mainly researched in this paper. Firstly, with the analysis of internal and external environment, the main problems of current payment system are found through research of the newspaper distribution market and competitors, as well as the analysis of organizational structure, personnel structure, salary levels and salary structure, and other aspects of NDCWP. Secondly, on the basis of the analysis of the problems and their causes, the improvement scheme is designed which based on the combination of broadband pay mode and performance mode. And related theoretical knowledge and methods of compensation management are applied; the different characteristics of NDCWP’s staff for management, support and distribution, are also considered. Finally, in the process of implementation of the payment system improvement scheme, the keys and difficulties of implementation are analyzed by taking the methods of step-by-step and gradual promotion. Additionally, implementation effect is III tracked and assessed, and recommendations for improvement are also proposed. Hope that the conclusion of this article can provide a meaningful reference and inspiration for the salary management system of newspaper distribution business of postal enterprises in China. Key words: Payment system Newspapers distribution Distribution center Improvement scheme IV 目 录 摘要...............................................................................................................I Abstract...........................................................................................................II 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 ...............................................................................................(1) 1.2 研究目的与意义 ...................................................................................(2) 1.3 国内外相关研究综述 ...........................................................................(3) 1.4 报告框架与研究内容 ...........................................................................(4) 2 武邮报刊配送中心现行薪酬体系分析 2.1 武汉市报刊配送欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司概况及分析 .......................................................(6) 2.2 武邮报刊配送中心简介 .......................................................................(7) 2.3 武邮报刊配送中心现行薪酬体系结构 .............................................(10) 2.4 现行薪酬体系存在的主要问题及原因 .............................................(13) 3 武邮报刊配送中心薪酬体系改进方案设计 3.1 设计的总体思路与基本原则 .............................................................(16) 3.2 薪酬水平及结构的改进方案设计 .....................................................(18) 3.3 激励方案设计 .....................................................................................(25) 4 武邮报刊配送中心薪酬体系改进方案实施及评价 4.1 改进方案实施前准备工作 .................................................................(29) 4.2 改进方案的实施步骤与具体流程 .....................................................(33) 4.3 改进方案实施后的效果评估及改善建议 .........................................(36) 结束语..........................................................................................................(38) 致谢..........................................................................................................(39)

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