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Abstract Writing is not a single, simple and product-oriented process but a continuous process involving reflection, improvement, progress and achievements. However, to a great extent, influenced by the philosophy of examination-oriented education, final product is put more weight in the teaching practice while the development of writing skills is somehow neglected and ignored. The product-oriented approach that excessively focuses on the final product meets the requirement of the examination-oriented education. Hence, this approach to writing is so widespread and prevalent in teaching practice. This causes teachers and students neglect the writing process in which students can cultivate and strengthen their interests in English writing as well as their communicative competence that are both major objectives of college English teaching and a driving force that entails hard work on the side of students. On the basis of reviewing literature materials on teaching methodology, the author discovers that the process-oriented approach, as a teaching model, can make up for the deficiencies of the product-oriented approach on a large scale. The design of the research aims to test its reliability and validity in teaching practice. Specifically, this study addresses the following three questions: First, in teaching college English writing, why should we implement the process-oriented approachSecond, compared with the traditional writing approach, can process-oriented approach better improve students’ writing proficiencyThird, in teaching practice, how can teachers carry out the process-oriented approachSeventy freshmen, majoring in Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry of Liaoning Shihua University, were chosen as subjects in this empirical study. Two questionnaires, pre-test and post-test as well as three writing exercises were employed as instruments. The results of the questionnaires were presented in the form of percentage and the data of pre-test and post-test were processed by SPSS 19.0 and were presented under the help of independent sample t-test and paired sample t-test. The results of the experiment verify the author’s hypothesis: the process-oriented approach enhances students’ motivation and interest, raises their confidence and obviously changes their attitude toward writing. The teaching model (including leading students to understand the subject, modeling, brainstorming, drafting, peers’ evaluating, re-writing and teacher’s evaluating) is effective in promoting writing proficiency. II This research contains five chapters, and they uncover as follows. Chapter One briefly describes the background, aim and structure of the study. Chapter Two, through a comparison of the merits and demerits between product-oriented approach and process-oriented approach, puts forward the advocacy of the process-oriented writing approach and states the theoretical framework of the research. The third chapter makes a concrete description of the proposed research, including research questions, subjects, instruments and detailed procedures. In the fourth chapter, the data obtained and collected from the experiment are analyzed and interpreted and the results of the experiment work out. Chapter Five serves as the conclusion of the whole research. Based on the research results, the author summarizes the deficiency of the experiment, points out the limitations of the process-oriented approach and offers some tips for future teaching practice in teaching college English writing. Key words: process-oriented approach; product-oriented approach; college English writing teaching; writing proficiency III 摘要 写作不是一个单一的、简单指向某一结果的过程。它是一个包含着反思、改进、发 展、进步与各种成就的连续过程。但由于应试教育的影响,在大学英语教学实践中,往 往过多地强调写作成品,而忽视写作技能的培养。由于这种思维方式和强调结果的应试 教育不谋而合,结果教学法在大学英语教学中大行其道。学生和教师过度重视写作的结 果,即考试中取得高分,而忽略了写作的本身也是一种认识过程,并在创造过程中能培 养和强化学生的写作兴趣和交流能力,这种能力正是英语教学目标和学生英语学习的原 动力。 作者在阅读大量写作教学法文献的基础上,发现过程教学法的教学理念和教学模式 能够在很大程度上弥补结果教学法的不足和缺陷。本研究的目的,是通过实证研究方法 验证过程教学法在大学英语写作教学中的信度和效度,并回答三个问题, 一是在大学英语写作教学中,为什么要引入过程教学法, 二是同传统的结果写作法相比,应用过程教学法能否在教学实践中提高学生的写作 水平, 三是,如何在教学中具体实施过程教学法, 笔者以辽宁石油化工大学化学工程1105班和应用化学1106班的70名学生为研究对 象,使用了写作前测,后测及调查问卷等工具,对学习者在实验教学前后的英语写作状况 作了描述性的概括和讨论,并通过独立样本 t 检验和配对样本 t 检验对其测试前后的英 语写作水平做了统计分析,得出具体研究结论如下:过程写作教学法能够提高学生的写 作兴趣;同传统的结果写作法相比,以启发式构思-打草稿-学生相互评议–修改–教师 反馈为主的这一具体过程写作教学模式更能提高学生的写作水平。 本文共分为五部分。第一章介绍研究背景、目的和意义。第二章,阐述了实验的理 论基础和框架,并对结果教学法和过程教学法进行了整体的概括和深入的分析、对比, 结论是在大学英语写作教学中,过程教学法更值得推广。第三章介绍如何对应用两种教 学法而展开的实验。第四章则对前一章的实验数据进行详细统计、对比、分析和说明, 从而得出实验结果,过程教学法能够提高学生的写作水平,增强写作信心。第五章是全 文结论部分,依据实验结果,对此次研究进行了反思与总结,指出实验不足之处,提出 过程教学法本身的局限性以及对未来大学英语教学的启示及改进建议。 关键词,过程教学法;结果教学法;实验;大学英语写作教学;写作水平

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