I 摘要 BIM 技术已经在西方发达国家已经能够普遍应用,然而,在我国才开始成为工程建 设的热点问题。伴随着工程规模日益扩大,结构形式和类型的愈加复杂,特别是超大型 和超高层建筑的越来越多,使房地产开发企业都面临着巨大的投资和管理风险。为了能 够解决以上问题,在房地产开发建设中应用 BIM 技术已经是必然的趋势。 本文通过 SWOT 分析方法,分析 BIM 技术在 KT 集团应用的优劣势、机会和威胁, 明确出 BIM 技术有助于 KT 集团房地产开发建设,能够缩短工程建设,提高建筑品质, 节约成本,由于 BIM 技术在房地产开发业应用已经是一种趋势,所以为了在同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中 占有竞争优势,KT 集团一定要应用 BIM 技术。 由于 KT 集团作为以项目为导向的房地产开发企业,并且主导应用环境从施工阶段 开始,所以,KT 集团应用 BIM 的策略是先从单个项目试点开始实施 BIM 技术,然后 总结 BIM 技术的应用经验,在 KT 集团全面推广 BIM 技术。 本文系统地研究了 KT 集团应用 BIM 技术的可行性,在项目试点 BIM 技术可行性 分析中,详细研究出实施方案的技术准备、经济准备、配套方案,用类比分析法研究分 析了 KT 集团的软件投资,硬件投资,建模投资、咨询服务等投资估算。在效益评价方 面主要研究了 BIM 技术使进度提前的效益估计,使质量提高的效益估计,投资成本分 析,实施方案总效益估计,研究表明应用 BIM 技术能够使 KT 集团取得较大收益。 本文研究的结论表明,KT 集团有 BIM 应用的优势和面临机会,其应用策略应该是 先单个项目试点,然后逐步过渡到企业全面推行。从投资收益方面看,KT 集团在单个 项目上利用 BIM 技术的方案是可行的。 关键词:战略分析;应用价值;实施方案;经济效益分析Abstract II Abstract BIM technology has been in the western developed countries have been able to universal application, however, in our country began to become a hot issue in the engineering construction. With the increasing scale of engineering, structure form and type of more complex, especially, more and more super large and super high-rise buildings, so that real estate development enterprises are faced with tremendous investment and risk management. In order to solve the above problems, the application of BIM technology is the inevitable trend in the real estate development and construction. In this paper, through the SWOT analysis method, the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of BIM technology in the application of the KT group, the opportunities and threats, clear out the BIM technology helps to real estate development and construction of the KT group, which can shorten the project construction, improve construction quality, save the cost, since the BIM technology in the development of real estate industry application is a trend, so in order to competitive advantage in the same industry, KT group must be the application of BIM technology. Because the KT group as a project oriented real estate development enterprises, and the leading application environment start from the construction stage, so the application of BIM, KT group strategy is to start from a single project pilot implementation of BIM technology, and then summarize the application experience of BIM technology in the KT group, the comprehensive promotion of BIM technology. This paper systematically studied the feasibility of application of BIM technology in the KT group, in the analysis of the pilot project feasibility of BIM technology, a detailed study of preparation, implementation scheme of technical and economic preparation, matching scheme, method on the research and analysis of KT group's investments in software, hardware investment by analogy analysis, modeling, estimation of investment advisory services such as investment. Estimation on benefit evaluation of BIM technology is mainly researched in the ahead of schedule benefit, estimated that to improve the quality of benefit cost analysis, the implementation of the total benefit estimation scheme, studies show that the application of BIM technology can make the KT group obtained a larger income. The conclusions of this study showed that the KT group has the advantages of BIM applied and faces the opportunity and its application strategy should be the first single project pilot, and then gradually transition to the full implementation of enterprise. The proceeds from the investment perspective, KT group using BIM technology in a single project is feasible. Keywords: strategic analysis, application value, implementation plan, economic benefits analysis目 录 III 目 录 北京建筑大学硕士学位原创性声明 北京建筑大学硕士学位使用授权书 摘要........................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................II 第 1 章 绪 论............................................................................................... 1 1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 ............................................................................ 1 1.1.1 课题的研究背景 ............................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 课题研究目的 ................................................................................................ 2 1.1.3 课题研究意义 ................................................................................................ 2 1.2 国内外相关研究综述 ............................................................................................ 3 1.2.1 境外相关研究综述 ........................................................................................ 3 1.2.2 国内相关研究综述 ........................................................................................ 5 1.3 研究问题的提出 ................................................................................................... 7 1.4 研究方法和技术路线 ........................................................................................... 7 1.4.1 研究方法 ........................................................................................................ 7 1.4.2 技术路线 ........................................................................................................ 8 1.5 本文创新点 ........................................................................................................... 9 第 2 章 KT 集团 BIM 技术应用 SWOT 分析........................................... 10 2.1.KT 应用 BIM 技术的背景 .................................................................................. 10 2.2 KT 集团应用 BIM 的 SWOT 分析 ...................................................................... 14 2.2.1 KT 集团应用 BIM 技术的优势 .................................................................... 14 2.2.2 KT 集团应用 BIM 技术所面临的机会 ........................................................ 15 2.2.3 KT 集团应用 BIM 技术的劣势和威胁 ........................................................ 15 2.3 KT 集团实施 BIM 的策略................................................................................... 16 2.4 本章小结 ............................................................................................................. 16 第 3 章 KT 集团 BIM 技术应用实施方案................................................. 17 3.1 BIM 技术实施方案的意义 .................................................................................. 17 3.1.1 实施方案对项目的作用 ............................................................................... 17 3.1.2 实施方案对提高企业应用的作用 ................................................................ 17 3.2 技术准备方案...................................................................................................... 17 3.2.1 应用软件的选择 ........................................................................................... 17目 录 IV 3.2.2 软硬件平台应用方案 ................................................................................... 18 3.2.3 人员配置方案 ............................................................................................... 21 3.2.4 组织规划方案 .............................................................................................. 22 3.3 经济准备方案 ..........................................................................