HT 公司通过市场调研发现,中国装饰材料欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司规模超过 1 万亿,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中的制造商 及流通商规模普遍较小,市场集中度低,价格不透明,发展空间巨大。因此, HT 公司 拟借助大股东 HD 集团的供应商资源、资金实力及品牌优势,发起材料商城项目介入材 料销售领域。该项目初期投入资金拟通过向大股东股权融资的方式筹集,大股东在作投 资决策之前需了解项目的投资决策指标及风险状况。所以本文通过商业计划书的研究形 式向大股东介绍项目的投资规模、运作模式、项目投资风险及具体实施计划等,并于商 业计划书中将相关的投资决策指标进行测算,促进股东参与投资。 本文首先对项目的投资方、商业模式、核心竞争优势、发展前景进行了阐述;然后, 运用市场营销理论对 HT 公司材料商城项目进行市场细分,确定目标客户以及市场定位, 设计营销策略;接着,对项目的运营管理进行规划,论述具体的运营方案,并确定项目 的组织管理计划;最后,通过专业的财务管理理论知识针对该项目的投资回报率、财务 净现值等各项指标进行测算,根据测算的投资决策指标来评价项目是否值得投资,并采 用敏感因素分析法来评估该项目的投资风险,并制定出应对措施。 通过本商业计划书的研究分析可知,1、装修材料市场容量大,通过市场细分和目 标市场的选择,本项目市场定位在中高端装修材料销售,面向 30-50 岁之间的中高收入 群体,通过线上线下 020 的模式进行建材销售,市场前景广阔。2、通过对项目近十年 的净现金流进行估测,然后计算出这十年来项目的 NPV 数值是 4679.75 万元,投资回报 率为 18.42%,修正投资回报率为 14.44%,超过该项目 9.51%的必要报酬率,项目的经 济效益非常乐观,具有投资价值。3、通过敏感因素分析法对项目的进行量化分析可知, 项目在投资的过程中会有风险,但风险可控,可以采取加强销售管理来规避风险。 关键词,装修材料商城;项目投资;商业计划书II Abstract Through market research and analysis, HT group finds that the scale of China's building decoration material industry is more than 1 trillion yuan, and the scale of manufacturers and distributors in the industry is generally small, with low market concentration, opaque price and huge development space.Therefore, Therefore, HT intends to take advantage of the major shareholder HD Group's supplier resources, financial strength and brand advantages to launch a material mall project to intervene in the field of material sales. Initial investment funds of the project are to be raised through equity financing to major shareholders. Before making investment decisions, major shareholders need to know the investment decision indicators and risk status of the project. Therefore, this paper intends to introduce the investment scale, operation mode, investment risk and specific implementation plan of the project to major shareholders through the research form of business plan, and calculate the relevant investment decision-making indicators in the business plan, so as to encourage shareholders to participate in investment.. Firstly, this paper expounds the investors, business model, core competitive advantage and prospects for development of the project; secondly, it uses marketing theory to subdivide HT company's material mall project into market segments, determine target customers and market positioning, and design marketing strategies; secondly, it plans the operation management of the project, discusses the specific operation plan, and determines the project group. Finally, through professional financial management theory knowledge, we measure the return on investment, net present value of Finance and other indicators of the project, evaluate whether the project is worth investing according to the measured investment decision-making indicators, and use sensitive factor analysis method to evaluate the investment risk of the project, and formulate corresponding countermeasures. Through the research and analysis of this business plan, we can know: 1. The market capacity of decoration materials is large. Through market segmentation and the choice of target market, the market of this project is positioned in the sale of high-end decoration materials. It is aimed at the middle and high-income groups aged 30-50. It has broad market prospects to sell building materials through the mode of online and offline 020. 2. By estimating the net cash flow of the project in the past ten years, the NPV value of the project in the past ten years is 46.797.75 million yuan, the return on investment is 18.42%, the revised return on investment is 14.44%, which exceeds the necessary rate of return of 9.51% of the project. The economic benefit of the project is very optimistic and has investment value. 3. Quantitative analysis of the project by sensitive factor analysis shows that the project will have risks in the process of investment, but the risks can be controlled, and the risk can be avoided by strengthening sales management. Key words: decoration materials mall; project investment; business planIII 目 录 摘要.I Abstract ..II 第一章 绪论1 1.1 研究背景和意义 . 1 1.1.1 研究背景. 1 1.1.2 研究意义. 2 1.2 文献综述 . 2 1.2.1 商业计划书编制方面..... 3 1.2.2 家居建材电子商务方面. 3 1.2.3 投融资决策方面. 5 1.3 研究方法与主要内容 ..... 6 第二章 公司与项目情况介绍..8 2.1 HT 公司及其控股公司的综合实力 .. 8 2.2 项目的商业模式及核心竞争力 . 9 2.2.1 项目的商业模式. 9 2.2.2 项目的核心竞争力... 9 2.3 项目提供的产品和服务 ..... 10 2.4 项目未来规划 ... 12 2.4.1 发展方向..... 12 2.4.2 经营目标..... 13 2.5 本章小结 ..... 14 第三章 市场定位与营销策略15 3.1 STP 分析 15 3.1.2 市场定位..... 16 3.1.3 目标市场选择... 17 3.2 营销策略 ..... 18 3.2.1 产品策略..... 18 3.2.2 价格策略..... 19IV 3.2.3 促销策略..... 20 3.2.4 渠道策略..... 22 3.3 本章小结 ..... 23 第四章 项目的运营管理..24 4.1 线上商城运营方案 . 24 4.2 展厅布局及营业方案 ... 25 4.3 产品选型及上架方案 ... 27 4.4 仓储物流运营方案 . 28 4.5 组织管理计划 ... 29 4.5.1 组织架构..... 30 4.5.2 职责分工..... 31 4.5.3 人员的配置及薪酬. 32 4.6 本章小结 ..... 33 第五章 项目的投融资计划及财务效益估算34 5.1 投融资计划 . 34 5.1.1 投资计划..... 34 5.1.2 融资计划..... 35 5.2 项目经营预测 ... 36 5.2.1 收入预测..... 37 5.2.2 成本及费用预测..... 38 5.3 项目财务效益估算 . 40 5.3.1 项目的资本成本..... 40 5.3.2 项目的现金流和净现值..... 42 5.3.3 项目的内部报酬率及修正内部报酬率..... 44 5.4 本章小结 ..... 45 第六章 项目风险的定量分析及其对策..46 6.1 单因素敏感性分析 . 46 6.2 多因素敏感性分析 . 46 6.3 项目风险防范对策 . 48 6.4 本章小结 ..... 48V 结 论....49 主要