中国房地产市场深受中国城镇化影响,随着产业结构调整,21 世纪以来,房地产发 展迅速,尤其是“公积金存款利率上调”,“降契税”,“免征营业税”,“降准”等 楼市政策暖风吹不断,使中国房地产业持续火爆。然而,近年由于国家调控大力收紧, 加之自身供求矛盾突出,房产市场自身也迎来挑战和变化,发展速度明显变慢,加速调 整和不断改革成为房产的主调。商业地产以能提供稳定的现金流和增加固定资产投资开 始得到迅速发展,但商业地产项目往往投资金额很大、周期也很长、不确定因素多,因 此为了规避风险,保证项目投资回报,商业地产项目往往需要对政策进行研究、对营销 进行提前策划,并进行细致的财务测算,一个好的商业计划书对于一个大的商业地产项 目来说至关重要。 中山市荣耀房地产开发有限公司拟在横栏镇开发荣耀巴菲花园项目,为了更好地保 证项目的投资回报,需要一份完善的商业计划书对项目进行详尽的分析。本报告就是一 份针对荣耀巴菲花园项目的商业计划书,报告通过系统的理论及数据分析、环境分析、 营销策划、财务分析及风险分析为项目规划开发模式和销售模式,也为潜在投资者的投 资决策提供必要的参考依据。 本文首先阐述了报告研究的背景与意义,然后介绍了研究内容及报告框架。接着论 文对项目的开发商中山市荣耀房地产开发有限公司进行了概述,接着介绍了项目的基本 情况包括项目的地理位置、项目的基础数据。然后深入分析项目的投资环境,首先详述 了项目所在区域特征,接着分析了本项目的特色,在此基础上对竞争对手进行了分析, 最后对本项目进行了 SWOT 分析。根据市场调研的问卷,项目对潜在消费者进行了调 查,对项目的目标市场进行了分析,然后对本项目的市场定位进行了介绍,根据潜在客 户和市场调研的情况以及项目的定位有针对性的制定了项目的营销策略。最后对项目进 行了财务及风险分析, 得出荣耀巴菲花园项目的销售净利润率为 20.14%,NPV 为 298.83 万元,投资投资回收期为 3.05 年, 内部收益率 IRR 为 10.38%,项目的盈利能力 超出欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司平均水平。根据敏感性分析建安成本对项目净利润的影响程度最大,具有一定 的风险,但处于可控范围,因此本文认为荣耀巴菲花园项目值得投资。 关键词,房地产;商业计划书;市场定位;财务分析II Abstract The urbanization in China has great impact on China's real estate market. With the industrial structure adjustment, thereal estate has developed rapidly since the 21st century. In recent years, due to the tightening national control regulation, coupled with prominent contradictions between supply and demand of real estate, the real estate market is filled with challenges and changes. China's main control means for the residential real estate project market have slowed down its pace of development. Commercial real estate is the characteristic form of real estate which comprehensively integrates the real estate industry with commerce. It has quietly become the new favorite of the real estate market. More and more people as well as larger and larger investments are involved in commercial real estate projects. Since the investment is large and the investment cycle is long, there are many uncertain factors for a commercial real estate project. Therefore, a good planning for a commercial real estate project is not only the requirement of the management but also the need for future business management and risk prevention. Whether a commercial real estate project is worth investing shall be determined only after adequate policy research, scientific market survey and fine financial estimates. This business plan studies the Comprehensive commercial Project of Bafei Rongyao Garden of Rongyao Real Estate Company in Henglan of Zhongshan, Guangzhou to make sure a good return on investment for this project. This business plan includes the theoretical analysis, the introduction of the development and the project, as well as the market positioning and marketing strategy, financial analysis and risk analysis of the project. These systematic analyses offer references for the Company's decision-making. This paper first systematically introduces the policy background and market environment of current real estate market as well as the significance of conducting the feasibility study on the real estate project in the background of strengthening regulation by the government and fierce competition in the market. With respect to the introduction of the basic situation of the developer and the project, first of all, it introduces the buildings successfully developed by the Company and the basic situation of the Company such as corporate culture; next, it introduces the personnel status and organizational structure of the project; finally, it summarizes the basic situation of the project from the location, supporting municipal facilities and technical economic index of the project. With respect to in-depth analysis on the investment environment of the project, first all of all, it analyzes the macro-environment of the real estate project from the three aspects of politics, economy and society; next, it analyzesIII the commercial real estate market environment of Henglan of Zhongshan and the area where the project is located and it also introduces the competitors; finally, it conducts SWOT on the project. With respect to the market positioning and development progress of the project, first of all, it analyzes the potential customers; next, it analyzes the target market of the project based on the market survey questionnaire. Then, it introduces the market positioning of the project and elaborated the marketing strategy of the project. Finally, it conducts financial analysis and risk analysis. With3.05 years of Payback Period and 10.38 % of IRR, it draws a conclusion that the profit ratio of sales of this project is 20.14%, NPV is 29,883 million RMB, which shows the project’s profitability exceeds the average of real estate. Based on the sensitivity analysis, the construction and installation cost have great impact on net profit of the project with some extent of risk. But it can be controlled and the project is worthy investment on the whole. Keywords,Real Estate Project;Business plan;Market positioning;Financial analysisIV 目录 摘要.............................................................................................................................................I Abstract .................................................................................................................................... II 图表清单...............................................................................................................................VIII 第一章绪论................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义 .............................................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景...................................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义...................................................................................................................1 1.2 研究综述 .........................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 国外研究综述...........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 国内研究综述...........................................................................................................2 1.3 研究方法、研究内容及技术路线 .................................................................................3 1.3.1 研究方法...................................................................................................................3 1.3.3 技术路线...................................................................................................................5 第二章项目概况........................................................................................................................7 2.1 开发商情况介绍 .............................................................................................................7 2.1.1 项目开发商简介.......................................................................................................7 2.1.2 开发商公司组织结构和人力资源........