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近年来,我国经济和技术的快速发展,互联网欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司日新月异,物联网、人工 智能等信息技术的应用,助推新零售业态的诞生,消费者的消费习惯发生了很大 的变化。随着人均收入的快速增长,中产阶级的增加,消费结构升级,用户对产 品的各项增值服务提出更高要求,O2O 模式成为未来的主要业态。另一方面, 制造欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司资源加速向更大规模的企业集聚,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司品牌集中度越来越高。电器欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 的传统渠道销售模式,越来越不适应日益变化的市场环境和消费习惯,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司面临 洗牌。在这样的市场大环境下,建立一套迎合新环境下市场消费需求的渠道销售 模式和运营策略,成为 HY 公司亟需解决的问题。 本文主要介绍渠道变革理论的发展,重点分析渠道变革理论,结合 O2O 相 关理论的研究,提出 O2O 模式下渠道变革带来的意义。通过分析国内外相关行 业渠道变革的情况,实地考察走访和查阅相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,本文研究了电器欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的渠道 变革,总结出渠道变革中包含的路径、原因和特点等。渠道变革包括渠道构建、 渠道运营和保障措施,经过对渠道设计理念、服务和内容等方面的比较,提出适 合 HY 公司的 O2O 渠道构建和运营策略。结合实际情况,运用 SWOT 分析法发 现 HY 公司渠道管理中的问题和渠道变革中的制约因素,提出改进措施和相关对 策,解决对应的不同问题,从而实现面向 O2O 的 HY 公司渠道变革。 本文总结 HY 公司的渠道变革成功的主要原因如下,成功抓住市场机会;变 革措施针对性强;大胆进行渠道创新,与经销商结成联盟等。作为一家建筑电器 公司,HY公司的渠道变革案例分析对我国许多发展中的企业具有一定借鉴意义。 关键词,渠道变革,渠道运营,O2O 论文类型,应用研究浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 面向O2O的HY公司渠道变革研究 III RESEARCH ON CHANNEL OF HY COMPANY ORIENTED TO O2O ABSTRACT In recent years, the rapid development of China's economy and technology, the rapid development of the Internet industry, the rapid development of information technology, such as Internet of things and artificial intelligence, boosted the birth of new retail formats, and consumers' consumption habits have changed greatly. With the rapid growth of per capita income, the increase of the middle class, the upgrading of the consumption structure, and the higher requirements for the value-added services of the products, the o2o model has become the main format of the future. On the other hand, the resource of manufacturing industry accelerates to a larger scale, and the concentration of industry brand is higher and higher. The traditional channel sales model in the electrical industry is becoming more and more difficult to adapt to the changing market environment and consumption habits. In the case of the more and more obvious brand concentration, the electrical industry faces the shuffle. In such a market environment, the establishment of a set of marketing mode and operation strategy to meet the market consumption demand under the new environment has become an urgent problem to be solved by HY company. This paper mainly introduces the development of channel change theory, focusing on the analysis of channel change theory, combined with the relevant theory of o2o research, put forward the significance of channel change under the o2o mode. Through the analysis of the domestic and foreign channel changes in related industries, combined with field visits and access to relevant information, this paper studies the channel changes in the electrical industry, summarizes the path, causes and characteristics of channel changes. Channel reform includes channel construction, channel operation and guarantee measures. Through the comparison of channel design concept, service and content, this paper puts forward the strategy of o2o channel construction and operation suitable for HY company. Combining with the actual situation, swot analysis method is used to find the problems in channel management and constraints in channel change of HY company. Improvement measures and related浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 面向O2O的HY公司渠道变革研究 IV countermeasures are put forward to solve the corresponding different problems, so as to realize channel change of HY company oriented o2o. This paper summarizes the main reasons for the success of HY's channel reform as follows: successfully seizing market opportunities; strong pertinence of reform measures; bold channel innovation, forming alliances with distributors and so on. As a construction electrical company, the case study of channel change of HY Company has certain reference significance for many developing enterprises in China. KEY WORDS: Channel Change;Channel Operation;O2O TYPE OF THESIS:Application Research浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 面向 O2O 的 HY 公司渠道变革研究 V 目 录 1 绪论 ................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及选题的意义 ..........................................1 1.2 本研究的立题依据 ..............................................3 1.3 研究思路及论文结构 ............................................5 2 文献综述 ............................................... 7 2.1 渠道变革及 O2O 模式的一般理论研究 ..............................7 2.1.1 渠道变革相关研究进展......................................7 2.1.2 渠道变革理论..............................................8 2.1.3 O2O 模式的发展及对渠道变革的影响 ..........................9 2.2 电器欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司渠道变革的相关研究 ...................................12 2.2.1 电器欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的营销变迁.......................................12 2.2.2 电器欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的渠道变革趋势...................................13 2.2.3 渠道变革原因研究.........................................14 2.2.4 渠道变革的路径特点.......................................15 2.2.5 渠道变革中的冲突.........................................15 2.2.6 O2O 模式下的渠道变革 .....................................16 2.3 述评 .........................................................17 3 HY 公司渠道发展历程及渠道变革动因分析 .................. 19 3.1 HY 公司渠道销售的发展概况 ....................................19 3.2 HY 公司渠道销售的现状 ........................................20 3.2.1 HY 公司 SWOT 分析 .........................................21 3.3 HY 公司渠道变革的动因分析 ....................................23 3.3.1 内部原因.................................................25 3.3.2 外部原因.................................................25 4 HY 公司的 O2O 渠道构建及运营策略........................ 27 4.1 HY 公司渠道变革的目标 ........................................27 4.2 HY 公司的 O2O 渠道构建 ........................................30 4.3 HY 公司 O2O 渠道运营策略 ......................................37 5 HY 公司的 O2O 渠道实施保障措施.......................... 45 5.1 销售组织结构的调整 ...........................................45 5.2 渠道精细化 ...................................................46 5.3 渠道成员的管理策略 ...........................................47 5.4 渠道冲突管理 .................................................51浙江工业大学硕士学位论文 面向 O2O 的 HY 公司渠道变革研究 VI 5.5 O2O 推广策略 .................................................52 6 结论和展望 ............................................ 53 6.1 研究结论 .....................................................53 6.2 展望 .........................................................55

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