进入 21 世纪,人才成为企业竞争的关键,对于任何欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司而言,企业稀缺的都是全 面性、专业化的人才队伍,借助有效的人才战略能够增速企业发展步伐,实现企业经营 目的。基于现代企业而言,人才已经实现市场化发展趋势,企业想要获得持续性的良性 发展,就必须注重人才战略,不断的吸引、保留、激励人才,让企业能够在激烈的市场 竞争中占据一席之地。薪酬激励是人才战略中的重要组成。良好的薪酬激励体系不仅能 提高员工的积极性,让员工实现最大效能,也能提升企业人力资源管理能力,促进企业 更好地践行人才战略。本文以 AM 医药公司作为案例,详细分析 AM 医药公司员工薪酬 激励现状,借助有效的问卷调查和访谈挖掘 AM 医药公司员工薪酬激励中存在的问题, 并结合相关问题重新设计规划薪酬激励方案。最终目的是确保 AM 医药公司员工薪酬激 励体系能够进一步完善,让薪酬激励体系能够成为企业的竞争优势,借助有效的薪酬激 励体系实现企业更好地发展。 本文围绕 AM 医药公司员工薪酬激励方案优化研究,全文共围绕四部分展开,(1) 主要围绕 AM 医药公司环境因素分析和员工薪酬激励的现状进行研究,针对 AM 医药公 司进行 SWOT 分析,并深度调查了解 AM 医药公司薪酬结构和福利政策,阐述 AM 医 药公司薪酬激励的现状;(2)主要挖掘 AM 医药公司薪酬激励调查及存在的问题,借助 问卷调查和访谈两种方法深入企业调查,挖掘企业在薪酬激励体系方面的真实情况,从 而得出相应的问题;(3)AM 医药公司员工薪酬激励方案的优化设计,在明确优化目标 之后,借助岗位的区分,分别针对职能部门人员、专业技术人员、生产人员以及销售人 员进行薪酬方案优化,以此来提升员工的积极性,并助力企业实现经营目标;(4)AM 医药公司员工薪酬激励方案的实施保障,主要从组织、人才、绩效考核、技术、沟通、 企业文化等多个角度探讨薪酬激励方案的实施保障,确保 AM 医药公司能够按照优化方 案实现薪酬激励。 关键词,薪酬激励;薪酬优化;AM 医药公司V Abstract In the twenty-first Century, talents have become the key to company competition, and the human resource management is the main channel for companies to improve their competitiveness. For any industry, companies are in need of comprehensive and professional talents. With the help of effective talent strategies, companies can speed up the pace of business development and achieve business goals. For modern companies, there is already the trend of talent marketization. If companies want to achieve sustainable and sound development, they must pay attention to talent strategies, and constantly attract, retain and motivate talents, so that companies can establish themselves in the fiercely competitive market. The salary incentive is an important part of talent strategies. A good salary incentive scheme can not only improve employees’ working enthusiasm, help them achieve maximum efficiency, but also improve the human resource management, and enable companies to better implement the talent strategies. The increasing attention of the modern companies has been drawn to the salary incentive scheme. It is essential to optimize and improve the salary incentive schemes of companies. Taking the AM pharmaceutical company as a case, this thesis analyzes the status quo of the employee salary motivation in the AM pharmaceutical company, uses effective questionnaires and interviews to dig out the existing problems, and redesigns the salary incentive scheme accordingly. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the salary incentive scheme of the AM pharmaceutical company can be further improved, so that it can become the company’s competitive advantage and help achieve better development. This thesis focuses on the optimization research of the salary incentive scheme of the AM pharmaceutical company. The first part analyses the environmental factors of the AM pharmaceutical company and the status quo of the employee salary incentive. The SWOT analysis is conducted on the AM pharmaceutical company, and an in-depth investigation is conducted to understand the salary structure and welfare policies of the AM pharmaceutical company, and to elaborate on the status quo of the salary incentive scheme. The second part mainly analyses the survey on the salary incentive and the existing problems of the AM pharmaceutical company. Questionnaires and interviews are used for the in-depth company survey and for finding out the real situation of the company in terms of the salary incentive system, and the existing problems. The third part is about the optimization design of the salary incentive schemes for employees. And the fourth part is about the guarantee of implementing 西北大学硕士专业学位论文西北大学硕士专业学位论文 VI the salary incentive scheme for the AM pharmaceutical company employees. Through the research of this thesis, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The problems existing in the AM's salary incentive scheme mainly include: unreasonable salary scheme, insignificant incentive effect, single incentive scheme, imperfect performance appraisal system, and t. Incentives, salary incentives and career mismatches; (2) Combining the current status and problems of the AM pharmaceutical company's salary incentive scheme, the optimization design is divided according to positions after the optimization objectives are set. Separately formulate the salary optimization for functional personnel, optimize the pay for professional and technical personnel, production personnel, and salespersons. Through the optimization of the salary incentive scheme for these departments, the effectiveness of AM's salary incentive scheme can be improved.; (3 ) Based on the optimization design of the salary incentive scheme for employees of the AM Pharmaceuticals. This thesis focuses on the research of the optimization of the salary incentive scheme for AM Pharmaceuticals employees to solve the existing problems. By formulating a salary incentive scheme that is more in line with the company’s own situation and the industrial overall situation, the ultimate goal is to enhance the company’s capacity to manage the salary and human resources, which will ultimately help the company achieve its business goals and take an advantage in the increasingly competitive industry. Keywords: Salary Incentive; Salary Optimization; AM Pharmaceutical CompanyVII 目 录 摘要......................................................................................................................................IV Abstract .................................................................................................................................... V 第 1 章 绪论............................................................................................................................1 1.1 选题背景与意义...........................................................................................................1 1.1.1 选题背景 .........................................................................................................1 1.1.2 理论意义 .........................................................................................................2 1.1.3 现实意义 .........................................................................................................2 1.2 研究思路与方法...........................................................................................................2 1.2.1 研究思路 .........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 研究方法 .........................................................................................................3 1.3 研究内容与框架...........................................................................................................3 1.3.1 研究内容 .........................................................................................................4 1.4 本文的主要贡献...........................................................................................................6 第 2 章 相关理论基础............................................................................................................7 2.1 相关概念界定...............................................................................................................7 2.1.1 薪酬 ..................................................