我国加入世贸组织后,中因经济与世界经济一体化进程日益加快,J,f:品和服务同 质化、客户需求多样化的趋势日益加剧越来越多的国外企)比进入困内市场,我国企 业面临的竞争对手越来越多,面临的竞争压力越来越大。而现在企业间的竞争是核心 能力的竞争。我国企业要想在激烈竟争的市场环境中求得生存与发展,就必须不断提 升企业的核心竞争力,必须学习借鉴国内外绩优企业的管理经验,必须掌握现代企业 管理科学的理念与技能,问内部管理要效益,通过管理提升自身的核心竞争力,提高 组织绩效。 大型国有企业生产性分厂是企业中基础部门,它直接影响产品的质量和企业的经 济效益,因此生产性分厂‘的绩效管理是企业绩效管理的基础。长期以来,xx分厂由 于缺乏有效的员工绩效管理,造成员工工作积极性不高,生产效率低下,员工流失率 高,严重影响了企业竟争力。因此,为了尽一旱改变这种局面,迫切需要将现代绩效管 理理论和国外先进的管理方法和模式用于分厂管理实践中,制定出新的、适应分厂发 展的绩效管理系统,为集团公司改革发展起到抛砖引玉的作用,以提升员土素质和企 业核心竟争力。 木文首先介绍了摩托罗拉、惠普等国外企业绩效管理先进模式,接下来,报告对 分厂以一前实施过的粗放式管理条件卜的绩效管理进行诊断和分析,得出其绩效管理存 在的问题:刘绩效管理认识不准确,绩效考核与绩效管理概念混淆,绩效管理实施机 制不完善,绩效考核与评价不够科学等问题。然后,在准确诊断的基础上,对症下药, 汲取以往的经验和教训,对新的绩效管理方案进行设计,进一步在绩效管理体系设计 中引入“!-1标管理理论,,,确定该企业绩效考核评价要素,将公司的总体战略指标分解 到xx分厂各个岗位;通过关键绩效指标(KPI)的选择,建立了岗位和个人的绩效考 核指标体系;确定指标权重,明确岗位一考核重点。并以逐级签订一‘·绩效协议”的方式, 实现企业绩效日标双向沟通、企业与员工发展共进的绩效管理日标。 最后,针对实施情况,提出了具体的保障措施:预防性措施、针对性措施、控制 性措施、提高下’属工作绩效的改进措施。通过这些改进措施,提升绩效管理理念,完 善有效的绩效管理系统,注意避免一些容易发生的问题,做好绩效管理系统各环节的 有机整合。 关键词:绩效管理KPI 360度考核绩效评价系统员工绩效 〕 Abstract At the same time of the fast integration process of Chinese economy and world economy after China's entrance into the WTO, there is an intensive tendency of identified quality product and service, verified demands from clients. Chinese enterprises are facing more and more competitors as more and more foreign enterprises entered into Chinese market, the competition becomes more and more intensive. However the competition between enterprises lies in the core capability. In order to strive for survival and development in the fierce competitive market environment, our enterprises must increase the core competitiveness continuously, learn the management experiences from domestic and overseas enterprises with good achievements and results, grasp the management concept and skill of modern enterprises, to get profits through internal management, to increase its core competitiveness through management, to increase organization-related performance. The productive sub-plants of large scaled state-owned enterprises are the essential departments of the enterprises, they directly influence the quality of the products and the economic profits of the enterprises. So, the performance management in the productive sub-plants is the basis of the performance management of the enterprises. For a long time past, XX sub-plant has been affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise gravely due to low effective performance management on staffs, which resulted in unactive working attitude, low production efficiency and high staff drain rate. Therefore, it is urgently to apply the modern performance management theory and the advanced domestic and overseas management methods and modes into the actual management practice of sub-plants in order to change the situation as soon as possible, to work out new performance management system applicable to the development of the sub-plants, to foster an example to the reform of the enterprise, to increase the quality of staffs and the core competitiveness of the enterprise. The essay firstly described the advanced performance management mode in domestic and overseas enterprises and listed some example enterprises such as Motorola, HP Automobile. Based on the diagnose and analysis to the performance management adopted under the extensive management before, then the essay made a conclusion to the existing problems and causes of the performance management. The existing problems of the performance management in XX sub-plant are: the awareness to performance management is not exactly, the deference between performance test and performance management is not clear, the implementation system of performance management is not perfect, the performance test and evaluation is not scientific. On the basis of exact diagnoses and previous experiences and lessons learnt from the past, the writer explained afterwards in the essay the new performance management eC thth procedures including the target management theory which will be adopted in performance management system, the essential factors for testing and evaluating achievements of enterprises, attributed the overall strategic target of the company to the specific post in XX sub-plant; the system of post and personal achievements testing index will be set up through the option of key performance index (KPI); to define the importance of index and clarify the key points of post testing. The performance management target of mutual understanding to the enterprise's performance and mutual improvement of enterprise and staffs will be realized under the mode of performance agreement signed between different levels. In the last, the essay indicated the specific insurance measures and suggestions to the actual implementation. These improvement measures are preventative measures, objective measures, control measures and the improving measures to increase the working performance of staffs. By these improving measures, the performance management idea will be enhanced, the effective performance management system will be perfected. Meanwhile, the easily happened problems shall be concerned so that all involved links of the performance management system will be integrated effectively. Key words: performance management; KPI; 3600 testing; performance evaluation system; staffs' performance 奋 目录 第一章引言二。............................................。..........,.,.......。.. 1.1研究背景与选题意义........................................,................................., ,一 .1研究背景 2选题意义 1.2研究内容和研究方法….................................................................................... 3 1.2.1研究内容........................................................................................................ 3 1.2.2研究方法 .............、..。..............................、...............................4 第二章国外企业先进绩效管理方法与模式。.............................................. 5 2.1企业常用的绩效管理方法.................................................................................. 5 2.1.1 360度综合考核.......................................................................................S 2.1.2 KPI绩效考核..........、.............................................,......................6 2.1.3基于目标的绩效考核.......................:........................................................... 8 2.1.4平衡计分卡................................................................................,......9 2.2国外企业绩效管理的成功模式....................................................................... 9 2.2.1摩托罗拉绩效管理方法与模型...,...............................。..。....9 2.2.2惠普:绩效管理七步法...,.............................................................13 第三章XX分厂简介及员工管理现状...................................................... 17 3.1企业概况.....................,............................,....................................17 3.1.1企业背景...............................................................................................17 3.1.2组织结构..............................................