2008 年 12 月我国棉纱产量为 154.13 万吨,较 11 月份基本持平;2008 年全年累计 产量达 1737.33 万吨,同比增长 10.56%。数据显示,国内巨大的消费市场是棉纱生产 发展的动力,随着城市化进程的加快,棉纱工业品内需仍然是今后市场的主流。2009 年以来,新疆 JHMY 企业受金融危机影响,棉纱销路不畅,已于 5 月底停产。县委、政 府支持由第三方组建新企业,对原 JHMY 进行租赁经营。HQ 贸易公司是一家主要从事 棉纱贸易的企业,为了扩大规模,实现一体化经营,于不久前以 200 万承接 JHMY 有限 责任公司,作为 HQ 贸易公司在新疆投资设厂的重点项目来运作。正式组建后,制定新 疆项目的商业计划书以完成投资设定的项目目标,成为 HQ 纺织贸易公司的重要课题, 而且实现新疆项目的正常运营,提高项目经济效益,对于促进我国西部纺织工业发展以 及振兴新疆经济、稳定社会也有着重要而积极的作用。 本文的主要研究目标是如何合理组织项目生产、营销、人力、财务资源,以实现 HQ 公司新疆项目投资设定的项目目标,通过项目内部资源和外部环境评估,制定项目 营销策略与销售组织和实施计划,项目技术升级与生产管理组织计划以及项目人力资源 规划与财务预算及风险管理措施。 新疆项目计划在建设期完成技术和厂房改造,所有生产设备和项目资金到位,基本 完成对生产和销售团队的建设;在投产期第一年建立现代生产管理制度以达到 70%的产 能,开拓 2-3 个新市场,实现超过 1 亿元的销售收入;在投产期的第三年达到 100%产 能(1.2 万吨棉纱),并在新市场建立完整的经销商体系,实现 1.4 亿元销售;在稳定期, 巩固原有市场和对新市场渗透,实现 1.9 亿元的项目目标。在技术升级改造上,项目主 要采用紧密赛络纺的纺纱工艺和流程,在原有工艺上增加精梳去短工序,同时增加精梳 设备,进行厂房调整,重新布局生产机组。在市场方面,主要瞄准华东市场和广州周边 市场,采用差异化策略,在华东市场通过代理商发展客户,在广州周边地区利用 HQ 公 司关系发展市场。新疆项目预计需要投资 1056 万,通过内部资金和外部借款筹措,同 时,项目需要关注如政策风险、经济风险和市场开拓风险并做好防范措施。 关键词,HQ 纺织新疆项目;环境分析;技术改造与生产计划;营销策略;财务计划Abstract In December 2008, the output of China's cotton yarn is 1541.257 thousand tons, nearly the same as November’s; and the cumulative output of 2008 had reached 17373.3 thousand tons, with an increase of 10.56% from the last year. Data shows that the domestic consumer market is a huge driving force for the development of cotton yarn industry, and with the accelerated process of urbanization, the domestic demand of industrial cotton yarn is still the mainstream of the market. Xinjiang JHMY was put into operation in 1996. Due to the affections of the financial crisis, the business of cotton yarn has been poor since this year, therefore was shutdown by the end of May. The local government supported JHMY to dissolve, and form a new company by a third party and lease the original JHMY business. HQ is a company mainly engaged in cotton yarn trade. In order to expand the scale and achieve the integrated management, HQ trading company undertook JHMY with two million not long ago, with the purpose of operating it as the important factory project of HQ in Xinjiang. The completion of Xinjiang's business project and setting the investment target have become HQ textile trading company’s important topic after Officially forming. Besides, the normal operation and improved business benefits of the project in Xinjiang have important and positive roles for the promotion of China's western textile industry, revitalizing Xinjiang's economy and stabilizing the society. This paper uses HQ’s Xinjiang project as the research object. The main research goal is how to properly organize the current production, marketing, human and financial resources and achieve the set project objectives by assessing the project’s internal resources and external environment, setting the project’s marketing strategy, sales organization and implementation plan, upgrading the project’s technology, planning the project’s production, human resource and finance forecasting. Before starting the Xinjiang project, the writer will upgrade JHMY’s technology mainly by close Siro spinning technique and process, adding short-combing process in the original process and to achieve high-count combed products. At the same time, to ensure the realization of 1.2-million-ton production capacity, the equipments will be modified, combing equipments will increase, plants and production units should also be adjusted, and production workers will be classified in five teams--order processing, process designing, planning and scheduling, production implement and inventory management. As for marketing, the main target markets are China’s eastern market and around-Guangzhou markets. Differentiation strategies are used--in China’s eastern market, developing clients through agents; while inGuangzhou nearby areas, developing the market by using HQ's relation network, so as to achieve the sales goals of 1.9 billion. Xinjiang project is expected to invest 10.56 million, which shows that economic efficiency is rather objective. But the project still faces some risks, such as policy risk, economic risk and marketing risk. So the author suggests taking measures of strengthening channels developments, purchasing insurance, and so on to avoid and transfer those risks. Keywords: HQ’s Xinjiang Textiles project; Environmental analysis; production plan; marketing strategy; financial planning目 录 摘要.I ABSTRACT.II 第一章 绪 论....1 1.1 研究背景与研究意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景. 1 1.1.2 研究意义. 1 1.2 文献综述.. 2 1.2.1 商业计划书... 2 1.2.2 工业品营销... 3 1.2.3 纺织生产企业运营... 5 1.2.4 分析方法. 6 1.3 研究思路与结构 7 第二章 HQ 纺织公司概况.9 2.1 HQ 纺织公司简介 9 2.2 公司销售状况.... 10 2.3 HQ 公司人力资源与财务状况.. 12 2.4 本章小结 14 第三章 新疆项目概况15 3.1 新疆项目概况与项目目标.. 15 3.2 新疆项目外部环境分析 16 3.2.1 宏观环境分析... 16 3.2.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析... 17 3.2.3 项目面临的机会与威胁..... 21 3.3 项目内部资源评估.. 21 3.3.1 生产与生产设备评估... 22 3.3.2 销售状况..... 223.3.3 现有人力资源状况. 23 3.3.4 项目优势与劣势分析... 24 3.4 项目总体运营计划.. 24 3.5 本章小结 27 第四章 项目技术改造与生产计划....28 4.1 项目技术改造.... 28 4.1.1 精梳高支棉纱生产工艺原理... 28 4.1.2 生产流程与工艺升级... 29 4.1.3 设备升级改造... 32 4.2 项目生产计划与管理.... 33 4.2.1 厂房与设备安排..... 33 4.2.2 生产计划管理... 35 4.3 项目生产人力资源规划 37 4.3.1 生产团队架构构建. 37 4.3.2 生产人员安排... 38 4.4 生产计划工作与时间安排.. 39 4.5 本章小结 41 第五章 项目营销计划43 5.1 项目总体销售目标.. 43 5.2 市场细分、目标市场选择与市场定位 43 5.2.1 基于区域的市场细分... 43 5.2.2 聚焦竞争力的目标市场选择... 44 5.2.3 不同区域的市场定位... 45 5.3 主要营销策略.... 46 5.3.1 价格策略..... 46 5.3.2 产品策略..... 47 5.3.3 分销渠道策略... 47 5.3.4 关系营销策略... 50 5.4 销售人员安排与团队建设.. 50 5.4.1 销售团队建设与任务分解. 515.4.2 主要销售激励手段. 52 5.5 销售计划时间安排.. 53 5.6 本章小结 55 第六章 项目财务计划与风险控制....56 6.1 项目财务计划.... 56 6.1.1 投资与融资计划..... 56 6.1.2 项目未来财务状况分析..... 57 6.1.3 投资回报分析... 58 6.1.4 敏感性分析. 59 6.2 风险管理与控制 60 6.2.1 项目风险..... 60 6.2.2 风险管理方法... 61 6.3 本章小结 61 结 论..63