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随着我国经济和科学技术的飞速发展,产品的开发设计越来越复杂、综合程度越 来越高,而相对应的模具加工生产方式却变得越来越专业、单一、细化、深入,开发 产品的模具需求客户有时不能找到很好的模具供应商进行有效的匹配。同时,由于我 国模具欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的飞速发展,我国成为全球模具制造的价值低洼区,许多海外模具需求客 户来我国购买模具,也一时找不到合适的模具供应商去购买。而且,我国模具欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞 争激烈程度加深,经济危机加重,产能过剩加剧,同时却又出现了一些模具企业之间 资源供需错位、资源共享困难、资源重复建设等市场资源供需不平衡现象而浪费企业 和社会的资源。 本项目以顺应社会科技和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展趋势,满足市场上的客户需求,同时利用互 联网信息技术、工业4.0、物联网和“中国制造2025”规划等第四次工业革命的兴起, 各种社会资源联系、互动加强的契机,建立以国际贸易为主的模具贸易项目公司,为 上游的模具需求客户提供信息、帮助、支持、生产技术解决方案等服务的模具销售, 为下游模具供应商进行资源整合、资源共享、协同加工、有效管理等增值服务的模具 采购,从而为模具需求客户和供应商实现企业资源有效的匹配、降低企业生产成本、 提高企业经济效益,实现客户、供应商和本项目的多方共赢。 分为五章。首先,阐释了项目时代意义和商业模式。其次,通过对项目外部 环境PEST和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司五力模型分析、以及内部的资源和价值链分析,系统 剖析了项目的外部机会和威胁、内部的优劣势,并通过SWOT分析,对以建立国际贸 易为主的模具贸易公司的优势机会策略,其他策略为辅助的竞争策略进行了研究探讨。 通过对全球模具市场SPT的市场分析,提出了以欧美发达国家的模具出口为主,并 先从熟悉产品模具入手,逐步向高价值汽车类塑胶模具和冲压模具市场发展思路,以 及详细的4P营销策略、人力资源规划、薪酬和人员配置、项目的地址选择、以及项目 的运作和流程。 最后,以本人跟进的一家向欧美出口汽车类塑胶模具的供应商所做的调查统 计数据为基础,通过一系列财务预测分析和计算得出,项目预计初步总投资179万元, 一年半后即可收回投资,五年后项目的累计折现现金流有975.6万元,去除初步的总投 资外,项目还有投资回报NPV(净现值)796.6万元,远高于投资预期。通过对项目的单 因素和双因素敏感性分析得出该项目风险小,收益大,即使在比较悲观的情况下还有II 近632.6万元的投资回报净现值。通过对项目进行多因素敏感性分析,在各因素极端变 化负15%的情况下,项目五年后的投资回报净现值还有246.96万元的收益。由此可见, 该项目前景好,投资风险小,回报收益大,结论是该项目值得投资。 关键词,模具;商业计划书;SWOT分析III Abstract With the rapid development of China's economy, science and technology, the development and design of products has become more and more complex and the degree of integration has grown higher and higher, while the processing and production methods of molds have correspondingly become more and more professional, single, detailed and in- depth. Customers in need of molds for product development sometimes cannot find good mold suppliers for effective matching. At the same time, due to the rapid development of China's mold industry, China has become a low-value area for global mold manufacturing. Many overseas customers in need of molds come to purchase molds in China but cannot find a suitable mold supplier. Moreover, the fierce competition in the mold industry in China has deepened, the economic crisis has worsened, and the overcapacity has increased. At the same time, there have been some imbalances in the supply and demand of market resources among mold companies, such as imbalances in supply and demand of resources, difficulties in resource sharing and duplication of resources, resulting in a waste of resources of enterprises and society. Complying with the development trend of social science, technology and industry, meeting the needs of customers in the market, and utilizing the rise of the fourth industrial revolution, such as Internet information technology, industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and the “Made in China 2025” plan, with the opportunity to strengthen contacts and interactions among various social resources, this project establishes a mold trading project company engaged in the international trade, which provides information, help, support, and production technology solutions for upstream mold customers in mold sales, and value-added services such as resource integration, resource sharing, collaborative processing and effective management for downstream mold suppliers in mold purchase, so as to effectively match the company's resources for mold customers and suppliers, reduce production costs, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, and realize an all-winning situation for customers, suppliers and the project. The thesis is divided into five chapters. First, it explains the significance of the times and business model of the project. Second, through the PEST, industry environment, five forces model, internal resource and value chain analysis, it systematically analyzes the external opportunities and threats, the internal advantages and disadvantages of the project; through the SWOT analysis, it studies and discusses the competition strategy, which is mainly focused on establishing an Advantage Opportunity Strategy for mold trading companies in theIV international trade supported by other strategies. Through the market analysis of global mold market SPT, the thesis puts forward the developing idea that it focuses on mold exports to developed countries in European and American countries, starts with the familiarity with product molds, and gradually develops the high-value automotive plastic molds and stamping mold market, as well as detailed 4P marketing strategies, human resources planning, compensation and staffing, project location selection, and project operations and processes. Finally, based on the statistics of a survey that I have conducted on a supplier which exports automotive plastic molds to European and American countries, through a series of financial forecast analysis and calculations, it is estimated that the initial total investment of the project will be 1.79 million yuan, and the investment can be recovered in one and a half years. After five years, the cumulative discounted cash flow of the project is 9.756 million yuan. Apart from the initial total investment, the project also has an investment return NPV (net present value) of 7.966 million yuan, much higher than investment expectations. Through the single-factor and two-factor sensitivity analysis of the project, the risk of the project is small, and the benefits are large. Even in a relatively pessimistic situation, there is a net present value of return on investment of nearly 6.326 million yuan. Through the multi-factor sensitivity analysis of the project, in the case of extreme changes of negative 15% in all factors, the net present value of the investment return of the project in five years still has a profit of 2,469,600 yuan. From this we can see that the project has good prospects, low investment risks and large returns, and the conclusion is that the project is worth investing. Keywords:Mold; Business plan; SWOT analysisV 目 录 摘要.I Abstract..III 图表清单 .... IX 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景和意义.....1 1.1.1 研究背景和问题.....1 1.1.2 研究目的和意义.....4 1.2 文献综述....5 1.2.1 虚拟企业....6 1.2.2 碎片化分工生产和平台经济 + 互联网整合....6 1.2.3 战略相关理论...7 1.3 主要框架与结构...8 1.4 项目的基本模式介绍...8 1.4.1 项目的商业模式介绍...9 1.4.2 商业模式画布图...10 1.4.3 项目的经营理念介绍.10 1.5 本章小结..11 第二章 项目的环境分析 ....12 2.1 项目的外部宏观环境和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析....12 2.1.1 项目的宏观环境 PEST 分析..12 2.1.2 项目的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析.13 2.1.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的五力模型分析.14 2.1.4 项目外部环境分析发现的威胁和机会....17 2.2 项目的内部资源和核心能力分析18 2.2.1 项目的内部资源和核心能力分析18 2.2.2 项目具有的优势和劣势...21 2.3 项目的 SWOT 分析及项目竞争策略的制定 .22 2.3.1 SWOT 分析表22VI 2.3.2 项目竞争策略的制定.23 2.4 当前国际环境下的竞争策略..24 2.5 本章小结..27 第三章 项目的营销策略 ....29 3.1 项目 STP 营销策略的制定.....29 3.1.1 市场的细分....29 3.1.2 目标市场的选择...35 3.1.3 目标市场的定位...35 3.1.4 目标市场的竞争分析.35 3.2 营销 4P 组合策略.37 3.2.1 产品与服务策略...37 3.2.2 产品定价策略 39 3.2.3 市场渠道策略 40 3.2.4 市场促销策略 42 3.5 本章小结..43 第四章 项目的组织与运

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