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2011 年以来政府对房地产市场实行微调政策,目的都在于释放刚需、激活楼市。2014 年以来,我国经济进入中高速增长的新常态,房地产市场则持续走弱,各地商品住宅库 存量高企,对市场预期的转变进一步影响新开工节奏,商品房量价均呈现同比下降,开 发投资增速持续放缓,但房产投资热度不减。房地产与人民生活戚戚相关,直接关乎人 民群众的切身利益。在新一轮降低个人按揭贷款首付成数、提高住房公积金存款利率以 及降印花税和契税等政策红利的刺激下,2016 年全国房地产库存消化如火如荼。本报告 以棕榈湾房地产项目为研究对象,通过商业计划书的形式,运用战略管理、品牌管理、 房地产开发管理、营销管理和财务管理学等方面的理论,对项目进行详尽的分析。为项 目规划出开发模式和销售模式,也为潜在投资者提供必要的参考依据。 本报告是关于昆山中金花桥置业有限公司在花桥开发的一个房地产项目的商业计 划书。该商业计划书首先对项目的基本情况进行了归纳。接着,运用 PEST 模型对项目 的宏观环境、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境进行分析,得到本项目致力于打造高端精品公寓住宅,以改 善公众住房型需求,有别于竞争对手。接着通过 SWOT 分析,针对项目优劣势、机会 与威胁等方面进行分析,得出本项目具有天然的地域优势以及品牌优势,项目整体发展 机会大,优势与机会大于劣势与威胁。本项目市场营销分析以树立品牌优势为第一要义, 然后开展产品接触、产品体验,最后运用 4P 策略开展开盘强销。营销推广坚持以亲民 级豪宅形象深入人心,本项目将按阶段开展营销执行计划,根据策略节奏逐步占领长三 角市场。 在上述分析的基础之上,本文继续开展了收入和支出估算、现金流估测及项目效益 评价等方面的工作。本项目预计总投资额为 2.10 亿元;贴现率为 30.40%;根据该贴现 率计算本项目 3 年的净现值(NPV)为 27,195.28 万元,内部收益率(IRR)为 43.63%, 项目内部收益率大于贴现率。最后,通过风险分析,论证得出本项目具有一定的风险, 但处于可控范围。总体而言,本项目自身及社会效益明显。研究结果表明本项目可行。 关键词,房地产;商业计划书;公寓住宅II Abstract Since 2011, government policy took fine-tuning implementation on the real estate market , the aim was to release just need and activate the property market. After 2014, China's economy had entered a new normal growth phase, and real estate market continued to weaken, but the commercial housing inventory was in a high level, the market was expected to shift further, which affected the rhythm of new construction. The amount of real estate prices were showing down, though the investment rate continued to slow down, real estate investment alived. Real estate much related to people's lives, which namely that real estate directly related to the vital interests of the people. In the new round of reducing individual mortgage loans and improving the housing provident fund deposit rates, and lowering stamp duty and so on, the set of dividend policy stimulated the real estate, in 2016, the digestion on real estate inventory was in full swing widely. This paper is based on the study of Palm Bay real estate project. Through the use of a business plan, this paper analyzes the project from the angle of strategy management, brand management, real estate development and management, marketing and financial management. So that to develop a feasible marketing strategy and a set of information for potential investors to looked at. This article is about a real estate project business plan in Huaqiao which is developed by Kunshan Huaqiao Ltd..Firstly , the plan summarizes some reference for the project. Secondly, uses PEST model project to analyze the macro environment and the industry competitive environment. as a result, differs from competitors, this project aims to build high-end boutique apartments, so as to improve the type of demand for the public housing persons. Followed by SWOT analysis, the plan makes a comprehensive analysis of projects such as the advantages and disadvantages,opportunities and threats,which gets a result that the project has come to a natural geographical advantage and brand advantage, it has a lot of chance overall and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so does the opportunities actually. Finally, this plan bases on marketing analysis to establish the brand as the first prerequisite, and then carries out product contact, product experience, and finally uses 4P strategies to carry out strong opening sales. The marketing adheres to the populist image of the popular luxury level, this phase of the project will carry out marketing implementation plan, based on the gradual market policies rhythm, the ultimate goal is to occupy theIII Yangtze River Delta market. Through the study of this business plan, work continued, revenue and expenditure estimates, cash flow estimates and project benefit evaluation and other aspects is analyzed. The project is expected to total investment of 210 million; sales net profit margin of JL project is 30.40%, NPV is 271.9528 million, the dynamic payback period of investment is about 3 years, internal rate of return IRR of 43.63%,the profitability of PB project exceed the industry average. Finally, through risk analysis, it gets a result that the project has a certain risk, but in a controllable range. Overall, the project demonstrates obvious social benefits. The result shows that the project is feasible. Keywords: Real Estate; Business Plan; ApartmentIV 目 录 摘要.........................................................................................................................................I Abstract .................................................................................................................................... II 第一章 绪论..............................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 文献综述 ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 商业计划书的写作................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 房地产工程的可操作性分析................................................................................... 3 1.2.3 资金投入方针............................................................................................................ 3 1.3 研究方法和技术路线 ..................................................................................................... 4 1.3.1 研究方法................................................................................................................... 4 1.3.2 研究内容................................................................................................................... 5 1.3.3 技术路线................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 本章小结 ......................................................................................................................... 6 第二章 项目简介......................................................................................................................7 2.1 开发商简介 ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 项目基本情况 ................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.1 项目特色和总体规划............................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 项目的投资吸引点................................................................................................. 10 2.2.3 项目研发有关的经济技术标准............................................................................. 10 2.2.4 项目整体进展......................................................................................................... 11 2.3 本章总结 ....................................................................................................................... 12 第三章 投资环境分析....................................................................................

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