随着国家经济的高速发展,传媒欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中的企业应该怎样才能实现在复杂的经济和 社会环境中脱颖而出,持续发展,并不断开拓新的天地,关键因素是企业中的人。当 今传媒欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司以及传媒公司间的竞争,究其根本是人才之间的竞争,尤其是优秀、稀缺 人才。公司如何做才能吸引人才,留住人才,特别是核心且稀缺的人才,并激发他们 的积极性和创造性,是当今人力资源开发与管理的核心。作为一种能够有效的调动员 工积极性和主动性以及创造性的并且具有战略高度和意义的方法和管理思想的薪酬 管理,越来越受到企业的关注。同时,如何优化薪酬系统使其更具内部公平性和外部 竞争性,也是企业管理人员急需解决的难题。 本文以 A 传媒公司为研究对象,采用全面薪酬管理理论,结合 A 传媒公司现状, 对现行的薪酬体系进行优化。本文首先对研究的背景与意义、研究内容和方法进行阐 述,同时从薪酬的界定、薪酬设计的目标、原则以及现状等方面对薪酬设计的理论进 行综述,为薪酬体系的优化提供理论基础。其次对 A 传媒公司薪酬体系现状进行分析, 主要介绍了 A 传媒公司的主要业务及组织结构,并对 A 传媒公司进行 SWOT 分析,以 确定现行薪酬体系与 A 公司的发展战略的匹配程度,为新方案的优化指明方向。还通 过外部薪酬调查和内部薪酬调查,以及两者的结合,从 A 公司的薪酬发展历程、现行 薪酬体系构成及薪酬水平的分布等方面对 A 公司的薪酬现状进行调查分析,找出 A 传 媒公司现行薪酬体系中存在的问题。再次针对前面的问题,进行逐一解决,主要包括 针对薪酬总体水平偏低,缺乏对外竞争力的外部薪酬策略的优化,结合 A 公司的发展 战略,及节约成本的考虑,在宏观的角度,确定市场跟随策略;针对全面管理人员、 基层管理人员和专业技术人员、后勤保障人员等的内部薪酬策略的优化。最后,坚持 统一领导、灵活的,强制性的和渐进的原则,从组织,制度,人员,企业文化,思想 宣传等方面保障新方案的实施,以及对实施过程的监管和调控,以确保顺利实施。 综上所述,本文结合 A 传媒公司的经营状况和亟待解决的实际问题,以薪酬的相 关理论为指导,以体现薪酬的公平和激励为目的,对 A 传媒公司现行的薪酬体系进行 个性化的优化,并针对 A 传媒公司的实际提出、制定了一系列的保障措施。期望能为 与 A 传媒公司相似的企业提供一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:传媒公司;薪酬体系;优化A 传媒公司薪酬体系优化方案设计 II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of national economy, how can the media companies stand out in the complex economic and social environment, develop continuously and open up new horizonsThe key answer relies on the human resource in the company. The competition between the modern media companies is competition of human resource ultimately, especially for the talented person. As an effective method and management thought with strategic height and significance, compensation management can mobilize employees in aspects of enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and gain more and more attention from enterprise. Meanwhile, how to make the compensation system fairer inside and more competitive outside is also an urgent problem for the corporate executives. In the thesis, we take media company A as the study object, and the compensation system was optimized according to the reality of the company using the theory of comprehensive compensation management. Firstly, the theoretic basis of the optimization scheme was provided by the elaborate of the background, significance, research content and methods of the study, and summary of the compensation design theory in aspect of the definition, design objectives, principles and the current situation. Secondly, the current situation of compensation system of media company A was analyzed; the key business and organizational structure was introduced; the optimization compensation system was directed by the match extent between the current compensation system and the development strategy of media company A through SWOT analysis; the external and internal compensation were investigated; the current compensation situation of media company A was investigated and analyzed based on the development process, the current compensation system structure and compensation level distribution; the current problems of the compensation system of media company A were located. Thirdly, aiming to the mentioned problems, the optimization strategy was proposed including: 1) optimization of current external compensation strategy that is low in overall level and lack of external competitiveness; 2) in the macro perspective, the market follower strategy was proposed considering the developing strategy and cost saving; 3) the optimization of internal compensation strategy based on job, grade, performance and fairness. Finally, under principle of unified leadership, flexibility, constraint and gradualism, the implementation of the new compensation strategy was guaranteed in aspects of organization, institution, personality, corporate culture and ideological propaganda; the implementation process was regulated to operate smooth implementation. In summary, the compensation system of media company A was optimized personalized for the purpose of compensation fairness and stimulation according to the current operating situation and urgent practical problem, directed by the related河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位 III compensation theory. A series of the insurance measures were also proposed according to the current situation of media company A. We expect that this thesis will be taken as reference at a certain constant for similar companies. KEY WORDS:media company, compensation system , optimization河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位 V 目 录 第一章 绪论....- 1 - 1.1 选题背景与意义...- 1 - 1.1.1 选题背景.....- 1 - 1.1.2 选题意义.....- 2 - 1.2 研究内容与方法...- 2 - 1.2.1 研究内容.....- 2 - 1.2.2 研究方法.....- 5 - 1.3 薪酬设计理论综述....- 5 - 1.3.1 薪酬的界定- 5 - 1.3.2 薪酬设计的目标...- 6 - 1.3.3 薪酬设计的原则...- 7 - 1.3.4 薪酬理论现状..- 9 - 第二章 A 传媒公司薪酬体系现状分析.- 13 - 2.1 A 传媒公司概况..- 13 - 2.1.1 A 传媒公司简介..- 13 - 2.1.2 A 传媒公司的组织结构- 13 - 2.2 A 传媒公司 SWOT 分析..- 16 - 2.2.1 针对 A 传媒公司的 SWOT 分析- 16 - 2.2.2 A 传媒公司整体发展战略.- 18 - 2.3 A 传媒公司薪酬体系结构 .- 18 - 2.3.1 A 传媒公司薪酬发展历程.- 18 - 2.3.2 A 传媒公司现行薪酬体系构成....- 19 - 2.3.3 薪酬水平分布- 21 - 2.4 A 传媒公司薪酬体系存在的问题及原因分析.- 27 - 第三章 A 传媒公司薪酬优化方案....- 31 - 3.1 公司外部薪酬策略优化.....- 31 - 3.1.1 外部薪酬策略简介...- 31 - 3.1.2 优化方案...- 32 - 3.2 公司内部薪酬策略优化.....- 34 - 3.2.1 内部薪酬策略简介...- 34 - 3.2.2 优化方案...- 35 -A 传媒公司薪酬体系优化方案设计 VI 第四章 薪酬优化方案的实施保障...- 53 - 4.1 薪酬方案实施保障的重要性..- 53 - 4.1.1 实施机构...- 53 - 4.1.2 实施程序...- 53 - 4.2 组织保障..- 54 - 4.2.1 高层领导支持- 54 - 4.2.2 中层管理人员支持...- 54 - 4.2.3 基层员工支持- 54 - 4.3 制度保障..- 54 - 4.4 人员保障..- 55 - 4.5 企业文化保障.....- 55 - 4.6 思想宣传保障.....- 56 - 4.7 过程调控..- 56 - 第五章 结论..- 59 - 5.1 主要研究成果.....- 59 - 5.2 存在的问题与不足..- 60 -