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目的,通过对递增负荷方式、100% vVO 2 max、110%vVO 2 max 恒定负荷方式所测得 的 VO 2 max 进行研究,为实验室采用恒定负荷方式测定 VO 2 max 提供可能;通过观察递 增负荷与恒定负荷最大摄氧量平台持续时间(VO 2 maxPD)、最大摄氧量速度维持时间 (tlimvVO 2 max)及运动至力竭的时间(Tlim)之间的差异,评价恒定负荷与递增负荷方 式测定 VO 2 max 之间的关系,为普及科学健身提供更多供选择的测试方法。 方法,收集武汉体育学院195例男大学生(年龄21.87±2.20y,身高173±3.50cm, 体重64.6±4.06kg)递增负荷方式测得的VO 2 max的数据进行数理统计分析,把递增负 荷方式中达到VO 2 max的速度作为100%vVO 2 max恒定负荷的速度,其100%vVO 2 max的均值 为,16.32±1.12 kmh -1 ,对其中15名受试者分别以递增负荷方式、100%vVO 2 max恒 定负荷方式、110%vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式运动至力竭。把低于VO 2 max值5%以内的值视为 VO 2 max平台范围值,其持续时间称为VO 2 maxPD,用秒表记录三次负荷运动至力竭的时 间(Tlim)。三次测试分别采用15s和30s间隔采样对结果进行分析,所有数据经 SPSS13.0软件统计处理。 结果, 1.递增负荷方式所测得的VO 2 max值为,3434±359ml/min;100%vVO 2 max恒定负 荷方式、110%vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式所测得的VO 2 max值分别为,3554±349ml/min、3660 ±428ml/min,递增负荷与两种恒定负荷方式所测得的VO 2 max值的之间均无显著性差 异(P>0.05)。 2.递增负荷方式Tlim为,596.87±61.48s;100%vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式、110%- vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式Tlim分别为,214.0±77.65、144.73±52.90s,递增负荷与两 种恒定负荷方式所测的Tlim之间差异均非常显著(P﹤0.01),恒定负荷方式Tlim短于 递增负荷方式。 3.递增负荷方式tlimvVO 2 max为,93.87±44.63s;100%vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式、 110%vV0 2 max恒定负荷方式所测得的tlimvVO 2 max分别为,208.07±54.65s、144.60± 53.12s,递增负荷与两种恒定负荷方式所测得的tlimvVO 2 max之间差异均非常显著 (P<0.01),100%vVO 2 max恒定负荷方式tlimvVO 2 max最长。 4.递增负荷方式VO 2 maxPD为,71±35.62s;100%vVO 2 max恒定负荷式、110%vVO 2 max 恒定负荷式所测得的VO 2 maxPD分别为,67±32.50s、56±30.78s,递增负荷与两种恒 定负荷方式所测得的VO 2 maxPD之间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。 结论,1.以本人递增负荷中达到最大摄氧量的速度,作为恒定负荷的速度,所测 得的最大摄氧量与传统的递增负荷方式所测得的最大摄氧量无显著性差异,表明恒定 负荷方式可作为实验室测定最大摄氧量的可选方式。 2.采用恒定负荷方式测定最大摄氧量的时间为 2-7 分钟,表明恒定负荷方式测定 最大摄氧量至少需要 2 分钟以上。 3. 100%vVO 2 max 与 110%vVO 2 max 相比,100%vVO 2 max 作为恒定负荷的速度测定最 大摄氧量更为适宜。 关键词,最大摄氧量,最大摄氧量速度,递增负荷方式,恒定负荷方式, 运动至力竭时间Abstract Objective: Through researching the value of VO 2 max which measured by incremental-load, 100% and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise, in order to offer the feasibility of using constant-load exercise to measure VO 2 max in laboratory. To observe the relationship between VO 2 max, VO 2 max Pleteau Duration, the lasting time of vVO 2 max (tlimvVO 2 max) and the time to exhaustion (Tlim) of male students of physical education, supply more selective measuring methods for popularizing scientific exercise. Materials and Methods: Collecting 195 VO 2 max protocols measured by incremental-load exercise of male students from Wuhan Institute of Physical Education ( age: 21.87±2.20y,height:173±3.50cm,weight:64.6±4.06kg ), take the velocity which reached VO 2 max when measured by incremental-load exercise as 100%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise. The average value of 100%vVO 2 max is 16.32±1.12kmh -1 . One of 15 participated in other two tests which exercised at 100% and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise as long as possible until they were totally exhausted. Take the value below 5% of VO 2 max as the plateau value, the time of the plateau value is defined as VO 2 maxPD. The time to exhaustion (Tlim) at three tests were measured by a stopwatch. We analyzed all results by 15s and 30s respectively(The expired air were averaged by every 15s or 30s). All protocols were dealt by SPSS 13.0. Results:1. The value of VO 2 max measured by incremental-load exercise, 100%vVO 2 max and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise are 3434±359ml/min, 3554± 349ml/min, 3660±428ml/min, respectively. There is no great significant difference between incremental-load exercise and constant-load exercise(P > 0.05). 2. There is a great significant difference of Tlim among incremental-load exercise, 100%vVO 2 max and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise(P﹤0.01). The value are 596.87±61.48s, 214.0±77.65s, 144.6±53.12s, respectively. The Tlim of constant-load exercise is longer than incremental-load exercise. 3. There is a great significant difference of tlimvVO 2 max among incremental-load exercise, 100% vVO 2 max and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercis(eP﹤0.01). The value are 93.87±44.63s, 208.07±54.65s, 144.73±52.90s, respectively. And the tlimvVO 2 max of constant-load exercise is much shorter. 4. There is no great significant difference of VO 2 maxPD among incremental-load ex- ercise, 100%vVO 2 max and 110%vVO 2 max constant-load exercise(P > 0.05), and the value are 71±35.62s, 67±32.50s, 56±30.78s, respectively. Conclusions: 1. There is no great difference of VO 2 max between constant-load exercise and incremental-load exercise, indicate that we can take constant-load exercise as a laboratory way to measure VO 2 max. 2. It can reach one’s VO 2 max in2-7min, at least 2min, when measured VO 2 max by constant-load exercise. 3. When we measured VO 2 max by constant-load exercise in laboratory, it’s more fitting to take 100%vVO 2 max as the intensity of constant-load exercise than 110% vVO 2 max. Key words: Maximal Oxygen Uptake, vVO 2 max, incremental-load exercise, constant-load exercise, time to exhaustion目 录 1 引言....................................................................................................................................1 2 文献综述............................................................................................................................2 2.1 VO2MAX的传统概念及研究进展................................................................................2 2.1.1 VO 2 max 的传统概念............................................................................................2 2.1.2 国内外研究进展................................................................................................2 2.2 VO2MAX的影响因素....................................................................................................3 2.2.1 呼吸能力.............................................................................................................3 2.2.2 心输出量.............................................................................................................4 2.2.3 血液携氧能力.....................................................................................................4 2.2.4 骨骼肌摄取和利用氧能力................................................................................4 2.2.5 年龄、性别因素................................................................................................5 2.2.6 遗传因素............................................................................................................5 2.2.7 训练因素............................................................................................................6 2.2.8 测试误差............................................................................................................6 2.3 VO2MAX相关指标........................................................................................................6 2.3.1 心输出量............................................................................................................6 2.3.2 跑步效率 RE(running economy).................................................................7 2.3.3 无氧阈(Anaerobic Threshold,AT)..............................................................7 2.3.4 最大摄氧量速度(vVO 2 max)...............................................................................8 2.3.5 最大摄氧量平台持续时间(VO 2 maxPD)、最大摄氧量速度维持时间 (tlimvVO 2 max)、和运动至力竭的时间(Tlim)..........................

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