随着科学技术的进步,现代化企业的信息化水平也呈现不断上升的趋势,企业 通过各种渠道积累了大量的客户信息和交易记录等业务数据,此数据已经成为企业 的生产要素,其背后其实隐含着客户群体的特性、消费习惯、客户价值等重要信息, 如何对这些客户细分分析得到有效的信息对实现企业决策方式从“业务驱动”向 “数据驱动”转型有着重要的作用和意义。企业对于利润最大的攫取本质上是对客 户的竞争,哪家企业能够更好的服务客户,哪家企业就有能力更好地发展和保持有 价值的客户的企业常常在市场中处于相对更加有优势的地位。 目前 M 公司 I 事业部也是秉着以客户为中心的思想,但是都是以大客户为中心, 但随着市场竞争的日益激烈,M 公司与原有的大客户之间的业务逐年下滑。M 公司 不得不思考重新去寻找新的潜在客户,从2018年开始M公司开始通过电商平台等线 上的方式开始引流更多的新客户,也确实吸引了不少新客户,但 M 公司 I 事业部在 识别新客户、区别对待以及与客户互动、个性化服务的能力上都有所欠缺,所以导 致被吸引过来的大量中小客户还没与 M 公司合作就流失了。特别是在现在日益竞争 激烈的环境下,M 公司 I 事业部如果不抓住潜在的中小客户机会,那么在业务增长 能力上就会远不如竞争对手。因此,对于中小客户关系管理是目前 M 公司 I 事业部 非常重要而且紧急的要务,它可以为 M 公司 I 事业部提供更多新的潜在客户机会。 本论文以 M 公司 I 事业部中小客户为例,通过客户细分理论系统性的分析了 M 公司I事业部从各个渠道获得的中小客户对于公司的不同价值及潜在价值,并运用数 据挖掘中聚类的方法对 M 公司 I 事业部的中小客户进行聚类成不同的客户群体,甄 选客户、优选客户及潜力客户;并根据这些不同的客户群体提出中小客户识别、差 异营销、客户互动关怀及客户个性化服务上的优化方案,帮助提升 M 公司 I 事业部 中小客户关系管理的有效性,最终探索构建完善、有效的 M 公司 I 事业部中小客户 的客户关系管理体系,并提出了有计划性的保障措施,为欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的中小客户细分及 客户关系管理提供有效参考,并且为检测客户关系管理理论的普遍适用性创造条件。 关键词,客户关系管理;客户细分;数据挖掘;聚类分析;IDIC模型III Abstract With the progress of science and technology, the informationization level of modern enterprises is also on the rise. Enterprises have accumulated a large number of business data such as customer information and transaction records through various channels. This data has become a factor of production of enterprises, which actually implies the characteristics of customer groups, consumption habits and customers. Value and other important infor- mation, how to subdivide and analyze these customers effectively has an important role and significance in realizing the transformation of enterprise decision-making mode from busi- ness-driven to data-driven. The most profitable enterprise is essentially the competition for customers. Enterprises which can better serve customers and which have the ability to better develop and maintain valuable customers are often in a relatively more advantageous position in the market. At present, the I division of M company also adheres to the idea of customer-centered, but all of them are customer-centered. However, with the increasingly fierce market compe- tition, the business between M company and the existing key customers is declining year by year. M company has to rethink to find new potential customers. Since 2018, M company has begun to attract more new customers through business platforms and other online ways. It has also attracted many new customers. However, I division of M company has the ability to identify new customers, differentiate treatment, interact with customers and provide per- sonalized services. There are some deficiencies, so a large number of small and medium- sized customers attracted to the company have not cooperated with M on the loss. Especially in today's increasingly competitive environment, if I Division of M Company does not seize the potential opportunities of small and medium-sized customers, then its business growth ability will be far inferior to that of its competitors. Therefore, for small and medium-sized customer relationship management is a very important and urgent task for M company I business department, it can provide M company I business department with more new po- tential customer opportunities. This paper takes the small and medium-sized customers of M Company I Division as an example, systematically analyses the different value and potential value of the small andIV medium-sized customers obtained by M Company I Division from various channels through the theory of customer segmentation, and uses the clustering method of data mining to cluster the small and medium-sized customers of M Company I Division into different customers groups: selecting customers, optimizing customers and potential customers; and according to these different customer groups, puting forward the optimization scheme of small and medium-sized customer identification, differentiated marketing, customer interaction care and customer personalized service, to help enhance the effectiveness of small and medium- sized customer relationship management in M Company I Division, and finally explore the construction of perfect and effective. Customer relationship management system of small and medium-sized customers in Division I of M Company, and proposed planned safeguard measures to provide effective reference for the subdivision of small and medium-sized cus- tomers and customer relationship management in the industry, and to create conditions for testing the universal applicability of customer relationship management theory. Keywords: Customer relationship management; Customer segmentation; Data mining; Cluster analysis; IDIC model目录 致谢 .......................................................................................................................................I 摘要 .....................................................................................................................................II Abstract ................................................................................................................................III 第 1章 绪论 ..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 选题背景与研究意义 .................................................................................................1 1.1.1 选题背景 ..............................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究目的 ..............................................................................................................2 1.1.3 研究意义 ..............................................................................................................3 1.2 国内外研究现状 .........................................................................................................4 1.2.1 国外研究现状 ......................................................................................................4 1.2.2 国内研究现状 ......................................................................................................5 1.2.3 国内外文献小结 ..................................................................................................6 1.3 研究主要内容与基本框架 .........................................................................................7 1.3.1 研究内容 ..............................................................................................................7 1.3.2 基本框架 ..............................................................................................................8 1.4 研究的方法与创新点 .................................................................................................8 1.4.1 研究方法 ..............................................................................................................8 1.4.2 创新点 ..................................................................................................................9 第 2章 相关理论及方法概述 ...........................................................................................10 2.1 客户关系管理理论 ....................................................................................