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随着经济的发展,国内商业发展迅速,全国各地纷纷进行商业开发,购物中心在国 内各大城市快速出现并迅猛发展,这一新型商业业态集零售、餐饮、娱乐、服务于一体, 极大满足了消费者日益变化的多元化需求。良好的市场反应和效益回馈引来过多的购物 中心争相登市亮相,使得这一市场的竞争日趋激烈,部分购物中心于是开始复制运营比 较成功的购物中心的营销活动,结果是投入成本大,效果却很不显著。而且,近些年来 电子商务飞速发展,消费项目越来越丰富多样,越来越多的消费者直接在网购平台上完 成交易满足自身需求,使得购物中心的市场空间疾速萎缩,许多购物中心陷入运营困境。 要想在当前这种严酷的市场环境内长远发展,购物中心必须扬长避短,利用网购平台所 不具备的自身优势,根据目标客群定位、市场定位,开展满足市场诉求的营销活动,才 能突出重围求得发展。尤其是在各大节庆期间,市场的消费需求较常日活跃、旺盛许多, 如何开展营销活动吸引顾客、留住顾客就成为购物中心能否成功运营的关键一环,关于 该问题的研究也就成为一个必要且重要的课题。 Y 购物中心位于山东省省会济南,是由当地某知名大型国企投资建成的商业项目, 从开业至今在典型节庆日期间推出多种节庆日主题营销活动,取得了较好的效果。然而, 随着 Y 购物中心所在商圈的环境的不断变化,消费者消费行为的不断转变,需要 Y 购 物中心典型节庆日营销活动也随之不断优化、调整,以满足消费者多元化消费需求,应 对激烈的市场竞争。本文运用和借鉴国内外营销活动的相关理论与研究成果 ,结合对 Y 购物中心推出的多个主题营销活动相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的分析,对 Y 购物中心圣诞节、周年庆、 寒暑假、春节等典型节庆日营销活动进行评价及优化研究,探析 Y 购物中心典型节庆 日营销活动效果,分析各类活动成功的经验及存在的不足,并提出营销活动优化建议, 包括:“走进”消费者心里,针对目标客群强化互动体验营销活动;去“同质化”,实现 IP (知识产权 Intellectual Property 缩写)主题版权多元化营销活动;浓厚活动氛围,打造 特色主题场景式营销活动。本研究可为 Y 购物中心及其他购物中心典型节庆日营销活 动提供可行的参考建议。关 键 词:购物中心,典型节庆日,营销活动,评价,优化 研究类型:专题研究Subject :Innovation Research On Staff Incentive Mechanism Of TY Water Supply Group Specialty :Master of Business Administration Name :wang yi bo (Signature): : Instructor:song yong mei (Signature): :: ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy, domestic business develops rapidly, and commercial development is carried out all over the country. Shopping centers have emerged and developed rapidly in major cities in China. This new commercial format integrates retail, catering, entertainment and service, greatly meeting the changing diversified needs of consumers. Good market response and benefit feedback attracted too many shopping center competing to appear on the market, making the competition in this market increasingly fierce, part of shopping center then began to replicate the successful operation of the shopping center marketing activities, the result is the investment cost is large, the effect is not significant. In addition, in recent years, with the rapid development of e-commerce, consumer projects are becoming more and more diverse. More and more consumers complete transactions directly on online shopping platforms to meet their own needs. As a result, the market space of shopping center shrinks rapidly, and many shopping centers fall into operational difficulties. In order to achieve long-term development in the current harsh market environment, shopping center must make full use of its strengths and circumvent its weaknesses, make use of its own advantages that online shopping platform does not have, and carry out marketing activities to meet market demands according to target customer group positioning and market positioning, so as to stand out and seek development. Especially during major festivals, the consumer demand in the market is often active and exuberant. How to carry out marketing activities to attract and retain customers has become a key link for the successful operation of shopping center, and the research on this issue has become a necessary and important topic. Y shopping center is located in Jinan, capital of Shandong province. It is a commercial project invested and built by a well-known large local state-owned enterprise. Since its opening, it has launched a variety of marketing activities themed on festivals and achieved good results. However, with the constant change of the business environment of Y shoppingcenter and the continuous change of consumer consumption behavior, the major festival marketing activities of Y shopping center need to be constantly optimized and adjusted to meet consumers' diversified consumption needs and cope with fierce market competition. This paper and draw lessons from domestic and international marketing activities of the relevant theory and research results, combined with the Y shopping center for the analysis of the multiple topics of marketing activities related information for Y Christmas shopping center, anniversary, summer and winter vacation, the Spring Festival and other major festivals marketing activities to evaluate and optimization research, analysis of major festivals Y shopping center marketing activities effect, analysis of successful experience and the deficiency existing in all kinds of activities, and put forward marketing optimization Suggestions, including: into the consumer heart, strengthening interactive experience marketing activities in target customers; To homogenize and achieve diversified marketing activities of IP (Intellectual Property abbreviation) theme copyright; Strong activity atmosphere, create characteristic theme scene type marketing activities. This study can provide feasible reference Suggestions for Y shopping center and other shopping center's major festival marketing activities. Keywords : shopping center, typical festival day, marketing campaign, evaluation, optimization Thesis : thematic research目录 I 目 录 1 绪论........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义..............................................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景...............................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义...............................................................................................................2 1.2 国内外研究综述..............................................................................................................2 1.2.1 国外研究综述.......................................................................................................2 1.2.2 国内研究综述.......................................................................................................4 1.3 研究方法、思路与内容..................................................................................................5 1.3.1 研究方法...............................................................................................................5 1.3.2 研究思路及技术路线...........................................................................................6 1.3.3 研究内容...............................................................................................................7 2 相关理论概述........................................................................................................................8 2.1 购物中心概述..................................................................................................................8 2.1.1 购物中心概念.......................................................................................................8 2.1.2 购物中心分类.......................................................................................................8 2.2 营销活动概述................................................................................................................10 2.2.1 营销活动的定义.................................................................................................10 2.2.2 营销活动的意义...................................................................

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