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本文以培训机构教学人员薪酬为切入点,研究了 TD培训机构教学人员薪酬 存在的问题,设计了 TD培训机构教学人员的薪酬方案,并在方案设计中加入了 激励因子,包括行为评价因子和结果评价因子,达到激励教学人员在教学过程中 注重教学质量的目标。 文中首先阐述了本文研究背景,提出了研究的切入点,梳理了目前国内薪酬 管理方面的研究文献。结合本文要解决的问题,确定了研究思路及研究内容框架。 其次梳理了与薪酬管理相关的基础薪酬理论,为本文薪酬方案设计奠定理论 基础。 然后分析了当前培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展中存在的问题,介绍了 TD培训机构基本情况 及TD培训机构教学人员薪酬现状,并总结了当前薪酬方案中存在的问题,包括 薪酬衡量标准、薪酬未与教学质量挂钩等问题。 文中最后明确TD培训机构教学人员薪酬体系改革的目标,确定薪酬体系设 计的总体思路,在薪酬设计中加入了行为因子和结果因子,发挥薪酬对教学人员 的激励作用。在薪酬方案设计之前,总结了影响教学人员薪酬标准的关键因素, 为教学人员的薪酬定位、薪酬标准奠定基础。在方案中,提出了 TD培训机构薪 酬方案计算模型:薪酬总额(T)=课时因子(A) +行为评价因子(P) +结果评 价因子(R),这个模型易理解、可操作,每个因子都可以建立标准,可依据实际 情况计算。 关键词:培训机构;教学人员;薪酬激励;薪酬方案设计 西南交通大学硕士生学位论文 第II页 Abstract In the paper, the remuneration of the teaching staff of training institutions as an entry point, This paper studies the problems of the TD training institutions teaching staff remuneration, designed the TD training institutions teaching staff remuneration program,added incentive factor in the program,including behavioral evaluation factors and outcome evaluation factor. This paper first describes the research background,and the entry point of the study, Combed pay administration in the research literature. Combined with the problem to be solved, identified research ideas and research framework. Second, the paper reviews the basic theory and salary management, laid the theoretical foundation for this remuneration program design. Then,the paper analyzes the current problems in the development of the training industry, introduced the TD training institutions and the TD training institutions teaching staff remuneration status quo, existing problems in the current remuneration program, including salary measure, the remuneration is not linked with the quality of teachingand other issues. Finally, a clear goal of the TD training institutions teaching staff salary system reform, to determine the general idea of the pay system design, remuneration design behavioral factors and outcome factors play remuneration of teaching staff incentives. Before remuneration program design, summarizes the key factors to affect the standard of the teaching staff, to lay the foundation for the teaching staff remuneration positioning,remuneration standards. In the scheme, the proposed remuneration packages TD training institutions calculation model: the total remuneration (T) = class factor (A) + behavioral evaluation factor (P) + Result evaluation factor (R), this model easy to understand, actionable, each factors can create standard, calculated according to the actual situation. key words: Training institutions; Teacher; Incentive compensation; Design remuneration program 西南交通大学硕士生学位论文 第111页 目 录 第1章绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2国内薪酬方案设计研究现状 2 1.3研究意义 4 1.4研究思路与方法 5 1.5研究内容 6 1. 6创新点 6 第2章薪酬体系设计理论综述 7 2.1薪酬的概念、构成及功能 7 2.2薪酬的形式 11 2.3薪酬的基础理论 12 第3章TD培训机构教学人员薪酬方案存在的问题分析 16 3. 1成都地区考前培训市场发展现状 16 3.2 TD培训机构介绍 17 3. 3 TD培训机构教学资源现状 18 3. 4 TD培训机构教学质量调查 20 3. 5 TD培训机构教学人员薪酬现状及存在的问题 22 第4章TD培训机构教学人员薪酬方案设计 25 4.1薪酬设计目标 25 4.2教学人员薪酬方案设计的总体思路 26 4.3市场薪酬调查 27 4.4教学人员薪酬定位 29 4.5教学人员岗位职责 29 4.6教学人员薪酬设计方案 30 西南交通大学硕士生学位论文 第IV页 第5章薪酬方案实施步骤与保障 35 5.1薪酬方案设计中需要注意的问题 35 5.2薪酬方案实施步骤 36 5.3薪酬方案实施保障 37 Sc it 41

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