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随着社会生产技术和管理经济学的发展可行性研宄在20世纪初产生,在以 后长期工程项目实施中得到验证,目前项目的可行性研宄己被世界各国所公认 并广泛应用。由于酒店项目一次性投资较大,存在巨大的投资风险,为了控制 风险,避免损失,国外的酒店欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司对项目前期的可行性分析非常重视,在立项 之前都会委托专门的机构或公司,进行项目可行性研宄,目前国外专业酒店咨 询评估机构已经比较多。 我国从2000年以后,酒店投资项目的决策中开始应用可行性研宄,目前己 得到初步发展。但相对于国外酒店欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司对项目前期的可行性研究相比,国内研 究尚处于初步阶段,绝大多数高档酒店的可行性研究报告均由境外管理公司承 担。 青岛酒店管理学院目前己经发展为国内具有一定知名度的高职院校,其办 学特色侧重酒店管理及技能型实用人才。从教学需要出发,建设实习酒店非常 必要。但由于学院所处位置相对偏远,旅游会议市场均不容乐观,所以从经济 效益上来考虑该项目存在一定风险,对该项目进行可行性分析,为领导提供决 笛士匕曰 束:f曰守。 本报告研究方法: 1.市场定位分析法:运用SWOT法对酒店项目竞争进行分析; 实习酒店项目可行性研究 2.项目投资和成本估算:采用单位建筑工程投资估算法估算建设期投资; 采用分项详细估算法估算运营成本; 3.项目财务评价:采用静态和动态的方法,以动态为主; 4.风险分析:系统分解法等。 本文的主要研宄内容和目标包括:对于酒店建设项目从市场定位分析、建设 方案选择、项目的成本和收入估算、财务可行性研宄、风险分析等方面,进行 全面科学合理的评估,得出是否可行的结论。综合运用项目决策、工程管理、 财务管理的相关理论和方法,结合学院筹建实习酒店的实际情况,从社会效益 和经济效益上对本类项目做出全面、科学、合理的可行性结论,并对周边酒店 投资项目的可行性研究及决策提供参考,进而对全国类似相关院校的实习酒店 项目提供参考。 该项目在投资经营期内,财务净现值大于0,投资回收期小于8年,在经 济效益上可行。从社会效益分析,该项目解决了学院学生实训和教师培训,响 应国家教委在高职院校中建设前校后厂的办学模式,促进了学院发展,在社会 效益上可行。 关键词:可行性分析;酒店项目;实习 实习酒顿目可酣研究 Feasibility study of practice hotel project 一Demonstration by practice hotel project of Qingdao Hismile College Feasibility study is produced with the technology development of social production and economic management in early twentieth Century. After the actual verification of the long-term development and engineering project, the project feasibility study has been recognized by all countries in the world, especially widely used in large investment, affecting a wide range of projects. Due to the characteristics of the industry, the hotel project has a huge investment risk. A feasibility study institution or company specialized hotel investment projects abroad, in order to control the risk, avoid a loss, in order to maximize the return on investment. China began to feasibility study is widely used in hotel project investment decision from 2000, and obtained the preliminary development. But compared with foreign hotel industry feasibility study of project, the domestic research is still in the initial stage. The vast majority of high-grade hotel feasibility study report shall be borne by the foreign management company. Qingdao College of hotel management has been developed for the domestic has certain well-known college degree, the school characteristics on hotel management and technical talents. From the 实习酒店项目可行性研究 need of teaching, the construction of practice hotel is very necessary. But because of the relatively remote location, tourism conference market is not optimistic, so from the economic benefits of the project to consider the risk must exist, the feasibility analysis of the project, to provide leadership decision significance. The research method of this thesis: 1. Analysis of market positioning: the use of SWOT and other methods of analysis. 2. Investment and cost estimate of the project: the use of unit construction investment construction investment estimation method for estimation, estimation method using detailed estimates operational costs. 3. The project financial evaluation: using both static and dynamic methods, by dynamic. 4. Risk analysis: system decomposition method. The main research contents and objectives include: for the hotel construction project from the market positioning analysis, construction scheme selection, project cost and revenue estimates, financial feasibility study, risk analysis of the project to conduct a comprehensive scientific assessment, to conclude the feasibility study correctly. Various theories and methods of the comprehensive application of project decision analysis and evaluation, management, economics and financial management, the actual situation of the hotel 实习酒挪@可甜研究 practice closely, make a feasibility conclusion comprehensive, scientific, reasonable of the project from the social benefit and economic benefit, and to provide reference for the feasibility study and investment decision on the surrounding the hotel project provide a reference for the similar, and the relevant universities practice Hotel project. In the investment and operating period of the project, financial net present value is greater than 0. The investment recovery period is less than 8 years, economically feasible. From the analysis of the social benefits, the project to solve the college students training and teacher training, running mode of the State Board of education of school and factory construction in Higher Vocational Colleges after response, promote the school development, the social benefit is feasible. Keywords: feasibility analysis, Hotel project, practice 实习酒店项目可行性研究 录 1 @ 论 1 1.1研究背景、目的和意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1. 1.2研究目的及意义 2 1.2研宄内容和方法 2 1.2. 1研究内容 2 1.2. 2研宄方法 2 1 3实习酒店项目可行性研宄 3 1.3. 1酒店建设项目可行性研宄的定义 3 1.3.2酒店项目可行性研宄的作用 3 1.3. 3实习酒店项目可行性研究的主要内容 4 1. 3. 4实习酒店项目可行性研宄的依据 4 1.3.5实习酒店项目可行性研究的程序 5 2实习酒店项目的市场需求分析 5 2.1整体市场情况分析 5 2.1.1中国经济概况 5 2. 1.2外商直接投资 7 2.1.3中国旅游业 8 2. 2山东省概况 8 2. 2.1山东省经济概览 9 2. 2. 2旅游业概况 9 2. 2. 3青岛市酒店市场的需求分析 13 2. 3实习酒店项目的周边区域竞争分析 14 实习酒颇目可能研究 4. 3. 2工程建设其他费 31 4. 3. 3基本预备费 33 4. 3. 4建设期贷款利息 33 5实习酒店项目财务评价 33 5.1财务评价的方法 33 5.1.1静态指标评价法 33 5.1. 2动态指标评价法 35 5. 2实习酒店财务分析与评价 36 5.2.1 36 5. 2.2实习酒店项目财务评价 38 6实习酒店项目不确定性分析 42 6.1不确定性分析概述 42 6.1. 1不确定性产生的原因 42 6. 2实习酒店项目的不确定性分析 43 6. 2.1实习酒店项目敏感性分析因素的内容 43 6. 2. 2实习酒店项目不确定因素的敏感性分析 43 6.2.3实习酒店项目盈亏平衡分析的内容 44 7实习酒店项目风险分析与控制 44 7’ 1风险管理概述 44 7,1. 1风险睡本概念 44 7.1.2项目风险管理的定义、内容 45 7.1.3风险评估与分析 45 7. 2实习酒店项目具体风险分析和应对措施 46 7.2.1 一般酒店建设项目主要风险因素分析 46 7. 2. 2实习酒店项目主要风险因素分析 47 7. 2. 3实习酒店项目风险应对措施 47 ^ 49 实习酒顿目可碰研究

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