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政府绩效评估是以改善政府公共管理和公共服务能力为目的的政府行政改革策略, 是持续提高和改进政府部门绩效的新管理方法和理念,也是当今许多国家实施政府再 造、落实政府责任、改进政府管理、提高政府效能、改善政府形象的一个十分有效的工 具。做好政府绩效评估的方案设计,直接关系到地方政府贯彻落实公共服务的能力。 金州新区自2010年成立以来连续4年承接大连市政府绩效评估工作,在评估主体 的选择、评估指标的确认和评估过程中存在的问题,在一定程度上制约着金州新区政府 的发展。作笔立足金州新区政府自身特点,围绕评估主体、评估对象、指标体系、评估 流程四个方面中存在的问题进行分析,目的在于大连市绩效评估工作经验的基础上结合 新区实际,建立一个科学的、合理的绩效评估体系,以期达到如下目的:梳理国内外地 方政府绩效评估的现状;借鉴国内外先进理论和成功的实践经验;构建科学合理的评估 方案、设计具备可操作性的指标体系,通过方案设计总结提出相应的对策建议。 总结金州新区政府绩效评估的经验,做好绩效评估,首先,要建立相对独立的绩效评 估机构、制定绩效问责制度,通过绩效评估的制度建设为金州新区的绩效评估工作打下 良好的制度基础,其次要通过多元化的评估主体、绩效评估的双向沟通确保绩效评估的 科学性、公平性,最好要做好绩效评估的结果运用,让绩效评估真正起到提升政府行政 效能、改善政府公共服务质量,塑造政府良好形象的目的。 通过对金州新区绩效评估方案的设计,一方面通过结合地区实际,丰富了国内关于 地方政府绩效评估方案方面的理论实践,另一方面,基于地域特点,对地方政府绩效评 估的完善具有重要的现实意义。 关键词:政府绩效;指标;金州新区 金州新区绩效评估方案设计及对策研究 The Government Performance Evaluation Scheme Design and Strategy of Jinzhou New District Abstract Public sector performance evaluation and management is the effective tool for reengineering, the implementation of the government responsibility; Improve the government management, increase the efficiency of the government, improve government image. Highlighting the government management of comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development concept. And the government organization is the principal body of public administration; government performance evaluation is an important part of public sector performance evaluation. Through the government performance evaluation can improve the incentive mechanism, competition mechanism, supervision mechanism, the responsibility mechanism. This belongs to the category of government operation mechanism optimization. Jinzhou new district accumulated certain experience and found highlights the contradictions and deficiency in the evaluation by undertake Dalian municipal government performance evaluation work since it was founded in 2010.The problems existing in the choice of evaluation subject, the confirmation of evaluation index and assessment process restricts the development of Jinzhou district government. In this paper including introduction, the status of Jinzhou new district government performance evaluation,the scheme design of Jinzhou new district government performance evaluation and the suggestions on government performance evaluation. Analyze the existing problems around four aspects (the evaluation subject, evaluation object, index system and evaluation process) based on Jinzhou new district government's own characteristics then establish a scientific and reasonable performance evaluation system by the performance evaluation of Dalian and establish new district in order to achieve the following: Clarify the current situation of domestic & foreign government performance evaluation; Draw lessons from domestic & foreign advanced theory and successful practice experience; Find a scientific and reasonable evaluation scheme and design feasible index system to propos the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions through the design summary. This can enrich the theory of local government performance evaluation scheme in domestic practice,on the other hand, it has important practical significance for the perfection of local government performance evaluation based on regional characteristics through the scheme design of evaluate the performance for Jinzhou district. Key Words: Government Performance ; Index ;Jinzhou New District; II 大连理工大学专业学位硕士学位论文 目 录 m ^ I 1職 1 l.i研究背景与意义 1 1.2国内外研宄现状 3 1.2.1国外政府绩效评估研宄现状 3 1.2.2国内政府绩效评估研宄现状 6 1.2.3当前我国地方政府绩效现行评估模式 9 1.3本文的研宄思路与特色 10 1.3.1 研究思路 10 1.3.2研宄方法 10 1.3.3研究思路框架 11 2金州新区政府绩效评估现状 12 2.1绩效评估政策分析 12 2.2金州新区政府绩效评估对象分析 12 2.3金州新区政府绩效评估主体分析 14 2.4金州新区绩效指标体系分析 14 2.4金州新区政府绩效评估流程分析 17 2.5金州新区政府绩效评估存在的问题 : 17 2.5.1绩效评估与政府或部门的工作计划和绩效目标脱节 18 2.5.2 评估主体单一 18 2.5.3指标设计环节没有双向沟通 19 2.5.4绩效评估过程中的不公平性 19 3金州新区政府绩效评估方案 21 3.1国内外绩效评估的经验与借鉴 21 3.1.1国外绩效评估经验与借鉴 21 3.1.2国内绩效评估经验与借鉴 22 3.2金州新区评估方案论证 23 3.2.1金州新区绩效评估方案需求性 23 3.2.2金州新区绩效评估方案理论分析 23 3.3金州新区政府绩效评估方案设计 25 3.3.1金州新区绩效评估目标原则 25 -III- 金州新区绩效评估方案设计及对策研宄 3.3.2金州新区绩效评估对象 26 3.3.3金州新区绩效评估主体 26 3.3.4金州新区绩效评估指标体系 27 3.3.5金州新区绩效评估流程 32 4金州新区政府绩效评估的对策建议 36 4.1绩效评估制度建设 36 4.1.1相对独立的绩效评估机构 36 4.1.2绩效问责制度 36 4.2 绩效评估主体多元化 37 4.3加强绩效评估流程的沟通 38 4.4建立绩效结果运用机制 38 4.4.1 结果奖惩机制 38 4.4.2信息公开机制 39 4.4.3结果申诉机制 39 ^ ^ 40

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