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为提高我国北方冬季寒冷地区人工湿地处理城市污水的长期稳定性,利用水 培—复合人工湿地,以水培槽为预处理设施,采用水平潜流和垂直流复合人工湿 地为主体,分 3 套系统运行,每套系统运行深度分别为 10 cm、30 cm、60 cm, 以污水厂初沉池为原水,进水量为 0.15 m 3 /d,选用北方常绿草坪植物黑麦草为栽 培作物。对黑麦草作为北方寒冷地区人工湿地栽培作物的可行性、新型水培—复 合人工湿地的稳定性进行了研究,并对比了两个冬季种植黑麦草时系统对城市污 水的处理效果,研究结果表明, (1)种植黑麦草时,水培—复合人工湿地系统对城市污水的净化效率较高, 全年各季节处理效果稳定,冬季与其它季节相比无显著差异(p<0.05),10 cm, 30 cm,60 cm 系列出水中 COD、SS、N、P 等指标均能达到《城镇污水处理厂污 染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)中的二级标准。 (2)黑麦草作为栽培作物的水培槽对 SS 和 COD 的去除明显,以效果最好 的 10 cm 为例,对 SS 和 COD 的去除率可达到 68.28%和 44.12%,可有效降低湿 地的进水负荷,降低湿地堵塞的危险,并为后续人工湿地提供充足的溶解氧,对 TN、TP 也有一定的去除效果,分别达到 44.73%和 26.44%。 (3)水深是水培槽去除污染物的重要影响因素,试验表明,较浅的水深强化 了黑麦草根部的泌氧能力,有利于黑麦草的生长,使得 10 cm 系列中的黑麦草各 项生长指标均显著优于 30 cm 和 60 cm 系列,根系密度(p=0.001<0.05),分蘖 数(p=0.001<0.05),地上生物量(p=0.001<0.05),对水中污染物的吸收分解效 果更为明显。 (4)人工湿地基质深度不同,对不同污染物的处理效果均有显著差异(p< 0.05),较浅的深度使得湿地能够获得更多的溶解氧,强化了植物对污染物的去除 作用,而且水中的溶解氧升高,解决了传统湿地中溶解氧不足和厌氧区过大的问西安建筑科技大学硕士学位报告 II 题,为提高湿地脱氮除磷能力提供了新的思路。 (5)黑麦草作为新型水培—复合人工湿地的栽培作物,适应性良好,各生长 指标均显著优于陆地对照组(p<0.05),黑麦草适应冬季低温环境,冬季去除率 无明显下降,解决了因植物换种带来的出水水质下降、耗费人力物力等问题,可 作为我国北方冬季寒冷地区人工湿地的栽培作物。 关键词,处理效果;人工湿地;水培技术;冬季对比;深度 报告类型,应用研究西安建筑科技大学硕士学位报告 I Feasibility study on municipal wastewater treatment using Lolium perenne L. as a cultivation crop in the new hydroponic cultivation-hybird constructed wetland system Major: Municipal Engineering Graduate: Lu Hao Instructor: Prof. Ren Yongxiang Abstract In order to improve the long term stability of constructed wetlands treatment for municipal wastewater in winter of northern areas.This study has used a hydroponic cultivation-hybrid constructed wetland and used hydroponic ditch as pretreatment and vertical-horizontal subsurface flow combined constructed wetland as main structure. Three sets of system are constructed in the pilot test, whose running water depths are 10 cm, 30 cm, and 60 cm respectively. Choosing primary sedimentation tank in sewage plants as raw water, the water inflow in the system is 0.15 m 3 /d. By choosing the ability of hardy and drought resistance, strong tillering and easy nursing, Lolium perenne L.,we studied the feasibility of using Lolium perenne L. as a cultivation crop in the new system to overwintering in northern areas, the stability of novel hydroponic and hybrid constructed wetland and the relationship between enzyme activity and the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. The main results are shown as follows: (1) The hydroponic and hybrid constructed wetlands had high removal efficiency and stability for municipal wastewater treatment all the year round. There is no difference between winter and other seasons(p<0.05). Effluent index of COD, SS, N and P of running water depth at 10 cm, 30 cm, and 60 cm could meet the secondary standard of Discharge standard of pollutants of municipal sewage treatment plant (GB18918-2002). (2) The hydroponic ditch removed SS and COD significantly by choosing Lolium perenne L. as a cultivation crop. The high removal efficiencies of 68.28% for SS,44.12% for COD in the 10cm series were found. At the same time, the organic loading rate and the risk of substrate clogging in constructed wetland were lowered西安建筑科技大学硕士学位报告 II effectively. (3) The water depth was an important parameter influencing the removal efficiency of pollutants of hydroponic ditch. The study showed that, shallow water depth is helpful to the growth and the growth status of L. perenne in the 10 cm series was better than other series, through strengthening oxygen supply capability of root. Thereby, the ability of absorption and degradation of pollutants in water was strengthened. (4) The removal efficiency for municipal wastewater varies due to the difference between the depths of substrate(p<0.05). The shallow depth can solve the problem of DO shortage in wetlands, which can not only strengthen the ryegrass, but also strengthened the removal of pollutants by the plant. Even more, because of the high DO, the deficiency of DO and the big anaerobic zone of traditional wetland were also tackled. The findings provide a new way to improve the ability of eliminating nitrogen and phosphate in wetland. (5) As the cultivated plant of the novel hydroponic and hybrid constructed wetlands and because of good adaptability, Lolium perenne L. grew better than terrestrial group(p<0.05). The cold weather in winter did not affect the removal efficiency, which could solve problems like low effluent quality and manpower and material resources cost caused by changing plant seeds. In this case, Lolium perenne L. could be the cultivated plant of constructed wetlands in winter cold region in north China. Key words: Constructed wetland; Hydroponic cultivation; Season contrast; Depth; Treatment efficiency Paper type: Application research西安建筑科技大学硕士学位报告 I 目 录 1 绪论 ........................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景..............................................................................................................................1 1.1.1 水培技术简介..............................................................................................................1 1.1.2 人工湿地简介..............................................................................................................2 1.1.3 人工湿地净化机理.....................................................................................................3 1.1.4 人工湿地国内外研究现状.......................................................................................4 1.2 研究目的、研究意义........................................................................................................5 1.2.1 影响人工湿地治污技术应用的局限性因素 .......................................................5 1.2.2 研究目的、研究意义、技术路线..........................................................................6 1.2.3 课题来源、研究内容、创新点..............................................................................7 2 水培-复合人工湿地系统概况及试验方法 ........................................................................9 2.1 系统概况...............................................................................................................................9 2.1.1 试验地点和气候条件................................................................................................9 2.1.2 试验系统的组成.........................................................................................................9 2.1.3 供水水质..................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 水培-复合型人工湿地系统的启动与运行................................................................11 2.3 试验分析方法....................................................................................................................11 3 黑麦草在水培—复合人工湿地系统的净化效果分析 ................................................ 13 3.1 黑麦草生长状况及分析................................................................................................. 13 3.1.1 水培槽中黑麦草生长状况..................................................................

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