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摘要 榆林煤化有限公司是一家以煤为原料,生产甲醇、醋酸的化工企业,通过项目建设、 原始开车、装置达产达标过程的锻炼,其员工已成长成为可以独立工作的生产、技术骨 干。该公司收入分配制度落后于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司其他单位,使该公司骨干员工陷入两难境地,一方 面工资收入分配中的平均主义消磨着骨干员工的工作积极性,另一方面,其他公司的高 薪诱惑和职位晋升机会,考验着骨干员工的忠诚度。面对着员工工作积极性不高和人才 流失不断加剧的局面,榆林煤化必须进行收入分配制度改革。 本文以榆林煤化有限公司生产技术部研究对象,分析研究了绩效激励环节存在问题 和导致绩效激励作用没有发挥作用的原因。针对榆林煤化所处欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司过度竞争的特点和面 临的人才竞争压力,指出必须通过完善绩效激励,才能引导员工合理流动,调动工作积 极性。通过对影响生产经营业绩的因素分析,寻找改善经营业绩、完善绩效激励的措施, 发现通过加强生产运行管理,提高产品产量,降低综合能耗,压缩管理费用,可以降低 产品成本,产生边际利润。提出了绩效工资分配与公司生产经营业绩、个人岗位贡献相 适应的四种绩效激励办法。为了使绩效激励切合实际,对欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司薪酬水平、员工对各岗位 薪酬差距认可程度进行了调查,确定了完成工作业绩后员工能获取的薪酬标准。为了使 绩效激励公平合理,建立绩效考核体系,根据各岗位的工作职责要求,设置了考核指标、 考核标准,明确了考核管理组织、实施和考核结果的奖励兑现办法。最后对绩效激励体 系的可行性、合理性进行了分析,以防产生大的误差,并围绕绩效激励的顺利实施,提 出需要建立的配套制度和措施。 [关键词]榆林煤化生产技术部、绩效激励、绩效工资、方案设计 [研究类型]应用研究 Title: Performance incentive plan design for production technology department of Yulin Coal Co. Ltd. Specialty:EMBA Name: Lijunlin Tutor: Zhangxiaoming Signature: Signature: Abstract Yulin Coal Chemical Co. Ltd. is a chemical enterprises, using coal as raw materials, production of methanol and acetic acid, through the project construction, the original driving device, and reach the standard process of exercise, the staff has become the production, technology backbone can work independently. The income distribution system of the company behind the industry to other units, the backbone of the company employees into a dilemma, on the one hand the wage income distribution system while working enthusiasm backbone staff, on the other hand, the other company's high temptations and promotion opportunities, a test of key staffs loyalty. Facing the staff job enthusiasm is not high and the brain drain is growing situation, Yulin coal Chemical Co. Ltd. must carry on the reform of the income distribution system. This paper taking the production department of Yulin Coal Chemical Co. Ltd as the research object, analysis of the compensation of Yulin coal limited incentive link problems, to explore the cause of salary incentive effect did not play a role. According to the environment of excessive competition in Yulin coal industry characteristics and market, facing the pressure of talent competition, through the analysis of factors affecting the production performance, seek to improve operating performance, improve the compensation measures, by strengthening the production operation management, improve product yield, reduce energy consumption, compression management costs, can reduce the cost of the product, the profit margin increasing. Put forward four kinds of compensation performance wage distribution and production companies operating performance, individual post contribution compatible incentive measures. In order to make the compensation incentive is practical, has carried on the investigation to the industry compensation level of employees, the salary gap acceptance, finish the work performance of employees after can get compensation standard is determined. In order to make a fair and reasonable salary incentives, the establishment of performance evaluation system, set up the evaluation index, evaluation criteria, a clear assessment management organization, implementation and evaluation result reward cashing approach. At the end of the salary incentive system, analyzes the feasibility of rationality, In order to prevent produce large error, and the smooth implementation of incentive, the supporting system and measures needed to be established. 举 [Keywords] Production department of Yulin Coal Chemical Co. Ltd, Performance incentives, Performance salary, Project design [Research Type]Applied Research H iii 导论 1.1选题背景 1.2研究0的 1.3研究方法 1.4研究思路及报告框架 1.5本文的主要工作及创新点 2相关理论综述 2.1 KPI 理论 2.2 360度考核 2.3平衡计分卡 2.4薪酬激励理论 2.5责任链管理 2.6基于目标的绩效考核 3碰煤化有[5盼司例妹音纖娜见概補口猶析... 3.1榆林煤化有限公司简介 3.2生产技术部岗位组成及工作职责 3.3榆林煤化公司生产技术部绩效激励现状 3.4榆林煤化公司生产技术部绩效激励存在问题分析 4榆林煤化有限公司生产技术部绩效激励方案设计...... 4.1绩效激励方案总体思路 4.2绩效@标 4.3绩效激励方案设计 5相关配套措施 5.1建立绩效管理组织体系 5.2授予生产技术部分配自主权和对车间的考核权.... 5.3完善目标责任制 5.4建立岗位工作标准 5.5建立考核信息库 5.6完善检验计量体系 5.7建立工资基金制度 44 6 45 6.1基本结论 45 6.2 胃 45 6.3下一步要开展的工作

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