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对于水权,国内外许多学者对此已有较多的著述和理论研究,传统水权理论研究的核 心内容包括对初始权利的配置和权利运行机制即权利流转制度的理论设计,从法律角度 看,这一理论的根本目的是通过法律制度的建构来优化水资源的配置,提高水资源利用的 经济效益。但是水资源作为人类生存和发展所必不可少的条件和物质基础,其功能不仅包 括经济利用价值还包括了维护生态循环的生态性价值。长久以来,人们只看到其经济属性 或偏重于经济利用效率却忽视其生态属性造成了今天水资源环境的不断恶化。随着我国水 资源压力和水资源危机的日益严重,我们急需摆脱水资源环境问题对人们生产生活的不利 影响和困境。如何走出困境?传统理论由于理论自身设计的缺陷和历史局限性不再适合作 为制度设计的思想基础,我们需要新的理论突破传统理论的束缚弥补传统理论的缺陷。笔 者认为新型物权法制度,环境物权理论的提出给我们提供了一个解决此类问题的崭新视 角。将可持续发展的环境观引入民法视野的环境物权理论是人类对目前日益严重的环境问 题进行反思后逐步发展起来的。环境物权理论是通过功能定义法将物的生态功能与经济功 能进行整合的新型物权理论。从实践层面来看,这种理论的确立对于人们就自然资源之类 特定物的利用而产生的相互关系的解释较传统理论更科学更充分更全面。而水环境物权理 论是环境物权理论在水资源立法领域当中的应用,它对于进一步明确水资源法所追求的水 资源高效利用和水资源环境保护的价值目标有着重要作用。 从环境物权视角出发,并在此理论的基础上对传统水权基本理论进行分析与反思,在 新型环境物权理论思想的指导下研究构建新型水权制度的可行性是本文中将要探讨的主2 要内容,本文总共分为五章。第一章对何为水权、水权的特征以及传统水权理论进行了介 绍和分析;第二章提出并分析环境物权的概念,并将其与水权的概念进行整合提出了“水 环境物权”的概念;第三章从环境物权的视角对初始水权配置和水权交易进行分析;第四 章在前三章理论的分析的基础上,提出建立水权制度建设的基本思想原则,并对新型水权 制度的建设框架进行设计;第五章得出结论:传统水权理论向水环境物权理论转变是社会 发展的必然需求。 水与人类的生存密切相关,如何在人类对水经济利用与保持水资源生态环境之间建立 和谐的平衡关系,是我们所面临的重大课题。希望通过本文对环境物权理论在水权理论领 域应用的细节性的研究能推动我国环境物权理论的发展,同时进一步期望在今后的相关自 然资源立法中能体现这一理论精神,加强公民环保意识更好地保护我们一起共同生存的空 间! 关键词:水权 环境物权 水权制度建设3 Abstract A great number of theoretical research and research writings by lots of scholars at home and abroad nowadays have concerned with the notion—water rights. The core of traditional theoretical research on water rights includes the theoretical design for initial water rights disposition and water rights operation system, namely, the water rights circulation system. From the legal point, the traditional theory essentially aims to optimize the allocation of the water resource and improve the economic benefits of water resources utilization through the construction of legal system for water recourse. However, the water resource, an absolutely necessary stuff and material base for human survival and development, functions not only as economic value, but also as the ecological value for the maintenance of ecological circulation. It has been a long time that, human beings just set eyes on the economic attribute of water recourse or overweight economic utilization efficiency, which consequently caused the ignorance on the ecological attribute of water recourse and the constant deterioration on it. With the increasing severity of China’s water resource pressure and crisis, we need breaking away from unfavorable effect and predicament of the water resource problems on people's life and production. How to extricate China out of the plightDue to its system design defects and historical limitation, traditional theories are not appropriate to be the thought foundation no longer for the legal system design. As a result, new theories are needed to break through the constraint of traditional theories and to remedy the defects. The present researcher holds the view that the birth of new-type real right legal system and the theory of real right for environment has provided a brand-new visual angle to solve the above-mentioned problems. Nowadays, with the increasing severity of environmental crisis, sustainable development viewpoint of environment has been gradually introduced into the theory of real right for environment in civil law. The theory of real right for environment is a new-type real right theory that combines ecological function and economic function of stuff according to the definition from the perspective of function. Nevertheless, in practice, the establishment of the above theory gives a more scientific, sufficient and overall explanation than traditional theory on the interrelationship produced through the human utilization of natural resources. Furthermore, Water Rights in the Theory of Real Right for Environment is the application of the theory of real right for environment in the legislative field of water resource. It occupies an important position in the further determining of high-efficient utilization of water resource pursued by water resource4 law and the goal of environment protection for water resource. Besides, from the visual angle of real right of environment, the present thesis analyzed and reviewed the elementary theories of traditional water right on the basis of the theory of real right for environment. The main content probed in the thesis is to study the feasibility of structuring the new-type water right system under the guidance of the new-type the theory of real right for environment. The thesis falls into the following five chapters. Chapter one introduced and analyzed what’s water rights, what’re its characteristics and the traditional water rights theory; Chapter two put forward and analyzed the definition of real right environment, and through the combination with the definition of water right, brought forward the concept of Water Rights in the Theory of Real Right for Environment ; Chapter three analyzed initial water rights disposition and water rights trading from the visual angle of real right for environment; on the basis of analysis in the previous three chapters, Chapter four put forward the basic principle for the establishment of water right system, and designed the construction frame for the new-type water right system; In Chapter five conclusion was drawn: It’s inevitable in the social development to transform the traditional water right theory into water rights in the theory of real right for environment. Water is closely related to human existence. The great subject that human being is confronted with is how to establish harmonious balance between the utilization of water recourse and the maintenance of its ecological environment. The present thesis is expected to promote the development of China’s environmental real right theory through the detailed research on the application of the environmental real right theory in the field of water rights theory. At the same time, it’s also expected to present the theory in the future legislation of the relevant natural resources, strengthen citizen's environment protection consciousness and protect the space that we survive together. Key words: water rights real right for environment the construction of legal system for water recourse5 目 录 摘要................................................................................................................................................................................I Abstract............................................................................................................................................................................ III 1 绪 言............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 从“天赐之物”到“水权”:从古代到近现代水权立法理念的转变过程........................................... 2 1.2 从“水权”到“水环境物权”:环境观念的变迁和物权制度的重构背景下水权立法理念的转变过 程.................................................................

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