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啦啦操运动是一项新兴运动项目,自1999年传入我国以来,受 到了广大青少年的喜欢,并以飞跃式的脚步向前发展。目前,国内学 者们对啦啦操项目的研究,特别是其在高校的开展情况研究比较多, 在一定程度上推动了啦啦操运动在我国的发展和创新。但是军队作为 一个拥有特殊职能、担负特殊使命任务的群体,军校女学员数量又十 分有限,啦啦操运动在大多数军队院校还没有普及开展起来。 本文主要釆用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析 法、数理统计法、个案研究法,对啦啦操运动在军校女学员中开展的 可行性进行调查分析。对啦啦操运动项目特征、军校女学员对啦啦操 运动的需求以及影响啦啦操运动在军校女学员中开展的主要因素进 行了分析,并以啦啦操运动在西安通信学院某队106名女学员中幵展 可行性进行个案研究,以论证啦啦操运动在军校女学员中开展的可行 性,且对啦啦操运动在军校女学员中开展提出一些建议,为啦啦操运 动在军校中开展提供一定的参考。经过调查分析得出如下结论: 1、军校女学员对啦啦操运动的需求主要有活跃军营文化生活的 需求、提高军校女学员艺术素养的需求、提高学员参与体育活动积极 性的需求、促进军事体育内容改革创新和提高学员团结协作能力五大 需求。 2、在军校女学员中开展啦啦操运动受环境因素、技术因素和组 织管理因素的影响。其中,环境因素主要包括部队大环境和军校女学 员小环境因素;技术因素包括啦啦操运动难易度、学员基础、方案内 容与形式可行性因素;组织管理因素包括教员水平、时间、场地与音 乐因素。 I 3、个案研究结果表明:啦啦操运动在西安通信学院某队106名 女学员中开展的评估普遍较好。因此,啦啦操运动在军校女学员中幵 展是可行的。 关键词:啦啦操运动;军校女学员;可行性 n Abstract Cheerleading is an emerging sport, has been introduced into China in 1999,has been like the majority of young people, and the footsteps of a leap forward. At present, of domestic scholars Cheerleading projects, especially in colleges and universities carry out research more Cheerleading in China's development and innovation, to some extent, promote. But the army as a special function groups, to carry out the special mission of the Military Academy the number of female trainees are also very limited Cheerleading is not yet universal in most military academies unfolded. This paper uses a literature study, questionnaire survey, expert interviews, logical analysis, mathematical statistics method to carry out the feasibility of Cheerleading military school female students in the survey analysis. Military Academy female participants Cheerleading Cheerleading project characteristics analysis of the main factors affect Cheerleading carried out in the military school female students in Xi'an Communication Institute,狂 team of 106 Cheerleading carry out a case study on the feasibility of the female students, so as to demonstrate the feasibility of Cheerleading The female students in the military academy, made a number of recommendations and female trainees Military Academy Cheerleading Cheerleading Military Academy to carry out certain reference. After investigation and analysis, the following conclusions: 1.Military Academy female participants Cheerleading active demand m for the barracks cultural life, improve the the military academy the female trainees arts literacy needs, the needs of the students to participate in sports activities actively promote the reform and innovation of military sports content, and to raise their unity and cooperation ability of the top five needs. 2.female trainees Military Academy Cheerleading by environmental factors, technical factors and organizational factors. Environmental factors mainly include Force environment and military academy the female trainees environment factors; technical factors, including the the Cheerleading difficulty trainees basis, the content and form of feasibility factors; organization and management factors, including the faculty level, time, venue and Music factor. 3.the case study results show that: Cheerleading assessment carried out by a team of Xi'an Communication Institute, 106 female trainees generally good. Cheerleading female trainees Military Academy is feasible. Keywords: Cheerleading; military school female students; feasibility 目录 m w i Abstract Ill 1 mm i 1.1选题背景 l l.i.i大学生参军入伍,部队兵员文化素质得到提高 1 1.1.2随着兵员学历变化,部队士兵的培养手段也要随之调整 与创新 2 1.2选题意义 3 1.2.1理论意义 3 1.2.2实际意义 4 1.3文献综述 5 1.3.1关于啦啦操基本理论与概述的研究 5 1.3.2关于啦啦操运动在我国开展现状与趋势研究 7 1.3.3关于啦啦操运动在我国高校开展的可行性研究 10 2研究对象与研究方法 13 2.1研究对象 13 2.2研究方法 13 2.2.1文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 13 2.2.2问卷调查法 13 2.2.3专家访谈法 14 2.2.4逻辑分析法 15 2.2.5数理统计法 15 2.2.6个案研究法 15 3研究结果与分析 20 3.1相关概念界定 20 3.1.1啦啦操运动 20 3.2啦啦操运动项目特征 21 3.2.1有关啦啦操项目技术方面的特征 21 3.2.2有关啦啦操文化内涵方面的特征 23 3.2.3 小结 26 3.3.1提高女学员参与体育活动积极性的需求 27 3.3.2提高女学员团结协作能力的需求 27 3.3.3提高军校女学员艺术素养的需求 28 3.3.4活跃军营文化生活的需求 28 3.3.5促进军事体育内容改革创新的需求 28 3.3.6 小结 29 3.4啦啦操运动在军校女学员中幵展的影响因素分析 29 3.4.1环境因素 29 3.4.2技术因素 30 3.4.3组织管理因素 31 3.4.4 小结 32 3.5啦啦操运动在军校女学员中幵展可行性的个案分析 32 3.5.1个案前测分析 15 3.5.2个案可行性研究结果分析 36 3.5.3完备个案可行性建议 41 4结论与建议 43 4.1 辦 43 4.2 舰 43

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