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随着企业间竞争的加剧,人力资源管理成为企业获得竞争优势并实现企业战 略目标从而达到可持续经营发展的重要途径。绩效管理是企业人力资源管理的核 心,对于企业实现整体战略目标,实现员工激励,提高企业活力等方面发挥着重 要的作用。绩效考核是绩效管理的一个重要组成部分。科学有效的绩效考核体系 有利于提高公司的管理水平和长期发展能力,对稳定公司的市场竞争也具有重要 意义。 上摩通信公司是一家技术型企业,致力于研发生产先进通信产品使物联网便 捷、密切的联系,主要研发并销售一些民用的或者商用的通信设备。本文以上摩 通信公司为研究对象,以工程技术部为例逐层说明绩效考核优化方案的设计:先 是从公司、员工、业绩考核和数据处理等多个视角对上摩通信公司的绩效考核现 状进行了全面深入的分析,进一步明确了绩效考核存在的主要问题。其次运用鱼 骨图分析方法找到了问题产生的根源——管理水平低下的人员管理、简陋且不科 学的绩效考核方法、绩效考核欠缺重视、支持绩效考核的系统数据库尚未建立。 然后结合上摩通信公司的具体情况,建立公司级的平衡计分卡以绘制公司的战略 地图,根据部门划分的职责和提出的工作计划来有效提取部门的绩效评价指标, 同时构建起基于工作计划、岗位职责和能力态度指标的岗位绩效评价方案,最后 借助于层次分析法(AHP)和帕累托图确定绩效评价指标的权重和绩效评价的关键 指标,提出了优化的绩效考核体系。 绩效考核体系的建立、完善和发展是一项庞大、繁琐且艰巨的工程,目前我 国大多数公司在这方面仍处于探索阶段。本文以绩效管理科学理论为基础,研究 了上摩通信公司在绩效管理方面存在的问题,并通过对问题进行深入浅出的分析 和研究,提出了解决建议以及保障措施。本文得出的研究成果对促进上摩通信公 司期望目标的实现,对通信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和其他类型的跨国公司的子公司、分公司,民营 公司均有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:绩效考核,鱼骨图分析法,关键绩效指标法(KPI),平衡计分卡(BSC)II RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION OF PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM OF SHANGMO COMMUNICATION COMPANY Abstract With the intensification of competition among enterprises, human resource management has become an important way for enterprises to gain competitive advantage and achieve corporate strategic goals to achieve sustainable business development. Performance management is the core of enterprise human resource management, and plays an important role in achieving overall strategic goals, achieving employee incentives, and improving corporate vitality. Performance appraisal is an important part of performance management. A scientific and effective performance appraisal system is conducive to improving the company's management level and long-term development capability, and is also of great significance for stabilizing the company's market competition. Shangmo Communication Company is a technology-based company that is committed to research and development and production of advanced communication products to make the Internet of Things convenient and close. It mainly develops and sells some civilian or commercial communication equipment. In this paper, the above-mentioned Shangmo Communication Company is the research object, and the engineering technology department is taken as an example to explain the design of performance appraisal optimization plan. Firstly, the performance appraisal status of Shangmo Communication Company is carried out from the perspectives of company, employee, performance appraisal and data processing. A comprehensive and in-depth analysis further clarified the main problems in performance appraisal. Secondly, using the fishbone diagram analysis method to find the root cause of the problem - the management of low management level, the simple and unscientific performance appraisal method, the lack of attention to performance appraisal, and the system database supporting performance appraisal have not been established. Then, based onIII the specific situation of the company, establish a company-level balanced scorecard to draw the company's strategic map, effectively extract the department's performance evaluation indicators according to the department's responsibilities and proposed work plans, and build a work-based plan. The post performance evaluation plan of job responsibilities and ability and attitude indicators, and finally the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Pareto chart to determine the weight of performance evaluation indicators and key indicators of performance evaluation, and propose an optimized performance appraisal system. The establishment, improvement and development of the performance appraisal system is a huge, cumbersome and arduous project. At present, most companies in China are still in the exploration stage. Based on the scientific theory of performance management, this paper studies the problems existing in the performance management of Shangmo Communication Company, and proposes solutions and safeguard measures through in-depth analysis and research on the problems. The research results obtained in this paper have certain reference significance for promoting the realization of the goals of Shangmo Communication Company, and for the communication industry and other types of multinational companies' subsidiaries, branches and private companies. Keywords: Performance Appraisal,Fishbone Diagram,Key Performance Indicators(KPI),Balanced Score Card(BSC)IV 目 录 中文摘要.................................................I Abstract................................................II 第一章 绪论.............................................1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ..............................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................2 1.2 国内外研究现状及文献综述 ....................................2 1.2.1 绩效管理对象研究 ........................................3 1.2.2 绩效考核方法研究 ........................................3 1.3 研究内容与方法 ..............................................4 1.3.1 研究内容 ................................................4 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................5 1.4 研究思路与框架 ..............................................5 第二章 绩效考核相关理论概述 .............................7 2.1 绩效管理与绩效考核 ..........................................7 2.1.1 绩效管理 ................................................7 2.1.2 绩效考核 ................................................9 2.2 激励理论 ...................................................10 2.2.1 内容激励理论 ...........................................11 2.2.2 过程激励理论 ...........................................13 2.2.3 行为改造激励理论 .......................................14 2.2.4 综合激励理论 ...........................................15 2.2.5 现代激励理论 ...........................................15V 2.3 绩效考核的工具和方法 .......................................16 第三章 上摩通信公司绩效考核现状分析 ..............................18 3.1 上摩通信公司简介 ...........................................18 3.1.1 公司组织架构 ...........................................18 3.1.2 公司销售业绩 ...........................................18 3.1.3 公司员工概况 ...........................................19 3.2 绩效考核现状分析 ...........................................21 3.3 上摩通信公司现行绩效考核体系存在的问题 .....................28 3.3.1 绩效考核满意度调查 .....................................28 3.3.2 上摩通信公司绩效考核存在问题 ...........................34 3.4 绩效考核问题原因分析 .......................................40 第四章 上摩通信公司员工绩效考核体系优化设计 ............43 4.1 绩效考核体系优化的目标和总体思路 ...........................43 4.1.1 绩效考核体系优化的原则 .................................43 4.1.2 绩效考核体系优化的目标 .................................43 4.1.3 绩效考核体系优化的总体思路 .............................43 4.2 绘制公司战略地图 ...........................................45 4.2.1 公司目标战略环境分析 ...................................45 4.2.2 明确公司的发展方向和战略目标 ...........................45 4.2.3 用平衡计分卡绘制公司战略地图 ...........................45 4.3 设计公司平衡计分卡 .........................................47 4.3.1 建立 AHP 层次结构 ......

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