I 摘要 目前,随着社会主义经济发展进入新时期,市场竞争加剧,制造业面临前 所未有的挑战,企业间的竞争已经拓展到生产、经营、管理等各个方面。同时, 根据国务院国资委关于“中央企业管理提升活动”的要求,将采购管理列为国 企管理提升中的重点工程。所以,集中采购既是企业自身发展的内在需求,又 是国资委对国有企业管理提升的工作要求,必须开展。 YT 公司是国有大型企业,体量庞大,下属企业众多,主要从事有色金属勘 探、采掘、冶炼、加工欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,涉及房地产开发、化工生产、期货经纪、物流运 输、国际贸易等多个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,现有全资及控股企业 50 家。因下属公司地域分散、 涉及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司众多,下属公司物资需求数量、金额、品种均有差别,单次采购数量、 采购周期、采购方式也有区别等原因,之前未进行集中采购。 本文将以 YT 公司为例,通过调查法、参与观察法、文献分析法、案例分析 法,对集中采购工作具体如何执行进行详细研究。 首先,对物资集中采购进行理论研究,分析集中采购的优势,列明物资采 购的模式、方式,探讨了物资集中采购需要设置的组织架构,简述了物资集中 采购的基本流程。对 YT 公司物资采购的现状、问题和开展集中采购面临的难点 进行了分析深入分析。 然后,从组织构架设计开始,细致的对物资集中采购各流程进行拆解、分 析,理论联系实际,根据 YT 公司实际情况设计了“三权分立”的集中采购组织 构架,确定了“统谈分签分付”的集中采购模式。以煤炭集中采购为例,详细 阐述了集中采购物资品种的选择方法,物资集中采购方案和物资集中采购实施 细则的拟定方法、技巧、注意事项,并阐述了其中的内在联系和逻辑关系,对 各部门、下属公司的职责进行了详细划分,对物资集中采购工作监督、评价、 考核的方法进行了研究。同时,根据作者的实际工作经验,列举了物资集中采 购工作中可能遇到的紧急计划、采购人员能力、部门间争议的问题及解决措施。 最后,对 YT 公司物资集中采购工作未来优化方向做出展望,包含标准化、 信息化建设和集中采购方式创新等内容。摘要 II 本文从实际操作层面,以具体案例及作者的实际工作经验,系统归纳、总 结、分析企业如何从零开始开展集中采购工作,从“为什么要这样做”,“具 体怎么做”,“以后怎样做的更好”几个方面层层递进进行研究,旨在为即将 开展集中采购的企业和处于集中采购初期阶段的企业提供确实可行的经验借鉴, 力求形成一篇“有用、能用、实用”的论文。 关键词:集中采购;企业管理;统谈分签分付Abstract III Abstract At present, the development of socialist economy is entering a new stage, market competition is intensifying, manufacturing is facing unprecedented challenges, and competition among enterprises has expanded to production, management, and management. At the same time, according to the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on “central enterprise management improvement activities”, procurement management was listed as a key project in management improvement. Therefore, centralized procurement is not only the internal demand of the company's own development, but also the work requirement of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for the management improvement of state-owned enterprises, which must be implemented. YT Company is a large state-owned central enterprise with a large volume and numerous subordinate enterprises. It mainly involves non-ferrous metal exploration, mining, smelting and processing industries, involving real estate development, chemical production, futures brokerage, logistics and transportation, and international trade. It has 50 wholly-owned and holding companies, and its main business is mining and smelting of mineral products. Due to the geographical dispersion of subordinate companies and the large number of industries involved, the quantity, amount and variety of materials required by subordinate companies are different. There are also differences in the number of single purchases, procurement cycle and procurement methods. The previous companies have not conducted centralized procurement, and the subordinate companies purchase themselves. This article takes YT Company as an example, through the investigation method, practice method, literature analysis method and case analysis method, it analyzes the image of how the centralized procurement work is carried out. Firstly, the paper studies the theoretical procurement of materials, analyzes theAbstract IV advantages of centralized procurement, lists the modes and methods of material procurement, discusses the organizational structure that needs to be set up for centralized procurement of materials, and briefly describes the basic process of centralized procurement of materials. The current situation of YT Company was introduced, and the difficulties faced by YT Company in carrying out centralized procurement were analyzed and analyzed in depth. Then, starting from the organizational structure design, meticulously disassemble and analyze the various processes of material procurement, and connect the theory with the actual situation. According to the actual situation of YT company, the centralized procurement organization structure of “three powers separation” was designed, and the “union discussion” was determined. The centralized procurement model of signing and paying. Taking coal centralized procurement as an example, it elaborates the selection method of centralized procurement materials, the methods, techniques and precautions for the centralized procurement plan and the detailed procurement implementation rules of materials, and clarifies the internal relations and logical relations. The responsibilities of the departments and subordinate companies were divided into detailed sections, and the methods of supervision, evaluation and assessment of centralized procurement work were studied. At the same time, according to the author's actual work experience, enumerate the emergency plans, procurement personnel capabilities, inter-departmental disputes and solutions that may be encountered in the centralized procurement of materials. Finally, we will make a prospect for the future optimization direction of YT's centralized procurement of materials, including standardization, information construction and innovation in centralized procurement methods. This paper tries to summarize, summarize and analyze how the enterprise conducts centralized procurement from scratch from the actual operation level, with specific cases and the author's actual work experience, from “why do this” and “how to do it”. How to do better in the future Several aspects of progressive research, aimed at providing a practical and feasible theoretical reference for enterprises thatAbstract V are about to carry out centralized procurement and those that have already started but are in the early stages. Key Words: Centralized Purchasing ;Business Management; Unified Procurement目录 VI 目 录 摘要...................................................I ABSTRACT ............................................... III 第一章 绪论..............................................1 第一节 研究背景 ..................................................1 第二节 研究意义 ..................................................1 第三节 相关文献综述 ..............................................2 一、国外研究综述........................................................................................................................2 二、国内研究综述 ........................................................ 3 三、总结评价 ............................................................ 4 第四节 研究内容和方法 ............................................4 一、研究内容与框架 ...................................................... 4 二、研究方法 ............................................................ 6 第二章 物资集中采购理论研究 ..............................7 第一节 物资采购和物资集中采购的定义 ..............................7 一、物资采购定义 ........................................................ 7 二、物资集中采购定义 .................................................... 7 第二节 物资集中采购的优势 ........................................8 一、降低采购成本 ........................................................ 8 二、规范采购行为 ........................................................ 8 三、提高采购工作效率 .....................