本文是 C 公司饰品定制商业计划书,该定制项目是根据公司目前的状况和结合市 场条件的公司内创业项目。 C 公司于 2010 年成功在深圳证券交易所上市,主要定位于高档时尚珠宝首饰研发、 生产和营销,是珠宝首饰欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的领先企业之一,主要从事高端时尚消费品的品牌运营 管理和珠宝首饰的设计、研发、生产和销售,通过对旗下子公司珠宝公司和其他时尚 品牌的运营管理,形成了以珠宝、女包为核心,向化妆品、美容健康等中高端时尚领 域持续布局,为中产阶层女性消费者打造时尚生活生态圈,打造轻奢时尚产业集团。 公司定位于“中高端时尚消费品多品牌运营商”,围绕“中产阶级女性”打造轻奢时尚 产业集团的战略发展方向。公司采用以自营为主、品牌代理和非品牌批发为辅的复合 营销模式,目前已形成覆盖全国 190 个主要城市、线下拥有超过 1 千家品牌专营店的 销售网络规模,同时通过自有平台、天猫、京东、唯品会等线上平台进行全网营销。 本文按照商业计划书的要求, 首先对饰品定制项目的研究背景和研究方法等方面进 行了阐述;接着对项目整体进行了概述,让投资人可以快速了解项目状况;然后运用 PEST 模型,波特五力竞争模型和 SWOT 模型等分析方法对项目的外在环境,内在资 源和能力进行了细致的分析并设定了准确的项目定位;同时根据定位,对项目的运营 管理设计了具体的运营方案和财务及风险的评估。让饰品定制项目从构思到执行有了 系统的理论评估和切实的运行管理方法。 该饰品定制项目是以客户需求为导向的创新产品,结合紧密互动的客户服务和多 层次的营销方式组合新型商业模式。需要强调的是,我们的饰品定制方案不是纯粹根 据客户的主观需求,帮他们去完成一件个性化的产品,作为饰品的属性,我们将以我们 对时尚的专业,工艺上的专长与客户的期望和与他们的形象气质相糅合,为客户创造一 件专属的,配合的,优美的产品。本文通过对饰品定制项目市场可行和资源可行等问 题的研究,分析与报告,希望得到投资人的认可及按计划开展项目运作,并通过实践 验证和不断完善项目计划和执行能力。也为集团公司成为“中高端时尚消费品多品牌 运营商”提供成功项目的支持和实施经验配合。 关键词,饰品定制;个性与设计糅合;商业计划书II Abstract This article is “Company C Jewelry and Accessories Customization Project Business Plan, this custom project is based on the company's current situation and the combination of market conditions within the company's entrepreneurial projectspany C was successfully listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010. It is mainly positioned in the R&D, production and marketing of high-end fashion jewelry. It is one of the leading companies in the jewelry industry. It is mainly engaged in the brand operation management of high-end fashion consumer goods and the design of jewelry. , R&D, production and sales, through the operation and management of its subsidiary jewelry companies and other fashion brands, formed a jewelry, handbags as the core, to the cosmetics, beauty health and other high-end fashion field continued distribution for the middle class female consumption Create a fashion life ecosystem and create a light luxury fashion industry group. The company is positioned as a “multi-brand operator for high-end fashion consumer goods” and builds a strategic development direction for light luxury fashion industry groups around “middle-class women”. The company adopts a composite marketing model mainly based on self-employed, brand agency and non-brand wholesale. At present, it has formed a sales network covering 190 major cities in the country and more than 1,000 franchised stores under the line, as well as through its own platform, Tmall, Jingdong, Vipshop and other online platforms for the entire network marketing. In accordance with the requirements of the business plan, this article first elaborates the research background and research methods of the jewelry customization project; then it gives an overview of the project as a whole, so that investors can quickly understand the status of the project; then use the PEST model, Porter Five The analysis methods such as force competition model and SWOT model carried out a detailed analysis of the project's external environment, internal resources and capabilities and set an accurate project positioning. At the same time, according to the positioning, a specific operation plan was designed for the operation and management of the project. Financial and Risk Assessment. A systematic theory assessment and practical operational management methodology is provided for the customization of jewelry items from conception to execution. The jewelry & accessories customization project is an innovative product based on customer demand, combined with closely interacting customer service and multi-level marketing methods to combine new business models. It needs to be emphasized that our jewelry customization program is not based solely on the subjective needs of customers,III helping them to complete a personalized product. As an attribute of jewelry, we will use our expertise in fashion, expertise in technology combining with customers’ expectations and the temperament of their image match, to create a unique, matching, and beautiful product for them. This article analyzes and reports on the feasibility and resource feasibility of jewelry customization projects. , We hope to obtain the investor's recognition and carry out the project operation according to the plan. And through the practice verification and continuous improvement of the project plan and execution capability. It also supports and implements the successful project for the group company to become a multi-brand operator of high-end fashion consumer goods. Experience teamwork. Keywords: Jewelry and accessories customization; Combination of personality and design; Business planIV 目 录 摘要..I Abstract ..II 图表清单.VIII 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景、内容及意义..1 1.1.1 研究背景.1 1.1.2 研究内容.2 1.1.3 研究意义.3 1.2 文献综述..3 1.2.1 饰品定制的概念.3 1.2.2 战略管理理论.....4 1.2.3 营销管理理论.....6 1.3 研究方法与章节安排7 1.3.1 研究方法.7 1.3.2 章节安排.8 第二章 项目概况...10 2.1 公司概况10 2.2 项目简介10 2.2.1 市场调研.....11 2.2.2 项目产品简介...12 2.2.3 饰品定制商业模式.14 2.3 饰品定制项目预期收益14 2.4 本章小结15 第三章 项目环境分析.16 3.1 宏观环境分析....16 3.1.1 政治环境.....17 3.1.2 经济环境.....17 3.1.3 社会文化环境...19V 3.1.4 技术环境.....20 3.2 竞争结构分析....21 3.3 波特五力模型分析..21 3.3.1 供应商的议价能力.22 3.3.2 潜在进入者的威胁.23 3.3.3 客户需求分析...23 3.3.4 替代产品威胁...24 3.3.5 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争态势和主要竞争对手,PANDORA 分析...24 3.4 机会与威胁..27 3.5 本章小结29 第四章 公司内部资源能力分析...30 4.1 内部资源30 4.1.1 渠道资源.....30 4.1.2 资金资源.....31 4.1.3 人才资源.....32 4.1.4 管理资源.....32 4.1.5 技术资源.....33 4.2 内部能力34 4.2.1 研发设计.....34 4.2.2 采购生产能力...35 4.2.3 营销能力.....35 4.2.4 财务能力.....36 4.2.5 组织管理能力...37 4.3 公司的优势与劣势..38 第五章 项目定位...40 5.1 SWOT 分析..40 5.2 项目定位41 5.2.1 目标市场.....41 5.2.2 目标消费群.43 5.2.3 业务定位.....44VI 5.2.3 项目竞争优势...45 5.3 价值链与价值活动设计46 5.3.1 营销活动设计...47 5.3.2 服务活动设计...47 第六章 项目运营管理.49 6.1 项目运营模式....49 6.2 人事权益与分工50 6.2.1 股东权益.....50 6.2.2 人事管理和架构.....51 6.3 供应链资源运作与管理52 6.4 产品开发与生产53 6.5 产品订购与分销55 6.6 项目营销策略....56 6.6.1 产品策略.....56 6.6.2 价格策略.....57 6.6.3 营销渠道策略...57 6.6.4 促销策略.....58 6.6.5 营销组合策略...59 第七章 财务分析与风险控制.60 7.1 收入与成本费用60 7.1.1 2017年中国珠宝首饰欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司销售收入..60 7.1.2 项目第一年营业收入及毛利预测.60 7.1.3 项目资源投入计划.62 7.2 未来五年财务预测..63 7.3 项目收益分析....64 7.4 敏感性分析..65 7.5 风险控制66 7.5.1 项目风险.....66 7.5.2 风险应对.....67 结 论....69VII