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电器连锁全球标竿-BESTBUY业务模式研究(pdf 53).rar

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电器连锁的全球标杆——Bestbuy Bestbuy是消费电子的全球标杆。Bestbuy国际化 也刚刚开始。Bestbuy数字化转型快且比较成功。 bjaq 高级经济师 2004年4月17日 本报告分五部分: 1. Bestbuy基本情况; 2. Bestbuy03、04财年发展轨迹; 3. Bestbuy四项战略特点解析; 4. Bestbuy品牌竞争力; 5. Bestbuy价值模式; 6. Bestbuy2004零售转型实施策略。 机密 Bestbuy 基本情况 机密 BESTBUY简介 Minneapolis-based Best Buy Co., Inc. is North America's leading specialty retailer of consumer electronics, personal computers, entertainment software and appliances. The Company's subsidiaries operate retail stores and/or web sites under the names: Best Buy (BestBuy), Future Shop (FutureShop.ca), Geek Squad (GeekSquad), and Magnolia Audio Video (Magnoliaav). The Company's subsidiaries reach consumers through approximately 750 retail stores 750 retail stores in the United States and Canada. 全球最大的消费电子零售商(2003 ) Largest Consumer Electronics Retailer 700 stores in North America FY03 revenue of $20.9 billion* Market share of approximately 15% No. 1 in consumer electronics, No. 2 in home office and entertainment software 北美700家店; 03财年销售收入209亿美元; 市场份额接近15%; 消费电子第一,家庭办公和 娱乐软件第二。 全球最大的消费电子零售商(2004) More than 750 stores in North America FY04 revenue of $24.5 billion* Market share of approximately 16% No. 1 in consumer electronics, No. 2 in home office and entertainment software * Continuing operations 750家店; 元; 市场占有率16%; Largest Consumer Electronics Retailer 北美700家店; 03财年销售收入209亿美元; 市场份额接近15%; 消费电子第一,家庭办公和 娱乐软件第二。 全球最大的消费电子零售商(2004) Largest Consumer Electronics Retailer More than 750 stores in North America FY04 revenue of $24.5 billion* Market share of approximately 16% No. 1 in consumer electronics, No. 2 in home office and entertainment software * Continuing operations 2004年3月底,北美超过 750家店; 04财年收入达到245亿美 元; 市场占有率16%; 消费电子排名第一,家庭办 公和娱乐软件排名第二。 .... www.m448 中国最大欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司库下载

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