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《格萨尔》史诗是目前世界上唯一最长的一部活形态史诗,千百年来世代相传。然而,随 着全球经济、科技浪潮的涌起,在外来文化和现代生活方式的冲击下,格萨尔文化面临着前 所未有的严峻形势。以往,《格萨尔》研究者只局限于通过文字和语言的研究,而研究过程当 中忽略了影视手段的应用。当务之急,《格萨尔》研究应在多学科视角下,必须创建影视格萨 尔学这一分支学科,应当充分应用影视文化人类学片的多元功能来记录和保存《格萨尔》史 诗、传承和交流格萨尔文化。本文通过广泛研读《格萨尔》主要分章分部本、专著及报告资 料的基础上,采用有关影视理论和网络资源等方法,从创建影视格萨尔学理论上的可行性、 实践上的可行性、意义等方面,对创建影视格萨尔学的可行性及其意义进行探讨,认为创建 影视格萨尔学从理论上说,不但是必要的,也是可行的,在实践上更是行之有效的。 关键词,创建,影视格萨尔学,可行性III The Feasibility Study of Gesar Film and Television Creation Abstract The epic《 Ge Sar》 is the only longest a living form epic in the world, and for thousands years in generations. However, with the wave surging of global economy of science and technology, and under of the foreign culture and modern life, 《 Ge Sar》culture facing unprecedented stem situation. Previously, the《 Ge Sar》 researchers focused only on texts and languages research, but in the process of research , film and TV arts are ignored. Preoccupations, the research of 《 Ge Sar》 should be in multidisciplinary perspectives, must create the branch of the film and TV culture anthropology 《 Ge Sar》, and should fully use multivariate function of film culture anthropology slice of to record and preserve the 《 Ge Sar》 epic, and inherit and exchange 《 Ge Sar》 culture. Through extensive study of 《 Ge Sar》,this article changes into the main points, monographs based on the paper material, using the methods of relative film and television theory the network resources. From theory feasibility, practical feasibility, the significance and so on, to create《Ge Sar》film and TV culture anthropology , discussing the feasibility and significance to create 《Ge Sar》film and TV culture anthropology , thinking that to create the film and TV culture of the《 Ge Sar》, not but is important in theory,but also is feasible, especially effective in practice. 【Key Words】:creation,Film and Television of Gesar subject, feasibilityIV 目 录 绪 言 (1) 第一章 关于格萨尔学 (3) 1.1 格萨尔学的形成 (3) 1.2 《格萨尔》研究现状(5) 1.3 《格萨尔》的多学科研究问题(6) 第二章 影视文化人类学概述(9) 2.1 影视文化人类学的产生与发展 (10) 2.2 影视文化人类学定义概要(13) 2.3 影视文化人类学的研究对象和任务(15) 第三章 创建影视格萨尔学的可行性(17) 3.1 创建格萨尔影视人类学的必要性(17) 3.2 创建影视格萨尔学理论与实践上的可行性(20) 3.3 创建影视格萨尔学应注意的几个问题(21) 第四章 创建影视格萨尔学的意义(23) 4.1 形象地记录和保存《格萨尔》史诗(23) 4.2 有效地传承和交流格萨尔文化(24) 4.3 潜移默化的教育意义(26) 4.4 开发《格萨尔》潜在的旅游市场价值(27) 结 语(29)

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