首页 > 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司专栏 > 工程 > 工程项目 > 工程可研 > 兴化北部地区220KV输变电工程可行性研究报告DOC


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随着经济的发展、社会的进步,土地和线路走廊资源日益紧张, 在电网建设中,必须大力推广应用先进实用技术,提高电网输配电能 力、节约土地资源、降低网损、节省投资。在电力系统中,变电站是 输电和配电的集结点,担负着变换和调整电压、接受和分配电能、控 制负荷潮流等任务,它由一次设备和二次设备组成。输变电工程建设 项目具有投资额巨大、资源需用量大、资金风险逐渐增大、投资回收 期长等特点,项目本身还应满足能源政策,为节能降耗起到积极作用。 其成败的关键主要取决于决策的正确与否。因此为了规避投资风险, 必须采用科学的投资决策方法,加强和规范输变电项目的可行性研究, 并对其进行科学的分析与预测。工程的可行性研究是确定项目是否进 行投资决策的依据,是项目周期中不可缺少的重要环节,是通过对工 程项目的可行性进行技术经济论证,对不同建设方案进行技术经济比 较选择及做出判断和决定的过程。本文通过对兴化市北部地区负荷的 供电需要进行分析,并综合考虑当地的经济发展情况、自然地理条件, 做出输变电工程的可行性分析。强调建设输变电工程的必要性和紧迫 性。在该区建设 1 座 220kV 变电所,不仅可以满足兴化市北部地区新 增负荷的供电,为地区经济的发展提供充足的电力保证,还能大幅度 改善这一地区的供电条件,减小部分线路供电半径,调节超载变电所 压力。本文经过现场调查,并结合对所址及技术方案的技术经济比较、 对电力系统的分析计算,从而论证了该 220kV 输变电工程建设的可行 性。对未来的工程建设做出必要的指导,使项目的决策更具科学性、 客观性、合理性,更符合企业以经济效益为中心的投资原则。 关键词,输变电工程;可行性;技术经济;华北电力大学硕士学位报告 II Abstract With economic developing, social progressing, land and resources of transmission lines have been increasingly tensing. In the power grid construction, must vigorously promote the use of advanced and practical technology to improve power transmission and distribution capacity, conservation of land resources, reduce network losses, saving investment. In the power system, substations of transmission and distribution are the assembly points, responsible for transformation and adjustment of voltage, receiving and distributing power, control, load flow and other tasks. It consists of primary equipment and secondary equipment components. Project itself should meet the energy policy, energy consumption has played an active role. Transforming power project with investment of huge resources required a large amount of financial risk increases, and long payback period, the key to its success or failure depends on the correct decision or not. Therefore, to avoid investment risks, investment decisions must need scientific methods to strengthen and standardize the power transmission project feasibility study, and its scientific analysis and prediction. The feasibility study is to determine whether the project basis for investment decisions, the project cycle, an important and indispensable aspect of the project through the feasibility of the technical and economic feasibility of different technical and economic comparison building programs to make selection and judgement and decision-making process. Based on the Dongbao Town, on the northern part of the Xinghua City, which load power needs analysis, and considering the local economic development, natural and geographical conditions, and make power transmission engineering feasibility analysis. Emphasize construction necessity and urgency of the power transmission project. In this area, building one 220KV substation could meet the need of the new power's load on the north area of Xinghua City, to ensure the sufficient power supply for the economic development of this region, largely improving the power supply condition in this region. It could reduce the radius of other power supply and adjust the pressure of overloaded substation. In this paper, after field investigation, combined with the technical and economic comparison of the address and technology programs, analysis and calculation of the power system, which华北电力大学硕士学位报告 III demonstrates the feasibility of the 220kV power transmission project. All of this is necessary for conducting the future project, to ensure that project decision-making more scientific, objective and rationality, conforms to the enterprise economic benefits as the center of investment principle. Keywords: Power Transmission; Feasibility; Technoeconomics华北电力大学硕士学位报告 I 目 录 摘要 .................................................... I ABSTRACT ............................................... II 第 1 章 绪 论 .............................................. 1 1.1 选题背景及意义 ....................................... 1 1.2 输变电站国内外研究动态 ............................... 2 1.2.1 国内外 220kV 及 500kV 变电站 ...................... 2 1.2.2 变电站综合自动化系统主要产品概况 ................ 3 1.2.3 控制指令执行方式 ................................ 3 1.2.4 数字通信方式 .................................... 3 1.2.5 人工智能在变电站自动化中的应用 .................. 4 1.3 课题主要研究内容 ..................................... 6 第 2 章 220KV 输变电工程项目概况............................ 8 2.1 工程建设的必要性 ..................................... 8 2.2 系统接入方案 ......................................... 8 2.3 项目建设规模 ......................................... 9 2.4 对主要电气设备参数的要求 ............................ 12 2.5 系统通信 ............................................ 12 2.5.1 相关通信网现状 ................................. 12 2.5.2 配置原则 ....................................... 13 2.5.3 调度关系及信息通道需求 ......................... 13 2.5.4 保护通道组织方案 ............................... 14 2.5.5 通信接入系统方案 ............................... 14 2.6 系统二次 ........................................... 15 2.6.1 系统继电保护 ................................... 15 2.6.2 系统调度自动化 ................................. 19 第 3 章 变电站建设方案研究 ................................ 20 3.1 变电站所址选择 ...................................... 20 3.2 变电站所区自然条件 ................................. 20 3.3 变电站所区地质水文条件 ............................. 21 3.3.1 地形地貌 ....................................... 21华北电力大学硕士学位报告 II 3.3.2 地基土(包括分层土质厚度、性状、承载力等) ..... 22 3.3.3 地下水及场地水、土的腐蚀性 ..................... 23 3.3.4 不良地质现象 ................................... 23 3.3.5 区域地震概况及建筑物类别 ....................... 24 3.3.6 文物矿产情况 .................................... 24 3.3.7 总体地质评价 ................................... 25 3.3.8 水文概况 ....................................... 25 3.3.9 所址洪水情况 ................................... 25 3.3.10 所址积水情况 .................................. 26 3.3.11 当地气象站的工程气象欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 ...................... 27 3. 4 主变压器运输方案 ................................... 27 3.5 变电站所区上下水 ................................... 27 3.6 进所道路 ............................................ 27 3.7 线路走廊 ............................................ 28 3.8 主要设计原则和工程设想 .............................. 28 3.8.1 电气主接线 ..................................... 28 3.8.2 电气总平面布置及配电装置形式 ................... 28 3.8.3 主要设备选型 ................................... 29 3.8.4 各级中性点接地方式 ............................. 29 3.8.5 防雷、接地及过电压保护 ......................... 30 3.8.6 所区竖向布置 ................................... 30 3.8.7 电气二次 ....................................... 30 3.8.8 建筑规模及结构设想 ............................. 32 3.8.9 环境保护 ....................................... 32 第 4 章 线路路径选择和工程设想 ............................ 34 4.1 系统方案简述 ........................................ 34 4.2 影响路径方案的因素 .................................. 36 4.2.1 沿线规划情况及主要障碍物 ........................................... 36 4.2.2 开环点附近的情况 ......................................................... 37 4.2.3 主要交叉跨越 ................................................................ 38 4.3 路径方案 ............................................ 38 4.4 地质、水文和气象情况及工程设想 ..........

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