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信用卡业务是商业银行最重要的中间业务之一,也是商业银行发展最快、普及面最 广的一项零售业务,竞争日趋激烈。如何提高信用卡业务的综合竞争实力,成为国内商 业银行亟待解决的重要问题。本文以 XX 银行汽车卡项目为研究对象,通过市场分析与 产品市场调查、数据统计及比对分析、财务评价及风险评估研究方法,进行了系统性的 项目可行性研究。 1、对 XX 银行 2004-2008 年信用卡业务进行分析研究。对发卡种类、发卡规模、 信用卡活动率、信用卡业务收入结构进行了系统的数据分析,并与美国商业银行的信用 卡业务收入结构进行了比对分析,结果表明 XX 银行自 2004 年至 2008 年,发卡量增加 10 倍,但信用卡活动率却下降了 8%,睡眠卡占发卡量的 49.8%,业务收入结构不合理, 透支利息仅占总收入的 38.88%,远低于美国 68%的比例。主要原因是重卡量轻质量、 缺乏目标客户市场细分。 2、对汽车拥有者的消费能力和消费行为进行了分析和调查,研究表明汽车拥有者 在汽车保养、保险、加油等方面具有巨大的刚性消费需求,年基本消费需求约为 1.5~ 1.8 万元,其日常消费能力是普通信用卡持卡人的 3.5~4 倍,属于银行高端目标客户群 体。对汽车卡项目进行了总人数为 562 人的市场调查,对所设计的增值服务需求进行了 排序分析,汽油优惠、积分换油、免费洗车、代办年审、车险优惠等增值服务受到被调 查人员的高度关注。 3、在产品市场调查分析的基础上设计了汽车卡项目方案。设计了汽车卡的增值服 务内容,并进行了价值估算。研究表明持卡人在支付 200 元年费即可得到价值 1958 元 的增值服务,持卡人的成本效益比接近 10 倍,易被目标市场所接受。本文还设计了汽 车卡产品的盈利方式。 4、对汽车卡项目的初始投入、成本支出和收入项目进行识别和估算,在此基础上 对项目的现金流量、净现值和回收期进行测算,对项目进行经济可行性研究。研究表明 按三年发卡规划测算,三年累计发卡 22 万张,第一年即实现了现金净流入,三年内将 实现现金净流入 7156.78 万元。三年规划的净现值 NPV 为 5695.77 万元,项目静态及动 态回收期均小于 1。与 XX 银行其他信用卡效益比对分析表明,汽车卡的卡均效益为平 均值的 2.84 倍,11%的份额将提供 31%的效益贡献。 5、设计了 XX 银行汽车卡项目营销推广方案,重点整合和调整营销渠道,加大联动营销、联盟营销和网络营销力度。对汽车卡项目的风险进行分类分析,制定了汽车卡 项目的风险控制措施。 通过对汽车卡项目的市场调查、产品设计、产品效益、产品营销、风险控制等方面 的研究和分析,得出汽车卡项目可行性结论,汽车卡项目拥有较好市场环境和机遇,汽 车卡具有突出的产品优势,汽车卡项目在财务上有较强的可行性,多元化营销渠道保证 营销推广的有效性,项目风险可控性强。汽车卡项目的实施推广,将成为 XX 银行在同 业竞争中强有利的竞争品牌,为该行信用卡业务的快速和有效发展提供更高平台。 关键词,信用卡;汽车卡;可行性研究Abstract The credit card business is one of the most important intermediate businesses of commercial banks, which is also the most universal retail business with the rapidest development and growing intense competition. How to improve the comprehensive competition in the credit card business has become the important problem for the domestic commercial banks to resolve. This article has adopted different study methods, including marketing analysis and research, data statistics and comparison, and financial and risk evaluation, to perform the following systematic feasibility study on a vehicle card project in a commercial bank. 1. Perform the analysis and study on the credit card business of a commercial bank during 2004-2008 by the data analysis on the types, scale, active rate, and the profitable revenue structure of the credit card business, and the comparison with the revenue structure of credit card business in the American commercial banks. The result indicates that this commercial bank's credit card issuance volume increased by 10 times from 2004 to 2008 but the active rate of credit card decreased by 8%, the dormant card comprised 49.8% of total issuance volume, and the unreasonable revenue structure that the overdraft interest is only 38.88% of total revenue and far below the 68% percentage in the America. The main reason of the above situations is that this commercial bank paid more attention to the card quantity instead of quality and lack of the subdivision on the target customer and market when issuing the credit card. 2. Perform the analysis and research on the consumption ability and behavior of the car owners. The research indicated that the car owners have large fixed consumption needs in the aspects of car maintenance, insurance, fueling, etc. The annual basic consumption needs of the car owners, the high-class target customer group of the bank, are about 15-18 million, 3.5-4 times on those of common credit card owners. The market research on the vehicle card project covers total 562 people and makes the sequential analysis on the value-added service requirements. The result is that the value-added services such as the favorable oil price, the oil exchange by the scores, free car-washing, annual inspection, car insurance preference, are paid highly attention by the person with the research. 3. Design the implementation plan of the vehicle card project based on the product market research analysis. The article designed the value-added services of the vehicle card and estimated the relevant values. The research result indicated that the vehicle card is easily acceptable by the target market because the card holder can obtain the value-addedservice with the value of RMB 1,958 by just paying the annual fee of RMB 200. This article also designs the profitability ways of the vehicle card product. 4. Perform the economic feasibility study on the project by calculating the cash flow, net present value and return period based on the identification and estimation of the initial investment, cost and expenditure and revenue items of the vehicle card project. The study reveals that according to a three-year projection, the accumulated card issuance volume is about 0.22 million and it can realize the net cash inflow in the first year and total net cash inflow of about 71.57 million in 3 years. The net present value of the 3-year projection is 56.96 million and the dynamical and static return periods are both below 1. By comparing with other credit cards' profitability in this commercial bank, the vehicle card's profit per card is 2.84 times on the average amount and its 11% percentage of total card volume can contribute 31% of the total profit. 5. Design the marketing and advertising plan of the vehicle card project in this commercial bank with the focus on the concentration and adjustment of marketing channel and enlarging the efforts on the connection, alliance and network marketing. This article also analyzes and classifies the risks of the vehicle card project and establishes the risk control measures for this project. By performing the study and analysis on the market research, product design, profitability, marketing, risk control of the vehicle card project, this article reveals the result of the feasibility study that the vehicle card project has the good market opportunity, outstanding product advantages, sound performance in financial, sales effectiveness via the multiple channels, and strong manageable project risk. The implementation and promotion of the vehicle card project will make it become a competitive brand of XX bank and provide a high level platform for the rapid and effective development of the credit card business in this commercial bank. Key words: credit card; vehicle card; feasibility study目 录 摘要 .........................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................. III 第一章 绪 论 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景和意义 .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 文献综述 .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 研究内容和方法 ...........................................................................

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