2011 年,我国伺服产品市场规模已经达到 200 亿元人民币,年增长率 25%左右。 未来的3-5 年,伺服电机市场仍然能保持两位数的增长率。分析显示,伺服电机制造商 已经在将直驱电机加进其产品的组合,从而迎合现有市场需求,和未来的发展方向,以 此来确保企业在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中的生命力。迄今为止,转矩电机主要服务于机床、半导体设备、 电子装配和平板产品等一些需求高运行精度的高端机械领域。直驱电机发展处于萌芽阶 段,在欧美已经普遍使用,在中国一定会成为了未来电机欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的趋势。[1] 本应用商业计划书的相关理论,第二章主要简单的介绍了这个项目,项目团队, 项目本身是通过技术服务的形式推广直驱电机,并找到了要做的三个细分市场,通过对 细分市场的应用场合,竞争对手,,我们给客户带来的价值描述,大概的介绍了项目本 身;第三章通过 PEST理论分析项目的所在的大环境,通过波特五力模型分析项目的行 业值不值得进入,并通过竞争分析,SWOT分析,得到项目的的战略;第四章通过项目 的竞争对手描述,得出项目的竞争策略;第五章,描述了公司的价值链和公司市场策略, 分别用市场策略,4P 策略;第六章,从财务层面描述了此项目目前所需要的的资金损 益表,资产负债表和现金流量表以及盈亏平衡点和未来的风险计划,来研究项目的可行 性。整篇从选择了直驱电机这个细分市场。然后再根据竞争优势和价值链的判断方 法,分析现有直驱电机市场各品牌的优劣势,最终找到自己的战略,根据目前所接触到 的市场细分欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,制定了未来3 年的项目市场规划。企业预计创业投资资金500 万元, 预计投资回收期为36 个月,3 年内希望达到收益为3000 万元,是一个高收益的创业项 目[2]。 关键词,直驱电机,市场,商业计划书IV ABSTRACT 2011, the market size of China's servo products has reached 20 billion yuan, an annual growth rate of about 25%. The next 3-5 years, the servo motor market is still able to maintain a growth rate of two digit. Analysis shows that the servo motor manufacturers have been in the combination of direct drive motor into its products, to meet the existing market demand, and the future direction of development, in order to ensure the vitality of enterprises in the industry. So far, the torque motor is mainly serving machine tools, semiconductor equipment, electronic assembly and tablet products, and some other high-end mechanical fields with high precision. Direct drive motor development in the embryonic stage, in Europe and the United States has been widely used in China will certainly become the future trend of the motor industry. [1] The application of the relative theories of the business plan, the second chapter simply introduces the project, the project team, the project itself is through technical services in the form of promotion of direct drive motor, and found three market segments to do, through the application of market competition, to bring customers, we the value of description, probably introduced the project itself; the third chapter through the analysis of PEST theory in the project environment, through the Potter five forces model to analyze project industry is worth to enter, and through the SWOT analysis, competitive analysis, obtained the project strategy; the fourth chapter through the project competition that the project description, competitive strategy the fifth chapter is described; the value chain of the company and the company's market strategy, with market strategy, 4P strategy; the sixth chapter, from the financial aspect describes this The project is currently needed to fund income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement as well as profit and loss balance point and future risk plans to study the feasibility of the project. The whole paper from the choice of direct drive motor this market segments. Then according to the method of judging the competition advantage and value chain, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing direct drive motor market the brand, finally found its own strategy, according to the exposure to the market segments of the industry, to develop a project market planning of the next three years. Business is expected to invest 5 million yuan of venture capital, the payback period is expected to be 36 months, 3 years in the hope of reaching a profit of 30 million yuan, is a high return of the entrepreneurial project [2]. Key words: direct drive motor, market, business planV 目录 摘要..1 ABSTRACT ...IV 第一章绪论.1 1.1 研究的背景和意义.. 1 1.1.1 研究背景..... 1 1.1.2 研究意义..... 2 1.2 文献综述 3 1.2.1 商业计划书理论 .... 3 1.2.2 营销管理理论 .. 6 1.2.3 电机知识理论 .. 6 1.3 研究数据思路.... 7 1.3.1 数据与信息收集 .... 7 1.3.2 数据与信息分析 .... 8 1.4 本章小结 8 第二章项目概况...10 2.1 公司概况 .... 10 2.2 项目概况 .... 11 2.2.1 项目简介... 11 2.2.2 项目定位与目标市场 14 2.3 本章小结 .... 20 第三章我国直驱电机市场分析..21 3.1 直驱电机欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司宏观环境分析. 21 3.1.1 政治环境分析 21 3.1.2 经济环境分析 21 3.1.3 社会环境分析 22 3.1.4 技术环境分析 23 3.2 直驱电机欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司微观环境分析. 23 3.2.1 供应商的议价能力.... 23 3.2.2 购买者的议价能力.... 24VI 3.2.3 替代品的威胁 24 3.2.4 潜在进入者的威胁.... 25 3.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境的 SWOT 分析..25 3.3.1 优势分析... 25 3.3.2 劣势分析... 25 3.3.3 机会分析... 26 3.3.4 威胁分析... 26 3.4 本章小结 .... 26 第四章 C公司的竞争分析..27 4.1 直驱电机主要竞争对手分析. 27 4.1.1 日本横河... 27 4.1.2 日本 CKD . 28 4.1.3 台湾上银... 28 4.1.4 美国 kollmorgen... 29 4.2 C 公司直驱电机的竞争优势和竞争策略 ..... 29 4.2.1 市场优势... 29 4.2.2 技术优势... 29 4.2.3 价格优势... 29 4.3 本章小结 .... 30 第五章 C公司的公司战略和市场策略.....31 5.1 C 公司的公司战略. 31 5.1.1 直驱电机的价值链.... 31 5.1.2 项目实施计划 32 5.2 C 公司的直驱电机市场策略 4P... 33 5.2.1 产品策略... 33 5.2.2 价格策略... 33 5.2.3 渠道策略... 33 5.2.4 促销策略... 33 5.3 本章小结 .... 35 第六章项目财务计划和分析36VII 6.1 直驱电机项目资金需求量,具体用途和使用计划 36 6.2 财务报表 .... 36 6.2.1 损益表. 36 6.2.2 现金流量表..... 37 6.3 盈亏平衡点分析.... 38 6.4 投资回报分析.. 39 6.5 风险分析 .... 40 6.6 本章小结 .... 40 结论41