摘要 CM-DiI 标记大鼠肾脂肪囊来源脂肪间充质干细胞 的可行性研究 目 的 探讨荧光染料氯甲基苯甲酰氨(chlormethyl-benzamidodialkylcarbocyanine, CM-DiI)对大鼠肾脂肪囊来源脂肪间充质干细胞(Kidney fat capsule adipose -d erived mesenchymal stem cells,KFC-ADSCs)的标记效果,并分析评价该标记 方法对 KFC-ADSCs 的细胞形态、生长及增殖能力等生物学特性的影响,旨在为 KFC-ADSCs 移植的体内示踪与归巢研究寻找一种实用而有效的细胞标记方法。 方 法 采用胶原酶消化法分离、培养 SD 大鼠 KFC-ADSCs;流式细胞仪检测 KFC-ADSCs 表面标记物;无菌、避光条件下采用 CM-DiI 细胞标记液标记大鼠第 3 代 KFC-ADSCs,倒置荧光显微镜下观察、计算细胞的标记率及标记的持续时间; MTT 法分析比较 CM-DiI 标记液对 KFC-ADSCs 的细胞形态、生长及增殖等生物 学特性是否存在影响。 结 果 流式细胞仪检测 KFC-ADSCs 细胞表面标记,间充质干细胞表面相关抗原 CD29、CD44 呈强阳性表达,内皮细胞表面相关抗原 CD31 呈阴性表达。倒置荧 光显微镜下观察 CM-DiI 标记的 KFC-ADSCs 细胞膜及细胞浆被染成红色,细胞 核不着色。观察 CM-DiI 标记的 KFC-ADSCs 细胞标记率达 95%以上,比较 KFC-ADSCs 标记前后细胞的形态、生长及增殖等生物学特性无明显改变。CM-DiI 标记的 KFC-ADSCs 经多次传代培养后,红色荧光细胞数量及强度有所下降,但2 细胞传代至第 8 代、细胞标记的第 15d,CM-DiI 细胞标记率仍可达 50%以上。 结 论 CM-DiI 可以有效、稳定的标记 KFC-ADSCs,标记方法简单,标记效率高, 对 KFC-ADSCs 无毒性作用,适用于 KFC-ADSCs 的中、短期标记及 KFC-ADSCs 移植的体内示踪观察。 关键词 肾脂肪囊;脂肪间充质干细胞;CM-DiI;标记3 英文论著摘要 Feasibility study of CM-DiI labeled Kidney fat capsule adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells Objective To investigate the efficiency of CM-DiI labeled Kidney fat capsule adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells(KFC-ADSCs) ,and evaluate the effect of CM-DiI to KFC-ADSCs on cell viabilityh,growth and proliferation,the aim to find a useful and effective method for labeled the KFC-ADSCs to observe the immigration,distribution and the homing of the transplanted cells in vivo. Methods To separate and cultivate the KFC-ADSCs by the method of collagenase digestion;Labeled the third passage of KFC-ADSCs by CM-DiI under sterile and dark condition,observing the effect of CM-DiI labeled KFC-ADSCs by the fluorescence microscope; checking out CM-DiI whether or not produce effect to KFC-ADSCs by the method of MTT. Results The marker of KFC-ADSCs was: CD29,CD44 were positive expression,but CD31 was negative expression.Observing the labeled-cells by the fluorescence microscope,CM-DiI displayed red fluorescence,and 95% of cells were labeled,comparing the CM-DiI-labeled-cells and CM-DiI-unlabeled-cells,the4 morphology,the growth and the proliferation were no obvious differences. With time extended,fluorescence launched by CM-DiI was attenuated.however,the eighth passages of KFC-ADSCs ,which were cultured 15d after the cells were labeled,the labeled rate was still up to 50 %. Conclusions KFC-ADSCs can be labeled effectively by CM-DiI, and the method of CM-DiI labeled KFC-ADSCs is easy to be performed,at the same time CM-DiI itself was on-toxic,and no effect to the biocharacteristics of KFC-ADSCs,so CM-DiI can be regarded as a marker for the cells tracing in vivo. Key words Kidney fat capsule; adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells; CM-DiI; label5 英文缩略语 英文缩写 英文全称 中文译名 KFC Kidney fat capsule 肾脂肪囊 ADSCs Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells 脂肪间充质干细 胞 KFC-ADSCs Kidney fat capsule adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells 肾脂肪囊来源脂 肪间充质干细胞 MSCs Mesenchymal stem cells 间充质干细胞 BMSCs Bone mesenchymal stem cells 骨髓间充质干细 胞 FBS Fetal bovine serum 胎牛血清 DMEM Dulbecco’s Modified Eagla Medium DMEM 培养基 MTT Tetrazolium salts 四唑盐 DMSO Dimathyl sulfoxide 二甲基亚砜 FCM Fluorescein isothiocyanate 流式细胞术 FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate 异硫氰酸荧光黄 CM-DiI Chlormethyl-benzamidodialkylcarbocyanine 氯甲基苯甲酰胺 ESRD end stage renal disease 终末期肾衰竭 BrdU 5-Bromo-2-deoxyUridine 5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶 核苷 HGF hepatocyte growth factor 肝细胞样生长因 子 VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor 血管内皮生长因 子 TGF-β transforming growth factor-β 转化生长因子-β FGF fibroblast growth factor 成纤维细胞生长 因子6 报告 CM-DiI 标记大鼠肾脂肪囊来源脂肪间充质干细胞 的可行性研究