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2009年1月1円起,我国义务教育学校幵始实施绩效工资,主要是通过制度变 革,提高教师待遇,强化教师激励,促进教育均衡。自2010年1月1 R,包括高 中及其他大中专院校在内的其他事业单位也全面展开实施绩效工资,我国的各级各 类教育行政主管部门开始制定、颁布、落实教师工资绩效改革方面的文件及方案, 各地学校也按照文件落实教师工资绩效改革工作。在这种情况下,教师工资绩效改 革是否实现了预期的政策目标,绩效工资在各地方实施的情况如何中小学校在实 施绩效工资的过程中遇到了哪些实际问题绩效工资方案是否都能如人所愿对 绩效工资方案教师是否有不同的意见和建议怎样才能最大化绩效工资的作用这些都成为现阶段需要关注的重要问题,同样是本文所需要研究解决的问题所在。 本文对以往关于绩效工资方面的研究进行了梳理和总结,本文在此部分对美国 的工资绩效改革方面的研究进行了研究,从美国公立基础教育学校的教师工资绩效 改革起源、发展以及现状中总结经验,通过借鉴这些经验,对我国的绩效工资改革 的特点、实施过程、效果及存在的问题进行对比分析,结合我国绩效工资改革工作 的县长,本文着重对学校绩效工资改革工作的实施以及工资发放环节进行探讨,对 现实中绩效工资改革在学校环境中的进展情况进行分析,给出完善措施及建议。 本文通过对河南省鹤壁市5所中小学调查,了解绩效工资改革在实施工作终端 ——中小学层面的工资发放情况,探讨中小教师的工资绩效激励机制是否保持了教 育平衡发展。本次调查的原则是民主性、科学性、有效性以及公平性,切实了解教 师对于绩效工资改革的意见和满意度,在此基础上分析学校绩效工资推进工作中的 实施缺陷,基于学校层面探讨教师对于工资绩效发放的建议和预期的可行性,另外, 文章还探讨了改革实施程序里的重点——工资考核分配措施,主要有绩效考核的指 导思想、原则、领导小组、各级指标、具体实施方案等,对现有的中、小学教师工 资规章制度的可行性进行分析,并讨论现行规章制度的执行效果和激励促进效用。 在实地调查过程中笔者发现,在现实情况中教师工资绩效改革方案的整体实施 效果不加,在工资绩效激励制度下教师的工作积极性没有显著提高,仅在乡镇、农 村等资源贫瘠地区的学校提升了教师工资水平,少部分教师的工作积极性有多提 升,教师对于实施工资绩效改革持有正面态度,主管部门比教师更加赞同改革工作。 本文的结尾根据实地调研结果,在公平、科学、有效原则之上制定了完善的工 ⑩ 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 资绩效改革实施方案,并基于学校视角给出了具体的规章制度和实施意见。 关键词:中小学教师,工资绩效改革,实施过程,措施方案 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS Abstract Since January 1,2009, China began to implement performance pay in compulsory education schools, mainly through the system reform,improve the treatment of teachers, strengthening the motivation of teachers, promoteeducation balanced. Since January 1, 2010,other institutions including high school and other colleges, also started the implementation of performance pay, then all education departments have also issued the opinions ofperformance pay, according to the actual situation of the school hasformulated and implemented Performance Wages Distribution Scheme of eachprimary and middle schools. Then,the performance salary is to achieve the desired policy objectives, how the implementation of performance pay in the local situationPrimary and secondary school which encountered problems in the process of the implementation of performance payWhether theperformance salary scheme if people likeIf there are different opinions and suggestions on the pay for performance program for teacherWhat can be done to maximize the performance salaryThese have become the focus at this stage needs to pay attention, also is this article key point study. The part of literature review, this reference to the source to Americanperformance salary research, learning from foreign especially American public school performance pay implementation of history, present situation and related academic research achievements, and on this basis to explore the domestic scholars have studied the performance salary nature, characteristics and the implementation effect. The scholars have to the basic research of performance pay themselves, this paper focus on the implementation of school performance payment level, the implementation of performance pay in the actual situation and problems in the process of school,and put forward some suggestions for improvement. This article through to the Henan province in 5 schools of Hebi cityinvestigation, understand the performance salary reform in the actual effect ofthe bottom of the middle and primary schools, namely whether to raiseteachers' salaries, whether the salary incentive for primary and secondary school teachers, whether promote education balanced. Investigation ofdemocracy, performance appraisal and performance salary allocation schemein the process of fairness, scientific implementation in the formulation in 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS oQ>rimaiy and secondary schools, teachers1 satisfaction on the performance salary allocation scheme, the main problems encountered in the reform ofschool performance salary, expectations and suggestions for the next stage oQ>erformance salary reform and teacher. At the same time,this paper has done some research on the issues in the process of implementing performancesalary allocation scheme assessment subject,including performance,performance appraisal index, procedures etc.. Summarizes the current teacher performance pay system in primary and secondary schools to explore therationality, performance pay the policymakers expect the incentive effect. The survey found, the performance salary reform is not the ascension of the whole teachers in primary and middle schools,nor the teaching behaviors of teachers have obvious incentive, but the improvement of rural teachers, weak school teachers, young teachers treatment, obvious incentive effect forteaching behaviors of teachers, education. Hold a favorable attitude to the performance salary reform of primary and secondary school teachers9administrative staff in favor of higher than ordinary teachers. Finally, according to the research results, learn from mature performanceallocation scheme is established according to the open and fair principle, theimplementation of performance pay in school level targeted planning and advice. Keywords: primaxy and scondary school, pay for performance, implementation, allocation scheme IV 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 目录 摘要 Abstract...................................—..—.......*..— 第一章绪论. 第一节本选题的研究目的与意义 第二节本文研究思路及方法 1.研究思路 2.職方法 3.个案分析法 第三节创新之处 1.基于学校视角进行研究和探讨 2.增加高中学校这一研究对象 第二章事业单位实施绩效工资现状 第一节绩效工资的含义和特征 1.绩效工资的含义 2.绩效工资的特点 第二节事业单位实施绩效工资现状 第三章中小学教师绩效工资改革现状及存在的问题 第一节中小学教师绩效工资改革工作实施现状 1.广东省绩效工资改革工作的全面性 2.四川省和重庆市中小学教师绩效工资改革工作落实到位.........: 3.山东省统筹兼顾保障绩效工资 4.江苏省资金保障到位 5.河南省开封市落实资金,确保绩效发放到位 第二节以X市为例探讨绩效工资改革现状中存在的问题 1.X市概况 2.问卷调查总体和样本 3.绩效工资改革中存在的共同问题 第四章绩效工资分配方案设计情况调查及相关对应措施 第一节XX高级中学绩效工资分配方案设计调查及评价 w 硕士学位报告 MASTER'S THESIS 1.XX高级中学绩效工资分配具体实施方案 19 2.XX高级中学分配方案评价 22 第二节其他地区中小学绩效工资分配方案设计调查及评价 23 1 .其他地区中小学绩效工资具体分配方案 23 2.其他地区绩效工资分配方案评价 28 第三节制定合理绩效工资方案达到预期效果的相关措施 29 1.进一步修订绩效工资方案加大宣传力度 29 2.坚持向一线教师、有突出贡献的教师倾斜,转变管理模式,加强考核的 鮮 30 3.增强绩效工资的公平性、透明性 30 4.评价和监督模式,建立和完善评估方法 31 结束语 33

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