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随着经济的快速发展,腐败问题也呈现了愈发严重的趋势。近些年来反腐 已经成为了人们热议的话题,它不单影响经济的发展,更对政权的合法性构成 了严重的挑战,损害了国家在人民心目中的形象。目前,我国政府对腐败这一 严重影响社会稳定与发展的问题达到了前所未有的重视,我党对于腐败分子以 及腐败行为一律采取“零容忍”的态度,坚决打击这一最易动摇国家根基的社 会顽疾,净化社会不良风气,进而推动我国的廉政建设,重塑政府的权威性以 及公信力,维持社会的长治久安。而公务员财产申报制度作为反腐的有力手段, 一直被人们称为“阳光法案”,它就好比是阳光能够照进腐败最阴暗的角落里, 使腐败无所遁形。财产申报制度最初起源于瑞典,距今已经有了两百多年的历 史。通过各国的实践可以发现财产申报制度不仅能够从源头上有效的遏制腐败 滋生的土壤,直接_中腐败的要害,起到威慑以及预警的作用,还可以为后期 纠偏工作提供可靠的证据,是廉政建设至关重要的一个环节。 在我国,对财产申报制度的研究起步较晚且呈现了谈论热研究冷的态势, 无论是理论上还是实践中财产申报制度在我国的确立都不是一帆风顺的,虽然 自新疆阿勒泰地区实行财产申报这一破冰之举后全国各地纷纷刮起了财产申 报风,但是它在各地的实践效果却并不理想,远远没有达到预期应有的效果。 通过各项数据以及实践表明,近年来几乎没有一起重大的贪污腐败案件是通过 财产申报制度发现的。财产申报制度在我国几乎沦为了摆设,所以确立我国财 产申报制度还需要克服众多的障碍。我国的财产申报制度在制度设计上存在很 多不完善的地方亟待改进,这就需要我们不断完善财产申报制度,在此基础上 健全相关的配套设施,转变人们现有的旧观念,加快财产申报制度在立法方面 的建设,进一步加强各方的监督。相信财产申报制度的推行不仅可以对腐败分 子起到威慑的作用,更可以体现我们党和政府在反腐方面的决心与勇气,使我 国的廉政建设走向一个更高、更强大的台阶。 本文大体共分为五个部分:第一部分主要是介绍财产申报制度的研究背景 和研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究的方法以及创新点与不足。第二部分主要 是介绍财产申报制度的理论研究,包括财产申报制度的内涵界定,主要包括对 公务员和财产申报制度的定义、财产申报制度的六大构成要素以及财产申报制 I 度的功能和相关的理论基础。第三部分主要是基于“五元互动”模型来对我国 公务员财产申报进行可行性分析,这一部分也是本文的创新点之一。首先是介 绍了我国当前公务员财产申报的现状,在制度方面我国的起步较晚,在实践方 面少数的地方展开艰难的探索。然后是构建“五元互动”模型,通过正反两个 方面,基于构建的“五元互动”模型为推行我国财产申报制度的阻碍因素以及 有利条件来对我国实行财产申报的可行性进行相应的分析。第四部分主要是介 绍国内外公务员财产申报制度的经验借鉴,包括国外的美国、新加坡、我国的 香港地区有关财产申报制度方面的建设,以及通过国内外财产申报制度的成功 经验对我国的三点启示。第五部分主要是基于“五元互动”模型来对我国推行 财产申报制度提出了几点相对应的对策建议。 关键词:公务员,财产申报制度,“五元互动”模型 II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of economy , corruption takes on a more and more serious trend . In recent years,people become more and more against corruption . It also become a hot topic. Not only influence the development of economy, but also poses a serious challenge to the legitimacy of the regime, harmed the national image to the eyes of people. Our government has reached unprecedented attention about the serious corruption which affect the social stability and development, to corrupt our party. Corruption are a zero tolerance attitude, to fight with the national social ills, purify the social bad style, promote the cultivation of clean government of our country,to restore the government's authority and credibility, maintain the social stability and security.Property declaration system of civil servants is a powerful means of corruption, which has been called sunshine law. Property declaration system originated in Sweden initially, it has a history of more than two hundred years. Through the practice of all countries,we can find that the property declaration system can not only curb corruption from its source of soil, , but also provide reliable evidence for the rectification work , Property declaration system of civil servants is one of the most important step which make a cultivation of clean government. China' study of property declaration system started relatively late .However it become a popular topic but cold on study.But whether in theory or practice,the establishment of property declaration system is not plain sailing,though Altay area in Xinjiang property declaration after the lift of the ice across the country have to blow the property declaration, but it around in practice effect is not ideal in our country . In China,Property declaration system almost become a decoration, so establishing the system of china's property declaration also needs to overcome a number of obstacles. There are many drawbacks on system design needs to be improved. It needs us to perfect the property declaration system, on the basis of sound related supporting facilities, changing people's old idea, accelerate the legislation of property declaration system, through draw lessons from foreign successful experience and combine with China's specific national conditions to build the civil service property declaration system in China. The establishment of the trust property declaration system not only have tixe effect of deterrence, but also reflect our party and government in anti-corruption determination and courage.I believe that with the development of China's property declaration system of civil servants,our country will be more and more powerful. This thesis has five parts : The first part mainly describes the research background and research significance of property declaration system,research status in China and abroad, research methods and innovation points including the deficiencies. In the second part mainly introduces the theory of the property declaration system, including the property declaration system, the concept of components and related theoretical basis. The third part is based on the five factors interaction model to analysis our country's civil servant's property declaring, this part is one of the innovation of this paper. First of all, I will introduce the present situation of civil servant's property declaring. Secondly,this paper expounds the necessity of a property declaration system. Thirdly, I will two sides about the positive and negative aspects,based on the construction of five factors interaction model to analyze the feasibility of imjplementmg property declaration. The fourth part I will introduces the experience of the civil service property declaration system in our country and abroad,including the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong's property declaration system,through the successful experience of Hong Kong and foreign property declaration system to give three opinions of my about the civil service property declarations.The fiftii part is based on the five factors interaction model to establish the property declaration system in China and put forward the corresponding coxxntermeasiires and Suggestions Key word: Civil Servant,Properties Declaration System,five factors interaction model II 目录 1鮮 1 1.1研究背景与意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2研究意义 2 1.2国内外研究综述 3 1.2.1国内研究综述 3 1.2.2国外研究综述 5 1.3研究方法及研究思路 6 1.3.1研究方法 6 1.3.2研究思路 7 1.4仓衞足 8 2财产申报制度相关理论基础 9 2.1财产申报制度的内涵与构成 9 2.1.1概念界定 9 2.1.2财产申报制度的构成要素 10 2.2财产申报制度的功能 12 2.3财产申报制度的相关理论基础 14 2.3.1 “利益冲突”理论 14 2.3.2公共利益优先理论 16 2.3.3民主监督理论 16 3我国公务员财产申报制度可行性分析基于“五元互动”模型..18 3.1我国当前公务员财产申报制度现状 18 3.2构建财产申报制度的五元互动”模型 20 3.3我国推行公务员财产申报制度的阻碍因素分析 23 3.3.1申报主体范围模糊且普遍存在心理抵触 24 3.3.2财产申报缺乏相关法律基础 26 I 3.3.3财产申报受理和审查机构缺乏权威性 27 3.3.4财产申报结果仅限内部公开 27 3.3.5各方监督机制不完善 28 3.4我国推行公务员财产申报制度的有利条件分析 28 3.4.1地方实践中日益全面的申报主体 28 3.4.2逐步推进的法制基础 29 3.4.3日趋成熟的媒体、第三部门以及民众基础 30 4国内外公务员财产申报制度的经验借鉴 32 4.1国内外公务员财产申报制度经验 32 4.1.1美国公务员财产申报制度 32 4.1.2新加坡公务员财产申报制度 34 4.1.3香港公务员财产申报制度 35 4.2国内

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