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摘要 在大数据时代,随着信息科学与计算机技术的快速发展,使得海量多源数据 的收集与存储方便易行。在多源数据融合建模中,常常遇到观测频率不一致的混 频时间序列数据,由此带来了关于混频数据的影响模式探讨和精准预测研究。由 于传统回归模型建立在同频数据基础之上,往往需要对混频数据进行同频化处理, 这样导致大量高频信息损失。混频数据抽样(MIDAS,MIxed DAta Sampling)模 型的提出,为直接使用原始混频变量进行建模分析提供了可能。进一步,随着经 济管理领域中研究问题复杂性的增加,出现了许多现有混频数据模型难以有效解 决的反向、高维、非线性等类型的混频数据分析问题。有效解决此类数据建模过 程中的技术难题,拓展混频数据分析方法,对于推广使用混频数据模型以及探索 经济管理领域中复杂影响模式等,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 基于此,本文选取“高维非线性混频数据模型及应用研究”这一研究主题, 综合应用统计学、经济学、金融学和管理学等学科知识,采取理论分析、数值模 拟和应用研究相结合的范式,将现有的混频数据分析方法从“正向”拓展至“反 向”、从“低维”拓展至“高维”、从“线性”拓展至“非线性”,从而分别建 立相应的反向有约束混频数据模型、组惩罚混频数据模型以及神经网络混频数据 模型等,并将这些模型应用于现实经济管理问题的解决。论文的具体工作和主要 创新如下: (1)建立反向有约束混频数据模型(RR-MIDAS,Reverse Restricted MIDAS),用于解决使用低频信息预测高频变量的反向混频数据问题,同时不受 频率倍差限制,能够适用于更一般的混频数据情形。首先,借助 MIDAS 模型中 的权重约束思想和 RU-MIDAS(Reverse Unrestricted MIDAS)模型中的分时期结 构理论,给出 RR-MIDAS 模型构建过程中频率对齐、分时期处理、权重约束、参 数估计以及多步向前预测等完整步骤。其次,使用 Monte Carlo 数值模拟考察 RR-MIDAS 模型的有效性,通过比较小、中、大频率倍差水平下 RR-MIDAS 模型 与 RU-MIDAS 模型和 HF 模型的拟合与预测差异,结果表明前者具有最优的预测 表现。最后,将 RR-MIDAS 模型应用于中国和美国的市场化利率预测,同样证实 了该模型具有很好的预测能力,并且能够反映变量间的实时动态影响关系。 (2)建立组惩罚(正向/反向)无约束混频数据模型(GP-(R)U-MIDAS, Group Penalized (Reverse) Unrestricted MIDAS),用于解决具有高维特征的混频 数据分析问题,兼顾频率对齐和多阶滞后操作产生的组效应,能够实现混频数据 分析、变量降维、参数估计和关键变量识别,同时增强解释能力与预测能力。首 先,将组 LASSO、组 SCAD 和组 MCP 等组惩罚函数引入到(R)U-MIDAS 模型框II 架下,建立 GP-(R)U-MIDAS 模型,并给出模型设置、参数估计、组变量选择与 多步向前预测等完整建模过程。其次,使用 Monte Carlo 数值模拟考察 GP-(R)U- MIDAS 模型有效性,通过比较不同变量作用机制以及不同频率倍差情形下,GP- (R)U-MIDAS 模型与 P-(R)U-MIDAS 模型、 FC-(R)U-MIDAS 模型以及 (R)U- MIDAS 模型的变量选择、拟合与预测差异,结果表明前者在存在组效应情形下显 著优于其他模型。最后,将 GP-U-MIDAS 模型和 GP-RU-MIDAS 模型分别应用于 季度 GDP 预测和资产定价研究中,同样证实了 GP-(R)U-MIDAS 模型的预测表现 显著优于其他比较模型,并且能够在探讨变量间影响机制的同时识别出关键影响 因子。 (3)建立神经网络(有约束/无约束)混频数据模型(ANN-(U-)MIDAS), 用于探讨原始混频数据中潜在的非线性影响模式,能够充分利用高频有效信息, 同时充分发挥机器学习中的数据驱动与自适应学习能力。首先,将(U-)MIDAS 方 法引入至 ANN 模型框架下,建立 ANN-(U-)MIDAS 模型,并给出包括模型设置、 参数估计以及多步向前预测等在内的完整建模过程。其次,使用 Monte Carlo 数 值模拟考察 ANN-(U-)MIDAS 模型有效性,通过比较 ANN-(U-)MIDAS 模型与基 准的 ANN 模型和(U-)MIDAS 模型之间的拟合效果与预测能力,发现 ANN-(U- )MIDAS 模型表现最优。最后,将 ANN-(U-)MIDAS 模型应用于使用低频宏观经 济变量和高频金融市场信息预测月度通货膨胀率的研究中,实证结果证实了 ANN-(U-)MIDAS 模型具有最优的拟合与预测表现,能够有效解决非线性混频数 据问题。 本文研究工作,对于经济管理领域中出现的反向、高维、非线性等混频数据 分析问题,在现有研究基础上,对经典的(U-)MIDAS 模型进行了有意义的拓展, 建立一系列全新的混频数据分析模型与方法,充实了混频数据理论研究内容,丰 富了混频数据应用研究工具。同时,选取经济管理领域中的常见问题,在混频数 据框架下开展相关主题研究,致力于提高研究结果的解释能力与预测精度,从而 帮助政策制定者和投资者及时把握市场变化趋势,深度了解市场运行机制,最终 提高宏观审慎监管能力、提升投资决策和管理水平。 关键词:混频数据;高维变量;非线性模式;MIDAS 模型;RR-MIDAS 模型; GP-U-MIDAS 模型;GP-RU-MIDAS 模型;ANN-U-MIDAS 模型;ANN-MIDAS 模型III ABSTRACT In the era of big data, innovations in information science and computer technology have made the collection and storage of large dataset possible. In multi-source information fusion modeling, one is often confronted with many time series that can be sampled or observed at different frequencies, which raises the problem of how to explore complex patterns among mixed frequency data and making an accurate forecast. As a typical regression model involves data sampled at the same frequency, the common solution in such cases is to turn mixed frequency data into the same frequency. In the process, a lot of high frequency information may be discarded. As an alternative, proposal of a mixed data sampling model (MIDAS) provides possibility for directly accommodate variables sampled at different frequencies. Furthermore, with increasing complexity of economic and financial research, there are a lot of unexplored mixed frequency data analysis problems, such as reverse, high-dimensional, and nonlinear patterns, which are unable to solve effectively by using the existing MIDAS-based methods. To effectively solve the technical problems arise in modeling process and extend the model of mixed data analysis, can be extremely helpful in promoting the application of mixed data and exploring complex patterns of economic management. It is of great importance for theoretical approaches and practical implications. To this end, this dissertation selects the subject of “research on high-dimensional nonlinear mixed data sampling model with applications”. Through integrating the discipline of statistics, economics, finance, and management, and combining the methods of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and application research, this dissertation attempts to extend the obverse, low-dimensional, and linear mixed frequency data analysis methods to reverse, high-dimensional, and nonlinear cases, and then construct a reverse restricted mixed data sampling model, a group penalized mixed data sampling model, and an artificial neural network mixed data sampling model, respectively. Moreover, these models are applied to solve the problems of economic management. The detailed researches and main innovations of this dissertation are as follows: (1) Construct a novel reverse restricted mixed data sampling (RR-MIDAS) model, which allows us to forecast high frequency variables using low frequency information. The RR-MIDAS model is applicable to more general mixed frequency data withoutIV frequency mismatch limit. Firstly, borrowing the ideas from parameter restrictions in MIDAS and periodic structures in RU-MIDAS, we provide a procedure for RR-MIDAS regressions including frequency alignment, periodic processing, parameters estimation, and multi-step forecasting. Second, the efficacy of the RR-MIDAS model is illustrated through Monte Carlo simulations. We consider small, medium, and large values of frequency mismatches and compare the RR-MIDAS with several competing models including RU-MIDAS and HF model, the numerical results show that the performance of RR-MIDAS consistently outperform the other models, in terms of predictive ability. Finally, the decent performance of the RR-MIDAS model is demonstrated in a real- world application on forecasting China and US market interest rates, since it is able to explore the dynamic relationships among variables. (2) Construct a novel group penalized (reverse) unrestricted mixed data sampling (GP-(R)U-MIDAS) model, which allows us to identify important variables at block level in high dimensional mixed frequency data analysis, and take into account the grouping structures produced via the frequency alignment and multiple lag operation. The GP-(R)U-MIDAS model is able to solve the problems of mixed data analysis, dimension reduction, parameters estimation, and key variables identification. In addition, it can enhance the interpretability and predict

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