根据事故致因链得知:人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态均可以直接导致安全事 故的发生,通过研究国内外的重大安全事故数据欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司显示,绝大部分的事故都是由于 人的不安全行为引发的。在我
国,小微企业量大面广(小微企业占据了经济发展的半 壁江山,从 2016 年新三板公司规模来看,大中型企业数量占 6%,中型企业占 31%, 小型企业占比超过 60%。),事故发生率高,员工安全面临严重的威胁,安全生产
形势 不容乐观。从对小微企业事故统计分析看出,人的因素导致发生的事故占了 80%以上。 尽管在我国近些年来的企业安全管理中的实践中,不断加大了对人的不安全行为研究 和应用,越来越多企业的也更加重视和关注人
的不安全行为,行为观察方法也被一些 实力较强的大中型国企所应用,但从安全研究的角度来说,与西方一些发展水平较高 的发达国家相比,小微企业对行为安全重视程度和运用程度远远不够。 本文从国内外文献对不安全
行为的综述研究入手,分析、归纳人的不安全行为产 生的原因:继而通过文献研究、问卷调查,对 189 家小微企业的 651 名一线员工、420 名管理层开展问卷调查,运用 Spassau 对问卷信度和效度进行分析,运用因子分
析方 法对小微企业员工不安全行为的原因进行归纳;然后基于行为“2-4”模型(“2-4” 模型中的 2 是指事故发生的两个原因:组织行为、个人行为,4 是指事故原因分为 4 个阶段:指导行为、运行行为、习惯性行为、
一次性行为,对应 4 个原因:根源原因、 根本原因、间接原因、直接原因),分析了小微企业员工不安全行为原因:一次性行 为的原因、习惯性行为原因、安全文化原因、组织管理原因。研究表明:小微企业员 工不安全
行为的直接原因(一次性行为原因)是员工的心理的异常和生理的反常;间 接原因(安全习惯方面的原因)是员工的安全方面的常识和理论实践知识极其缺乏、 安全方面的思想和行为意识很不够、日常工作中的形成的安全
操作习惯不够良好;根 源原因(安全文化建设方面的原因)是小微企业安全文化建设极其落后,大部分小微 企业安全文化是严重缺失的;根本原因(组织结构和管理体系方面的原因)是小微企 业安全组织结构不完善、不科
学以及由此形成的的安全管理体系的十分欠缺和管理行 为的不当。 本文结合行为“2-4”模型理论,提出了解决小微企业员工不安全行为四个方面 的预防对策,首先是加强安全检查和目视化管理控制个人不安全动作;其次
是实施安 全教育培训、安全习惯性控制;再次是完善小微企业的组织结构和安全管理体系;最 后是加大小微企业安全文化建设力度,以期为我国小微企业控制员工不安全行为,预 防不安全行为导致的安全事故提供相应指导
。 关键词:员工;不安全行为;原因分析I ABSTRACT According to the cause chain of accidents, people's unsafe behaviors and the unsafe state of objects can directly lead to the occurrence of
safety accidents. Through studying the data of major safety accidents at home and abroad, the vast majority of accidents are caused by people's unsafe behaviors. In China, the number of small
and micro enterprises is large and extensive (small and micro enterprises account for half of the economic development. In terms of the scale of NEEQ companies in 2016, the number of large
enterprises accounts for 6%, medium-sized enterprises account for 31%, and small enterprises account for more than 60%.) , the accident rate is high, staff safety is facing a serious threat, the
safety situation is not optimistic. According to the statistical analysis of small and micro enterprises accidents, the factors of human factors account for more than 80%. Although in recent years
in our country enterprise security management in practice, constantly increase the research and application of unsafe behavior of people, more and more enterprises pay more attention to and pay
attention to people's unsafe behavior, behavior observation methods have also been some strength strong used in large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, but from the perspective of
safety research, compared with some high level of development of western developed countries, small micro enterprises to conduct safety degree and utilization is far from enough. This article
review of unsafe behavior from the domestic and foreign literature studies, this paper summarized and analyzed the causes of unsafe behavior of people, and then through the literature research,
questionnaire survey, of 189 small micro enterprise employees, 651, 420 management to carry out the questionnaire survey, using the Spassau to questionnaire reliability and validity analysis,
useing the factor analysis method to small micro enterprise employees, summarized the causes of unsafe behavior. Then model based on behavior 2-4 ( 2-4 in the model 2 refers to the two reasons of
the accident: organizational behavior and individual behavior, 4 refers to the cause of the accident is divided into four stages: guiding behavior, operation behavior, habitual behavior, one-time
behavior, corresponding to the four reasons: root cause, root cause, indirect cause and direct cause), analysis the reason of the small micro enterprise employees unsafe act: the cause of the time,
habitual behavior, safety culture, organization and management reasons. The research shows that the direct cause of unsafe behavior (one-time behavior) of employees in small and micro enterprises
is the psychological abnormality andII physiological abnormality of employees. The indirect reason (the reason of safety habit) is that the staff's common sense and theoretical and practical
knowledge of safety are extremely lacking, the thought and behavior consciousness of safety is not enough, and the safety operation habit formed in daily work is not good enough. The root cause
(for the construction of safety culture) is the extremely backward setting of safety document t in small and micro enterprises, and the safety culture of most small and micro enterprises is
seriously missing. The fundamental reason (in terms of organizational structure and management system) is that the safety organizational structure of small and micro enterprises is imperfect and
unscientific, and the safety management system formed thereby is very deficient and the management behavior is improper. The paragraph style Combined with the behavioral 2-4 model theory, this
paper proposes four preventive measures to solve the unsafe behavior of employees in small and micro enterprises. First, strengthen safety inspection and visual management to control personal
unsafe behavior. Second, the implementation of safety education and training, safety habitual control; The third is to improve the organizational structure and safety management system of small and
micro enterprises; Finally, strengthen the construction of safety culture in small and micro enterprises, in order to provide appropriate guidance for small and micro enterprises in China to
control employees' unsafe behaviors and prevent safety accidents caused by unsafe behaviors. KEYWORDS: employees; unsafe behaviour; cause analysis1 目 录 第一章 绪
论...................................................................................................1 第一节 选题背景
............................................................................................................1 一、我国安全生产形势的严峻
性................................................................................1 二、员工的不安全行为是生产安全事故发生首要和主要原因................................3 三、行为安全方法成为研究的
热点............................................................................3 四、小微企业的界
定....................................................................................................4 第二节 研究主要目的和意义
........................................................................................6 一、研究主要目
的........................................................................................................6 二、研究意
义................................................................................................................6 第三节 研究内容
............................................................................................................7 第四节 研究方法及技术路线图
....................................................................................7 第二章 国内外对企业员工不安全行为研究综述