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I 摘要 近年来,自国际上不再设置纺织品的配比额度门槛条件后,在一定程度上大大增 长了我国纺织业在国际化分工的深度,并拓宽了其广度,因此,中国的纺织品产业不 仅仅是在出口数量上有了新的突破,更是逐步提升了国际地位,占据了更多的国际市 场份额。加之基于世界经济一体化与“一带一路”大背景下,我国纺织品产业的出口 竞争力有了一定的提升。然而,由于国内外政治、经济等环境的不断变化,以及来源 于企业自身和竞争对手的威胁和冲击,使得国内企业的纺织产品出口竞争力呈现衰弱 趋势。鉴于此,本文将以 LTFZ 公司的纺织产品为例,研究该如何提升出口竞争力。 本文在分析 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口现状及对其出口竞争力进行 SWOT 分析的 基础上,运用 Eviews 软件构建线性回归计量模型,从多个角度选取影响因素,以此 分析 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力各个因素的影响程度,并由此提出可使该公司纺 织产品出口竞争力得以提升的对策。 通过计量分析与检验,得出如下结论,第一,原材料成本对 LTFZ 公司纺织产品 出口竞争力具有非常重要的影响作用,实证分析结果表明较高的原材料成本将对 LTFZ 公司纺织产品的出口竞争力带来不利影响;第二,科研投入与 LTFZ 公司纺织 产品出口竞争力呈现正相关关系,影响较为显著;第三,劳动力成本(本文用年度职 工工资薪酬总额代替)则与 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力呈现负相关关系,但与其 他因素相比,影响不是特别大。无论是在多元线性回归综合检验还是在负相关因素的 线性回归分析中,P 值均大于 0.05,最终排除这一因素;第四,劳动力素质(劳动生 产率)作为 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力的重要影响因素,实证分析结果表明其与 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力呈现正相关关系;第五,同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的竞争数目亦是一大 重要影响因素。同时,多元线性回归综合估计结果与正相关、负相关因素的分别线性 回归分析的预期完全吻合。 基于以上分析,本文认为,若要提升 LTFZ 公司纺织产品的出口竞争力,应该努 力降低原材料成本,提高产品科技贡献率;加大科研投入,提升自主创新水平;提高 劳动力素质,加强人才培养;改变被动局面,应对挑战考验;塑造品牌效应,走差异 化竞争之路。 关键词,纺织产品;出口竞争力;SWOT 分析;线性回归计量模型;提升对策山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In recent years, since the international standard does not set the threshold for the quota of textiles, it has greatly increased the depth of China's textile industry in the international division of labor and broadened its breadth. Therefore, China's textile industry has not only made new breakthroughs in the number of exports, but has gradually upgraded its international status and occupied more international market share. In addition, based on the integration of the world economy and the “One Belt, One Road”, the export competitiveness of China's textile industry has been improved. However, due to the constant changes in the political and economic environment at home and abroad, as well as the threats and shocks from the companies themselves and their competitors, the export competitiveness of textile products of domestic enterprises has shown a weak trend. In view of this, this article will use LTFZ's textile products as an example to study how to improve export competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the export status of LTFZ textile products and the SWOT analysis of its export competitiveness, this paper uses Eviews software to construct a linear regression measurement model, and selects the influencing factors from various angles. In this way, we analyze the influence degree of various factors of LTFZ's textile product export competitiveness, and propose countermeasures that can enhance the export competitiveness of the company's textile products. Through the measurement analysis and inspection, the following conclusions can be drawn: First, the cost of raw materials has a very important influence on the export competitiveness of LTFZ textile products. The empirical analysis shows that the higher raw material cost will be the export competitiveness of LTFZ textile products. Secondly, the scientific research input has a positive correlation with the export competitiveness of LTFZ textile products, and the impact is more significant. Third, the labor cost (in this paper, replace with the total annual salary of employees) is related to the export competitiveness of LTFZ textile products. There is a negative correlation, but compared with other factors, the impact is not particularly large. Whether in multiple linear regression comprehensive testing or linear regression analysis of negative correlation factors, the P value is greater than 0.05, and finally eliminate this factor; Fourth, the quality of labor (Labor productivity) As an important factor affecting the export competitiveness of LTFZ's textile products, the empirical analysis shows that it has a positive correlation with the export competitiveness山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT III of LTFZ textile products. Fifth, the number of competition in the same industry is also a major factor. At the same time, the multivariate linear regression comprehensive estimation results are in complete agreement with the expected linear regression analysis of positive and negative correlation factors. Based on the above analysis, this paper believes that if we want to improve the export competitiveness of LTFZ textile products, we should strive to reduce the cost of raw materials, increase the contribution rate of products and technology; increase investment in scientific research, enhance the level of independent innovation; improve the quality of labor, and strengthen talent training; change the passive situation and meet the challenge test; shape the brand effect and take the road of differentiated competition. Key words: Textile products;Export competitiveness;SWOT analysis;Linear regression econometric model;Promotion measures山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 IV 目 录 摘要..I ABSTRACT....II 目 录IV 第一章 引 言....1 1.1 研究背景与意义..1 1.1.1 研究背景....1 1.1.2 研究意义....1 1.2 文献综述.....2 1.2.1 国内外关于竞争力相关理论研究2 1.2.2 纺织品出口竞争力研究进展........4 1.3 研究内容与方法..6 1.3.1 研究内容....6 1.3.2 研究方法....7 1.4 技术路线图.7 第二章 产品出口竞争力理论概述...9 2.1 出口竞争力理论..9 2.1.1 传统贸易理论中的出口竞争力...9 2.1.2 新贸易理论中的出口竞争力.....10 2.2 产品出口竞争力占有率指标.......11 2.2.1 国际市场占有率.......11 2.2.2 出口贡献率......11 2.2.3 可比净出口指数.......11 2.2.4 恒定市场份额模型...12 2.3 产品出口竞争力影响因素理论——“钻石模型”........14 第三章 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口现状分析......17 3.1 LTFZ 公司现状...17 3.1.1 公司概况..17 3.1.2 经营范围与公司制度........17 3.2 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口情况......18 3.2.1 LTFZ 公司主要纺织产品情况....18 3.2.2 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口情况分析.....20 3.2.3 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力占有率评价.......22 3.3 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力存在的问题22 3.3.1 原材料成本占比过高22 3.3.2 创新能力欠缺...24 3.3.3 劳动力素质偏低........24 第四章 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力 SWOT 分析.26 4.1 外部环境分析....27山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录 V 4.1.1 世界经济全球化带来的便利......27 4.1.2 国家政策战略产生的机遇.27 4.1.3 国际市场环境与需求的不稳定性.......28 4.1.4 面临不太乐观的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境.28 4.2 优势分析(S)...29 4.2.1 公司发展态势良好....29 4.2.2 拥有基本完整的产业链.....29 4.2.3 拥有良好的综合管理能力.30 4.3 劣势分析(W)...30 4.3.1 缺乏高端产品及先进设备.30 4.3.2 生产要素水平偏低....30 4.3.3 自有品牌影响力不大31 4.4 机会因素分析(O)....31 4.4.1 经济全球化带来的机遇.....31 4.4.2 税收便利化等政策的扶持.31 4.4.3 “新旧动能转换”战略契机.....31 4.5 威胁因素分析(T)....32 4.5.1 汇率变动..32 4.5.2 技术贸易壁垒...32 4.5.3“东南亚制造”日益兴起..32 4.5.4 企业加工成本日益提高.....33 第五章 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力影响因素分析....34 5.1 基于钻石波特模型选取影响因素........34 5.1.1 生产要素角度...34 5.1.2 相关与支持性产业角度.....35 5.1.3 企业战略、结构和同业竞争角度.......35 5.2 影响因素相关性分析..36 5.2.1 线性回归模型的构建36 5.2.2 多元线性回归计量估计....36 5.3 影响因素相关性实证结果..40 第六章 LTFZ 公司纺织产品出口竞争力提升对策建议....41 6.1 降低原材料成本,提高产品科技贡献率......41 6.1.1 转移生产基地...41 6.1.2 转变生产理念...42 6.1.3 树立绿色低碳发展模式.....42 6.2 加大科研投入,提升自主创新水平....42 6.2.1 加大研发力度...43 6.2.2 充分利用信息化........43 6.

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