随着我国经济结构调整的深化,民生工程棚户区改造的大力推行,A市自2015 年实行棚户区改造房票安置政策,一定程度上刺激房价快速增长,整体来看单户个 人住房贷款金额呈上升趋势,同业竞争激烈,A分行为了抢占个人住房信贷业务, 一定程度上放松了个人住房信贷业务审核门槛,加之内外部各种因素,造成个人住 房信贷业务违约率近两年不断攀升,这给A分行个人住房信贷业务的风险管理带来 了严峻的挑战。A分行的个人住房信贷业务包括个人住房贷款业务、个人二手房贷 款业务。本文通过收集A分行个人住房信贷业务逾期及正常类贷款数据,并进行对 比分析,2017年、2018年逾期率不断攀升,尤其A分行2018年末个人住房信贷业务 不良指标考核位列倒数,一定程度上拖累了A分行个人信贷业务的发展、影响其经济 利润考核。 本文立足于A分行当前个人住房信贷业务发展状况及风险管控情况,通过发放 调查问卷、专家咨询法等进行风险识别、并通过运用层次分析法进行风险评价,指 出A分行个人住房信贷业务当前不良率高企,主要在于防范四类风险:借款人及合 作机构信用风险、内部操作风险、资产管理风险、市场风险,并通过优先级排列, 列出相互权重,最后针对性的提出建议,如借助互联网渠道了解借款人的多方面信 用风险、对合作机构加强巡查与自律性约束、加强内部员工职业道德教育及业务知 识学习、对A地区的房产根据变现难易程度进行区分贷款投放、在逾期资产管理上 建立督导机制并落实奖惩机制。 本文运用调查问卷法、专家咨询法、层次分析法等,依据A分行的数据调研及 实际情况,通过将定性指标进行量化分析,在详细介绍A分行个人住房信贷业务的 风险现状及导致风险出现的因素,并结合A分行实际情况,提出A分行在办理个人住 房信贷业务全流程中应当注意识别的风险以及相应的管控措施,最终实现A分行个 人住房信贷业务不良率的降低。 关键词:个人住房贷款业务;住房信贷风险;风险管理I ABSTRACT With deepening of our country economic restructuring, vigorously promote the people's livelihood project, implement shantytown transformation since 2015, A city housing resettlement policy, stimulate the rapid growth of housing prices, to A certain extent, the whole single-family individual housing credit amount is on the rise, competition is intense, A branch to preempt the personal housing loan business, to A certain extent eased individual housing loan business audit threshold, combined with the internal and external factors, the cause of individual housing loan business default rates rising nearly two years, the personal housing loan business to A branch of risk management has brought serious challenges. The personal housing credit business of A branch includes personal housing loan and second-hand housing loan. In this paper, through collecting Abranch loan of individual housing credit business within the time limit and normal class data, analysis and comparison, in 2017, 2018 default rate rising, especially A branch in 2018, personal housing loan business bad index evaluation was, to some extent Adrag on the development ofAbranch of the personal credit business, affect the economic profit evaluation. Based on A branch current personal housing loan business development and risk control, through questionnaires, expert consultation and so on carries on the risk identification and risk evaluation, points out that A branch of the personal housing loan business of the current high defective rate, risk measurement borrowers have been determined and cooperation mechanism, internal operation risk and market risk, credit risk, the internal management risk, four types of risk affects A branch of the personal housing loan business asset quality, and based on priority arrangement, put forward the corresponding suggestion, risk prevention measures are proposed from the above four aspects, Such as understanding the borrower's credit risk through Internet channels, strengthening inspection and self-discipline on cooperative institutions, strengthening internal staff's professional ethics education and business knowledge learning, distinguishing the amount of investment of real estate in area A according to the difficulty of realization, establishing supervision mechanism in internal management and implementing reward and punishment mechanism. This paper USES questionnaire method, expert consultation method, case study, quantity method, etc., according to A research branch of data and the actual situation, through the qualitative indexes, quantitative analysis in detail A branch of the risk of personal housing loan business status and lead to risk factors, through the study of theII research of A branch of the actual situation, proposed risk response measures, focusing on A branch of the personal housing credit risk management research were discussed, and finally it is concluded that to achieve A branch of the personal housing loan business to control risk, to reduce the failure rate. KEYWORDS: risk ManagementPersonal Housing loan Business; Housing Credit risk; risk Management1 目 录 第一章 绪论...1 第一节 研究背景和研究意义1 一、研究背景....1 二、研究内容和意义.1 第二节 国内外研究综述........2 一、国外研究综述.....2 二、国内研究综述.....2 三、文献述评....3 第三节 研究思路和研究方法4 一、研究思路....4 二、研究方法....4 第四节 本文的创新与不足....5 第二章 核心概念及理论基础.6 第一节核心概念界定....6 一、个人住房信贷业务......6 二、个人住房信贷业务风险管理........7 第二节 个人住房信贷业务风险管理的理论基础....7 一、风险识别理论.....7 二、风险计量理论.....8 三、风险处置理论.....9 第三章 A分行个人住房信贷业务发展及风险管理现状分析..10 第一节 HS银行概况....10 第二节 A分行个人住房信贷业务总体状况..10 一、个人住房信贷业务政策.....10 二、个人住房信贷业务规模情况......11 三、个人住房信贷业务特点.....132 第三节 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险管理现状...14 一、风险管理组织框架....14 二、风险预警与跟踪........15 三、风险处置..16 第四节 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险管理存在的问题17 第四章 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险识别与评价20 第一节 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险识别..20 一、问卷发放及风险因素提取.20 二、风险因素识别...20 第二节 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险评价..23 一、风险评价模型...23 二、样本数据..24 三、评价步骤..25 四、风险实证评价...26 第三节 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险评价结论..26 第五章 A分行个人住房信贷业务风险防范建议....28 第一节信用风险防范..28 第二节 内部操作风险防范..29 第三节 市场风险防范.31 第四节资产管理风险防范...32 第六章 结论34