Creative and Innovative Auditing
Bringing creativity and innovation into all professions and types of auditing
today, this book meets the needs of auditing practices in the future. Recent crit-
icisms of auditing practices by fnancial regulators, the traditional ‘expectation
gaps’ between auditors and auditees and the continuing advances in technology
make it even more important today to motivate creativity and innovation in the
professions of auditors, be they internal, external, quality, environmental, social,
clinical and so on.
Creative and Innovative Auditing
, Jeffrey Ridley studies all auditing practices,
not just internal auditing, using an innovation model he has developed through
research which is applicable to all auditing organisations and professions. He
shows how motivating innovation in auditing practices will address the needs
of today and tomorrow’s auditing of governance, risk management and control.
Jeffrey Ridley was appointed a visiting professor of auditing at the London
South Bank University, UK, in 1991, a visiting professor of corporate govern-
ance assurance at the University of Lincoln, UK, in 2013 and a visiting profes-
sor of corporate governance at the Birmingham City University, UK, in 2017.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and
a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors. His auditing experi-
ence spans both the public and private sectors. Before his academic career he
was a senior auditor in General Motors Limited for three years and manager
of internal auditing in Kodak Limited, England, for twenty-eight years. Prior
to his industrial experiences he was a member of HM Government’s Overseas
Audit Service in Nigeria for ten years. During the past twenty-three years he
has taught at undergraduate, postgraduate and now doctorate levels in London
and has spoken at many conferences, nationally and internationally.
Creative and Innovative
Jeffrey Ridley。