willistowerswatson Background Companies in India are beginning to take a more holistic view of employee healthand wellness, going beyond physical wellbeing to include emotional and financialwellbeing. All round steps are being taken, however an overarching health andwellness strategy is largely missing. Willis Towers Watson India conducted the India Health and Wellbeing Study 2018with an aim to explore the strategies and tactics used by organisationsin India toaddress employee health and wellbeing. The study was conducted during Juneto August 2018 and polled over 100 organisationsand senior HR leaders frommultiple sectors.2018 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only.2 willistowerswatson Key findings Going beyond physical wellbeing -66% employers in India have already developed, orare developing a stress or mental health strategy for their employees and an additional17% are considering it for 2021; 63% already have or are developing a strategy toimprove financial wellbeing and 13% are considering it for 2021 Employers are most concerned about their employees’ lack of physical activity (62%)and stress (55%) One in four employers recognise the role of' ‘family’ towards employee wellbeing All round steps being taken, including family outreach, but an overarching health andwellnessstrategy is largely missing Companies moving towards segmentation and increasingly embracing technology Effective and tailored communications -key for success Role of management and leadership is key to promoting health and wellbeing 3 2018 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only. willistowerswatson42018 Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential. For Willis Towers Watson and Willis Towers Watson client use only. Health and wellbeing is a top priority for both employers andemployees 86%of employeessay “Managing my health is a toppriorityin my life”. Note: Percentages indicate ‘Agree’ or ‘Strongly agree’. Source: 2017 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey, India 77%of employeessay “Employers should activelyencouragetheir employees tolive healthy lifestyles”. 94%of employerssay that their top priority is to“Identify and effectively managepopulation health risks and chronicconditions across the workforce”. 89%of employersSay that a top priority is to “Identifyand manage stress and behavioural health issues across the workforce”. 。。。。。。