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。2Copyright2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. LETTER FROM THEAUTHORS Welcome to The Nielsen Auto Marketing Report 2018!As you probably know, buying a car is a long and complex process. For starters,it’s an expensive purchase, so we tend to be cautious and deliberate about it. It’salso a decision we live with for some time, so we owe it to ourselves to reviewthe relevant options. Just consider that there are 412 distinct car models in theU.S. alone this year.1Picking the right car is not necessarily a rational process either. Ask anyone toexplain what they’re looking for in a new car and the words don’t come easy:part of it is utilitarian, part of it is hedonic, and there’s no readymade formula tomake it any easier. While we’re hard at work trying to fgure out which car to buy, you—the automarketer—are working equally hard on sophisticated incentive packages andadvertising campaigns to sway our decisions. The stakes are high: the industryspends $35 billion a year in marketing initiatives in the U.S. alone.2 Even as carsales in the U.S. have slowed down a bit in the past couple of years,3 automotiveremains one of the top-spending advertising categories on the national stage,and by far the top spender on local media.As consumers, we buy a new car every six to seven years on average, and in thattimespan we’re exposed to thousands of ads across all media channels. We’renot actively shopping the whole time, of course, but those ad impressions aresurely leaving a mark and shaping our preferences.4 At Nielsen, we’ve been studying shopping behavior for a long time, acrossall types of consumer products. It’s become increasingly clear to us that carshopping follows a unique set of dynamics.To investigate, we’re launching the frst of an annual series of auto marketingreports to take a deep dive into the consumer path to purchase, media’s impacton brand awareness and purchase intent and buying behavior across agegroups. Enjoy the report! Sincerely,Nate Hutchins and Brett House BRETT HOUSEVP - Marketing & Strategy,Nielsen Watch1 “Car Shopping Guides.” J.D. Power. Accessed September 2018.2 Almadrones, Erik, and Deloitte Digital. “Automotive Marketing: Shifting Gears in a Slowing Market.” September 13, 2017. 3 “LMC Automotive Forecast June 2018.” J.D. Power. June 25, 2018.4 “Magna Advertising Forecasts. Fall Update.” Magna Global. September 20, 2017. NATE HUTCHINSVP - Client Strategy -Automotive, Nielsen Watch3Copyright2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... 4 PATH TO PURCHASE: A NEW PERSPECTIVE....... 5 MEDIA’S IMPACT: FROM AD RECALL TO PURCHASE CONSIDERATION...... 9 DEMOGRAPHICS: ADAPTING TO CHANGE ......... 16 BRAND IMPACT: DEFENDERS VS. CHALLENGERS........ 24 CONCLUSION..... 28 ABOUT THE REPORT ...... 29 GLOSSARY OF TERMS.. 30 HOMEPATH TO PURCHASEMEDIA’S IMPACTDEMOGRAPHICSBRAND IMPACT 4Copyright2018 The Nielsen Company (US), LLC. All Rights Reserved. INTRODUCTION In today’s crowded car market, auto advertisers are hard-pressed toconnect with consumers, encourage new sales, and do it all underdiminishing budgets. It’s a steep challenge, and one that can only be metwith a full understanding of how people shop for cars and how they areinfuenced by automotive advertising. Our research, based on online surveys conducted by Nielsen every quartersince 2012, analyzes the behavior of new car buyers in the U.S. To date,more than 220,000 interviews have been completed with prospective autobuyers. You—for one—will get a new perspective on the automotive path topurchase. For example, we’ve learned that people don’t shop for cars bysimple process of elimination. When car shoppers are ready to buy, theyconsider twice as many cars as they did at the beginning of their journey.This presents a unique opportunity to infuence buying decisions very latein the game.In light of that, you’ll see how diferent media channels impact brandawareness and purchase consideration and learn how to optimize yourmedia strategy in order to build deeper connections with consumers. Thekey is to develop campaigns that can deliver on two fronts: building long- term brand equity and capturing people’s attention when they’re weighingtheir options.You’ll also get a close look at how diferent age groups not only don’t shopfor the same types of cars, but they don’t shop in the same ways either.We zoom in on Millennials and compare their behavior to that of theirolder counterparts. Finally, you’ll learn how brand market share impactskey path to purchase metrics, including unaided brand awareness andpurchase intent.We’re confdent that the fndings in this report will shed new light onthe automotive path to purchase and help you develop more informedmarketing strategies that increase purchase consideration and—mostimportantly—new car sales. HOMEPATH TO PURCHASEMEDIA’S IMPACTDEMOGRAPHICSBRAND IMPACT COMING SOON STAY TUNED FOR AUTO PATH-TO-PURCHASE INSIGHTS FORMULTICULTURAL DEMOGRAPHICS! Including: African Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans 。。。。。。

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