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comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 2 Introduction comScore products MMXMulti-Platform offers comprehensive reporting on more than 300,000 digital mediaentities, including their un-duplicated audience size, demographic composition, engagement,performance within key user segments and behavioural trends. All of these metrics can becompared across digital media platforms and can be used to understand incremental activitycoming from each platform. Mobile Metrix captures total mobile audience behaviour on browsers and apps acrosssmartphones and tablets. With Mobile Metrix, publishers can demonstrate the value of theirmobile audiences, while agencies and advertisers can strategically plan and buy digitaladvertising on mobile platforms to achieve their campaign objectives. MobiLens Plus matches quantitative observed behaviours with self-reported surveyresponses, connecting data about consumers’ mobile content consumption with purchase- intents, interests and device satisfaction. Video Metrix provides objective insights with the most accurate and comprehensivemeasurement of global online video activity. This report provides a snapshot of the globaldigital landscape, using audience sizes,demographics and behaviours across all digitalplatforms (desktop, smartphone and tablet) toidentify universal trends and uniquecharacteristics of international markets. All data comes from the comScore audiencemeasurement tools referenced across the page. For more information on this report or comScoreproducts, contact: worldpress@comscore comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 3 The State of Global Digital A look at 13 global digital markets, examining key audience and consumptionindicators across desktop, smartphone and tablet devices comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 4 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% US A Ca na da Fr an ce Ge rm an y Ita ly Sp ainUK Ar ge nt ina Br az il M ex ico Ind ia Ind on es ia M ala ys ia Multi-platformers remain a majority in most markets % of Total Digital Audience by Platform (Desktop only, Multi-platform, Mobile only) Source: comScore MMX Multi-Platform, Dec 2017 Multi-platform users (thosewho access online contentvia desktop and smartphone/ tablet in a month) remainthe majority overall, with anaverage across markets of46% of the total population. Mobile only usage nowaverages just above desktoponly consumption with across-market average of30%, driven heavily by largeshare in APAC markets,versus 24% for desktop only. 。。。。。。

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