Introduction Report at a Glance The World’s Most Infuential CMOs 2018 Understanding Infuence The Top CMOs of 2017 The Evolution of Infuence The Value of Infuence Social Engagement on the Rise Who Infuences the Infuencers Getting to Know the CMOs Methodology Endnotes Acknowledgements Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTSFORBES: THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL CMOS 2018 // 2 Introduction The World’s Most Infuential CMOs 2018 is more than a list of talented, innovativemarketers: It’s a revealing snapshot of the tectonic shifts Chief Marketing Ofcersface today and a portrait of the most efective strategies for addressing these challenges. This year’s report shows how forward-thinking marketers are grappling with threeprofoundly intertwined questions: HOW HAS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BRANDSAND CUSTOMERS CHANGED Leading CMOs know that it’s increasingly what customers say (not what thecompany says) that defnes a brand’s reputation. As Michelle Peluso, CMO of IBM,noted last year, “social has completely fattened the relationship and empoweredcustomers in previously unimaginable ways.” CMOs recognize this and are usingthese new channels to reimagine their marketing strategies and become more customer-centric. From Kristin Lemkau’s selective approach to online ad placement for JPMorganChase to Julia Goldin launching LEGO Life, a social network for kids to share their creations, the most infuential CMOs lead digital transformation with a customer-frst mindset. HOW CAN BRANDS OFFER THE VERY BESTCUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Customer experience is now a core part of the CMO role, and no wonder: Accordingto Gartner, 89% of companies now compete primarily on customer experience.“The CMO plays a critical role in shaping the customer experience because it is partof the brand-building process,” Verizon’s Diego Scotti toldForbeslast year. “Gettingthe brand and customer experience right is truly a team efort across the board.”From Dean Evans’ reimagining of car buying at Hyundai to Marc Mathieu’sbold bid to get Samsung customers to use their phonesless,top CMOs arechampioning the voice of their customers and aligning their organizationsaround better customer experiences. HOW CAN BRANDS BECOME MORE HUMAN AND APPROACHABLE Customer expectations have changed. Four billion people are now online,connected like never before, sharing their likes and dislikes in real time. Brandsneed to function at that same speed, making one-to-one human connections —and doing it on a massive scale. Top CMOs have responded to that challenge by embracing customer care, leading values-driven campaigns, and developingtheir own distinctive voices. From SAP’s Alicia Tillman partnering with UN Women to encourage female tech entrepreneurs to Tom Herbst championing accessible outdoor spaces atThe North Face, CMOs aren’t afraid to raise their voice or take a stand —because that’s how they connect and build trust with their customers. The roles and responsibilities of modern marketers are evolving faster thanever, but where some see a challenge, the world’s most influential CMOs see an unprecedented opportunity to push their organizations forward. The leaders and insights in this report tell the story of how companies cando things diferently. The world’s most infuential CMOs recognize thatcustomer experience is the new brand, and inspire marketers everywhereto ask: How can we better know and serve our customers — not as acollection of data points, but as people INTRODUCTIONFORBES: THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL CMOS 2018 // 3 1 2 3REPORT AT A GLANCE THE EVOLUTION OF INFLUENCEToday’s top CMOs are taking on signifcant responsibility for businessgrowth. The report takes a close look at two of the key business areaswhere CMOs have stepped onto the larger stage: the closely relatedterrains of customer experience and digital transformation. THE VALUE OF INFLUENCECMOs are making their infuence felt well beyond the boardroom. This year, we take a closer look at a growing phenomenon in business and marketing: senior executives who use their infuence to speak out on social issues like diversity, gender, and sustainability. FORBES: THE WORLD’S MOST INFLUENTIAL CMOS 2018 // 4 Report at a Glance UNDERSTANDING INFLUENCESocial media remains a key lens for understanding the infuence of today’s leading CMOs. The vast majority of CMOs are on LinkedIn,while top CMOs are more likely to be on Twitter than their lessinfuential colleagues. 76% 96% 98% 47% Most Infuential CMOs Other CMOs -5%-2% 2% 26% 24% 22% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 0 05%10%15%20%25% CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE DI GI TA L T RA NS FO RM AT IO N Percentage of infuential CMOs’ 2017/18 media mentions that reference customer experience or digital transformation. Dataset excludes extreme outliers.22% of stories mentioning Deloitte’s Diana O’Brien are related to digitaltransformation, and 9% to customer experience. 29% of stories mentioningLinkedIn’s Shannon Braytonalso talk about customerexperience; 24% of hercoverage touches on digital transformation. Most Infuential CMOsSUSTAINABILITYDIVERSITY7%2% GENDER9% 22%3% 17% Most Infuential CMOsOther CMOs Percentage of CMOs who drive engagement on each topic through their LinkedIn posts and shares. 。。。。。。