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PEW RESEARCH CENTERpewresearchAbout Pew Research CenterPew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudesand trends shaping America and the world. It does not take policy positions. It conducts publicopinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social scienceresearch. The Center studies U.S. politics and policy; journalism and media; internet, science andtechnology; religion and public life; Hispanic trends; global attitudes and trends; and U.S. socialand demographic trends. All of the Center’s reports are available at pewresearch. PewResearch Center is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts, its primary funder.Pew Research Center 2018 PEW RESEARCH CENTERpewresearch2421334522181915May 2018 Aug 201766 3357 41191626255458May 2018 Aug 2017 LikeHave mixed feelings aboutDon't like No or almost noA fewMany, not allAll or nearly all A majority of Americans find little or no common ground with Donald Trump on issues, but theshare who say they agree with him on many orall issues has risen since last August. Thepublic’s assessment of Trump’s conduct aspresident is little changed over the past ninemonths, with 54% saying they don’t like theway he conducts himself as president.Currently, 41% of the public agrees withTrump on “all or nearly all” or many of theissues facing the country, while 57% agree withhim on just a few issues or virtually none. InAugust, just 33% said they agreed with Trumpon many or all issues. The latest national survey by Pew ResearchCenter, conducted April 25-May 1 among1,503 adults, finds that 80% of Republicansand Republican-leaning independents now saythey agree with Trump on many or all issues,up from 69% in August. And while just 12% ofDemocrats and Democratic leaners say thesame today, the share of Democrats who say there are “no or almost no” issues where they alignwith Trump has dropped from 77% to 58%. Democrats remain deeply critical of Trump’s conduct, with 85% saying they don’t like the wayTrump conducts himself in office. But there is also criticism from within Trump’s own party: Just38% of Republicans say they like the way he conducts himself, while 45% say they have “mixedfeelings about the way he conducts himself as president.”The Trump administration also gets low marks from the public for its ethical standards: 39% saythe administration’s ethical standards are excellent or good, while 58% rate them as not good orPublic views of Trump’s issue positionsimprove; critiques of conduct remain% who say they agree with Donald Trump on __ issuesfacing the country today% who say they __ the way Donald Trump conductshimself as presidentNote: Don’t know responses not shown. Source: Survey of U.S. adults conducted April 25-May 1, 2018. PEW RESEARCH CENTER2PEW RESEARCH CENTERpewresearchPoorNot goodGoodExcellent 367619192Total Rep/Lean Rep Dem/Lean Dem 39 5875 2212 86poor. On these views partisans are deeplydivided, with three-quarters of Republicans(75%) giving the administration high marksand 86% of Democrats rating its ethicalstandards negatively.Critiques about ethical standards also extendto the two parties: Just 41% of Americans saythe GOP has high ethical standards, while anearly identical share (42%) say this about theDemocratic Party. The Republican and Democratic parties arenow seen by half of the public (50% each) ashaving good policy ideas, a trait the publicrated Democrats higher on in 2017. And morecontinue to view the GOP as “too extreme” (48%) than say this of the Democratic Party (42%).Most rate top Trump administration officials’ ethics as ‘not good’ or ‘poor’% who say that the ethical standards of top Trumpadministration officials are …Note: Don’t know responses not shown. Source: Survey of U.S. adults conducted April 25-May 1, 2018. PEW RESEARCH CENTER。。。。。。

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